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Peaceful, loving Arabs are making a statement of love and peace!
"we are burning this building down in the name of friendship, love, GayLaughCockBar, religion, the first gay icon Mohammad and his donkey bride! We love rainbows and flowers, we want peace and prosperity for everyone! To end the world hunger! And to cure all diseases!"

Then his boyfriend chimes in and adds
"my friens and life partner, respectfully, forgot to mention puppies and kittens! And all things cute! These burning tires signify our pledge to always support everything nice, cute and pretty in the world! We are so peaceful and loving! And now we will go bang! Because we're super-gay! Forgot about gays: we're regular people like you and me and deserve the same rights and respect, we also have the right to fuck and marry donkeys if we choose, only male donkeys, we are born this way!!! Now let's go have gay sex! Yes, I bought the lube you like!"
4,905 views Aug 22, 2024

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Sillygoober Addicted 1,611 points
Idk what he sayin but he spitin straight fire
0 votes
Aug 22, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
I painstakingly translated it, it's in the video description.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Unironically their prophet was literally gay. He used to smooch and kiss other men, little boys naked. He even got anal raped by some tall black men as it says in their own books.

0 votes
Aug 22, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Yeah but when THEY do it it's OK! Get it? Whoa! You don't get it?.. That's very troubling...
Allow me to elaborate: if their imam (aka the leader of the donkeyfluffer fuckadoos) rapes an 8 year-old boy then it's obvious that the boy was possessed by a Jewish demon and that the only way to get the demon out, to prevent his soul from going to zionist hell, was to rape the boy anally, same goes for women. Pretty much, whatever action they take, even the most heinous and extreme, it's all done because of the cursed jews! They, literally, force them to rape and murder by being all zionist-y, Jewish-y and all, like, "Shalom!" instead of "Salam!". Makes my blood boil just by thinking about how evil and different the Jewish translation for "Hello" sounds from their Muslim counterparts... You can feel the evil in it right away!
Oh, the reason old Muslims often have a harem of 10-14 year old wives is because "that's how it's been, like, forever", which means that they're just being respectful of history! And the abuses we hear about , around the globe, perpetrated by Muslim men against women, such as forcing them to wear that clothed prison caled "Hidjab" (or "burka" or whatever the fuck) in an extreme heat until they die from a heat stroke is NOT becauss they're insane fanatics but rather because they love and respect women so very much! Love them TO (women's) DEATH one can say! That's why they beat them and often even kill them, duhh! Out of love! Most importantly, what they want you to know is that WOMEN WANT THIS Treatment! They CRAVE it, even when they protest against it and then die as punishment for that protest, even when they commit suicide as a last resort, it's all done out of love for their maste...I mean lawful husbands, there you go. We just "don't get it" and if you "don't get it" and can't appreciate the muslim/Islamic culture for what everything that it is then you're an ISLAMOPHOBE! Aka racist, aka Hitler.

So if you ever, EVER speak out against grown men raping young boys and girls in the name of some weird religion or using religious fanaticksm to commit heinous acts of unspeakable evil, remember: YOU'RE WORSE THAN HITLER AND JUST "DON'T GET IT", probably because of all the Jewish demons living inside you... I but that can be helped with anal sex, see your local Islamic religious fanatic leader for anal - rapey details. M-M-Kay? M-M-KAY!!!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
When the world criticizes them for their faulty destructive ideology, they come up with,

"Its not the eyes that are blind but the hearts"

A seriously flawed metaphor.
Which means "Non muslims don't accept our clearly visual truth not because they don't see it, but because they are emotionless (heartless)"

Which further proves the point that these zombies don't think rationally but emotionally.
abab2294 14 points
I know you hate Islam, and in fact we Muslims laugh at your trivial ideas about us Arabs and about Islam, everything you mentioned is considered weak and incorrect, and if you had any honesty and scientific integrity you would have presented the full picture of the story, and you will find that it is written "weak".

If you are looking for these things and you like them you can search in the Holy Book (the Bible) about the prophet who raped his daughters or the prophet who killed a woman's husband in order to commit adultery with her.

