this is not fair, why do people think that raping a man in ass with stick is equal to raping a girl with dick?
i want to rape a girl, because those whores always give me "friends only" bullshit and i'm fed up with it. i have been nice to girls my entire life, but lal i get in return is "friends only" while they are happily fucking everyone else except me!
and my punishment for raping, i want to get raped BY A GIRL in same way! if girl doesn't like me raping her, then she can always get on top of me and rape me in return, that's FAIR!
those cocksucking faggots need to learn what is fair!
why do girls cry over rape to begin with? i can't have sex with girl without girl having sex with me, what are they whining about? I WISH girl would "rape" me.
she gets same feeling out of it as me, why would she cry over it? stupid whores and stupid faggots who bring rape as excuse.
I get girls are weaker physically, but go ahead girls, gang up on me and rape me 5 on 1, i wouldn't be whining over it. hold me down and take turns riding me, keep going as long as you want. i might not enjoy it in the end, but i wouldn't cry over it and i would definetly not report it to police.
if i hold a girl down and fuck her, she still gets good feeling out of it, why complain over it?