Or you can be a person with a mind and search honestly and honestly for the truth instead of these trivial stories that you spread about Islam.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
This isn't going to work, I trust my eyes more than I trust that used toilet paper you and your hairy-knuckled, donkey-fluffing, bombvest-wearing brethren call a "koran" so you can keep trying to use your half-assed, illiterate, Muslim equivalent of Jedi Mind tricks on everyone, except that you will find that not everyone is a gullible, angry moron willing to kill himself in the name of an imaginary ghost or out of anger at himself or a made-up story about their ancestors, or when they're told that they were ass fucked by the jews... Ok, broza? I hope you all die horrible deaths and yes, I do mean ALL OF YOU. The world will definitely, unequivocally and without a doubt be a better place without you because you're the equivalent of a nasty, smelly fungus and thus need to be cleansed.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@abab2294 What the fuck are u yapping about lol. I m not someone who defends child rape, pedophilia, sex slavery, inbreeding no matter who does it. I m not a christian. No matter who does those things its bad and definately not closely anything Godly. Understood braindead zombie musulman ?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@abab2294 "honest honest true stories present in ur own books". LMAO i probably know more quran and hadees than u dumbfuck abdul. Its either definately a book of satan or its a book made up by mohammad to get laid with sex slaves and a 6 year old baby and to loot other tribes in caravan. Its very clearly made by mohammad. abduls follow his sunnah
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
That's what they do: spread baseless rumors, thus creating a reference point they can go back to under someone else's guise, as in "see? This guy also talks about it, ok not the only one!". It's called "confirmation bias", they basically create conspiracy loops, quoting themselves at a later date thus proving themselves right, it's a form a self-delusion that works on people who are emotionally vulnerable and/or in need of constant reassurance, that's the reason Trump's base still exists: people looking for a savior, someone who will tell them that they're not the reason for all their own problems. It's brilliant, in a way, unfortunately, also makes them cheap lars and anyone intelligent enough to spot a lie will never even look their way... Number one reason all intelligent people stay away from religion (especially Muslims) or anything and anyone else whose only proof is "trust me, bro!", aka "Take it on fate" or the oldest one in the book: "you must believe and do as I say in order not to go to hell".
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@Wendingo I would still give all the religious people expecially muslims the benefit of doubt to logically defend how their religious theology makes sense. They never read their own books. They are brinwashed by sugarcoated bits by their mullas. A 5 year old baby can debunk islam if it reads it.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Any religion is a weaponized garbage solely written as means of controlling the population. I thought that progress would help us grow out of it but, unfortunately, for as long as there are those who prefer to ask God for shit instead of working hard, the terminally unhappy and other types of losers and incel of all kinds, including those who can't rectify that their fear of death is the only reason they pretend to believe in God, unfortunately, religion will exist and flourish, at least for as long as they do.
Muslims just went much further than others in convincing themselves that death is not the end, psychological conditioning is very powerful and they get endoctrinated into the idea that if you listed to someone who (swearzies!) talks to God you will not seize to exist after death but will go to that coveted place beyond the physical realm, where 99 drunken, horny 11 year old brides, whose virginity comes back after you rape them, will be waiting for you. It's a classic "carrot and stick" scenario but they're not smart enough to understand it because (no surprise there) Muslims mostly exist in places where education and personal growth aren't prioritized or even exist. All Muslims must be destroyed, otherwise we will end up paying the ultimate price of being destroyed by them because these fanatic fucks are willing to destroy the world instead of letting other, "inferior" infidel-types live in it.
abab2294 14 points
She was not a child, because if she was a child, people at that time would have objected to the Messenger and said, how can you marry a child?

 She was originally engaged to another man before the Messenger, so were all people pedophiles? My grandmother got married at the age of 12 and she was not a child. 100 years ago in Britain they got married at ages between 12 and 14, so how about 1400 years ago? And if you are going to cite texts, take them in full. She herself tells you that she got married when she was 9 years old, meaning she tells you that she got married and you object that she got married and agreed to this marriage because your brain makes you imagine that she was like children now who are 9 years old.

And she herself says in another text that she married the Messenger when she was 9 years old and she was a woman, so should I believe your words and imaginations or should I believe her words?

As for the dolls, I did not understand what you mean, meaning you think that since she has dolls, this means that she is a child, and this is the most trivial thing I have heard. We all have dolls when we are adults. In the past, there was nothing for entertainment except making dolls and playing with them
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Fuck the messenger who never existed, fuck koran and fuck all religions and all religious books. You wanna belive in fairy tales? Sounds good, just don't be expected to be taken seriously by anyone. If you don't understand that your fear of death forces you to follow rules from a book written by man and not some imaginable diety then you're a fucktard and not worth talking to, none of the religious fanatics ever are.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@abab2294 1) No sane person marries a 12 year old girl. 2) Age of puberty starts from 12 and ends somewhere around 16-18. 3) Puberty is a period just like pregnancy. Just like u can't take the baby out before end of 9 months, u cannot have sex with a girl going through puberty (12-13-14-15). 4) Not only physical maturity is needed to bear a baby but also mental maturity and responsibility that comes near/after 18. 5) Yeah anyone (especially 55 year olds) who plans on or marries 6 year old girl and has sex with her when she is "pre pubescent" 9 years old is a child rapist and pedophile. Sahih bukharu 6130 clarifies she was a pre pubescent. Even if she was going through puberty it would be a problem .Facts don't care about ur feelings. Stats show that age of puberty over the years has been decreasing. Which means the present age of puberty (12) for females is the lowest ever, in the history of mankind. No need for muslims to become annoyed of ur child rapist prophet's deeds. Because quran never sets a lower age limit for girls. U can even marry babies and have sex with them. Even if we agree that it was a norm back then, then ur prophet becomes just a normal guy who followed disguting societal norms. Ur prophet didn't change the bad societal norms, but actually followed all of them including sex slavery. So he doesn't qualify as "messenger of god", "timeless inspiration" category as he would be hanged to death in a civilised society. And this is just one topic. He did many disgusting things like beheading non believers men and killing their babies and also taking their daughters and sisters as sex slaves during NIGHT RAIDS (Offensive battle). The looted caravans, became a fake messiah of sex addict subhuman niggers in 7th century arab. U muslims never read ur own qurand and hadees with translation and even if u do, u never inspect it with humanity and morality. This is why the world hates ur kind, u piss drinking zombies.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
At this point, you should all just meet up and rape Shiva’s dirty brown melanin monkey shithole. If you guys love each other so much & text for hours, then go pursue a gay brown shitskin relationship. What’s stopping you?
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
We come here to watch/comment on gore videos, not read your homoerotic fantasies, you needy attention-seeking fuck.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
You and Shiva were texting each other for hours talking about Quaran because you two are shitskins. And I’m the attention seeker?
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Die, just die, I'm not interested in what you have to say.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
Why? Your only social life is on a gore website.
I’m sexier than you.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Russian bitch whore son who lifts muzzie balls is the worst of creatures. Lmao.

We are talking about quran because we are bad mmkay HAHAHAHA. Typical retarded monkey brained piggie, the quran talks about taking ur mother as a mussie sex slave. Enjoy doing that favour to ur muzzie gay friends.
abab2294 14 points
What you are saying about marriage now, I agree with you and Islam agrees on that as well, it is not possible now for a girl to marry at the age of 9, but you are comparing people living at this time with those who lived 1400 years ago, in those days the times of puberty were faster due to the environment in which they lived.

I mean that 100 years ago the age of marriage was 12, so how about 1400 years ago, and the age of 12 is not the lowest age for marriage throughout history as you said, but because you only rely on what is available on the Internet and you can search for it easily, there are books, research and historians who mentioned that people used to marry in the United States of America at the age of 7 and 8 years, just because you searched in Wikipedia and did not find the information, this does not make your words correct.

I hope you learn and become more educated about this topic and about Islam in general. Read and listen to books and reliable sources, not to the media and Wikipedia.

The hadith you mentioned, I don't know what the problem is, it urges marriage to young girls, if you marry an older woman, it's not like marrying a young girl.

In the end, Aisha herself said that when she got married, she was a woman, so I don't know why you insist on the opposite.

Yes, Islam did not specify an age for marriage because age is just a number, you may be 20 years old and not ready for marriage, or you may be 14 and ready for marriage, and it all depends on the environment and circumstances in which you live. The conditions in Islam are puberty and physical and mental ability. Simply put, if you are an adult and have physical and mental ability, you can marry, and there is nothing about what you call having sex with children, all lies you hear from ignorant people like you and social media.

The verse you mentioned relates to marriage as a contract, not having sex, as happened with the Prophet, who married Aisha at the age of 6, but did not have a sexual relationship with her until after the age of 9.

There is no verse or scholar that permits having a sexual relationship with a child. The verse speaks about marriage as a contract that you can consider as an engagement.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Oh for fuck's sake... Do you think anyone will read this long stench of a verbal vomit? Besides, what are you doing?? Who are you writing to? Are you narrating? Pontificating? Or you think you're preaching? And also making sense? Anither crazy muzzy spreading the word of his faggoty God Olaf and his even gayer sidekick Muhammed... What you're doing is torturing English and promoting pedophilia and stupidity.
What a fucktard!
Good job, you gained eleventeen little virgins to recruit as your peaceful human explosives, now stfu and fuck off already.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
"Puberty came faster" aurgivement proved wrong by the graph i showed u. Puberty never came as early as its now. So wrong.

Nigga wtf are u even typing. I already said, just because some people did marry young girls in olden days, it doesn't make it moral or humane. It still stays pedophilia. Especially when a old 55 year old married 6 year old. Remember its 6 don't stretch it to double (12) hahahaha. And no nobody in US or anywhere married 6 year olds. If they did, they are pedophiles like ur prophet.

Aisha said she used to play with dolls and 6 years old when pedo prophet married her. She didn't even know what marriage was when she was married, its in hadees. A 6 year old baby that doesn't eveb know what marriage is, is a woman. hahahahahahahaha. My reliable source is science and common sense and articles that show puberty never came that early (6).
"Age is just a number" LMAOOO HHAHAHA I AGREE In islam even a 3 year old baby can be raped legally.

6 year old baby is never even reached puberty 12 year old reached puberty but when puberty completes, then they become mature. Pisslamfoesn't talk about puberty criteria anywhere.

No social media. I proved pisslam supports child, baby raoe from quran 65:1-4 and hadees bukhari 5134, 6130.

Quran 65:1-4 speaks about pregnancy waiting period of babies ( pre pubescents) .
So quran supports child and baby rape.

U can't form contract of sex with someone who doesn't even understand sex i.e. babies. So its rape.

I piss on pisslam. Ur verbal diarrhoea had nothing but fake madeup scenarios which i already disproved in my comment showing graph.

Its useless to aurgive with those that know its bad but still deny it. Ur taught to lie and decieve in ur satanic cult .
abab2294 14 points
Your words are completely wrong, because people used to reach puberty faster in the past due to their harsh environment, your words are illogical and the chart you have is just garbage because marriage under the age of 12 is historically proven until the age of 7 and 8, and you insist that they used to marry children, these were not children, a person who is 8 or 12 years old today is 360 degrees different from a person who was 8 or 12 years old hundreds and thousands of years ago.

And you say that the Messenger was gay, and this does not exist anywhere and no one among humans said it or even proved it.

The subject of Aisha's marriage is a finished subject because she is the one who said that the Messenger married her and she was a woman, so are you more knowledgeable than her about herself?

Your information in these topics makes you look stupid, because marriage at young ages in the past is very normal and was naturally widespread due to the rapid maturation and puberty of those generations, and this is something that no historian has disagreed with.

Scientifically, there is nothing in your genes or DNA that indicates your age number, even archaeologists determine the age of the skeleton based on measurements related to the size of the bones, pelvis, jaw, etc., and there is nothing that determines your age number.

You did not prove anything from the Quran, the verses are clear and do not mention the subject of child rape, you are just trying to imagine that because of the huge amount of media you are exposed to.

I agree that it is useless to discuss this subject with you because of the amount of ignorance you possess, you say things that Muslims and even non-Muslims do not agree with and do not believe in, even Christians believe that Joseph was 95 years old when he married Mary, and she was 12 years old, which is a greater age difference than the age difference between the Prophet Muhammad and Aisha.

I hope that you will educate yourself and read impartially, although it is difficult for people like you
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
All that words have zero use against science, hadees bukari 5134, 6130 (explicity mentioning aisha was pre pubescent baby playing with dolls who didn't even know what marriage was), quran 65:1-4 (divoce period of pre pubescents), science of history :- Graph was made showing how age of puberty changed through years and the graph has always been going down. Which implies that current age of menarch (12) is the lowest age ever in human history.

Keep yapping " it was common" bs

A person who follows dirty common things of society is a common person not some messenger who came to guide people and remove societal faults.

Rather i can even prove IT WAS NOT COMMON BACK THEN with ur own books


Well here u go abdool, ur pedo muhammad himself obstructing child marriage of Umar :- .

Abu bakr didn't agree to marry his young daughter before being blackmailed by momo as "allah's wish"


Age of puberty (commense of menarch) has always been higher as we go back in time. NOT LOWER. Present time has lowest age of menarch i.e. 12 which is just beginming of puberty. A girl physically matures at end of puberty somewhere near 14-16.

It would be still pedophilia and child rape if aisha was 14-16.
Aisha was literally pre pubescent baby

Keep seething and beating around the bush and ignoring facts from ur own books.Facts remain facts abdool.

abab2294 14 points
Repeating the same sentences does not make your words correct, the hadith did not mention that she was a baby playing with dolls, but rather it mentions that she had dolls and was playing with them, otherwise why did the Prophet wait two years?

The subject is simple, the marriage contract was at the age of 6, and the marriage was completed at the age of 9 until Aisha matured, so the subject of dolls does not indicate anything, as you may buy a doll on Valentine's Day, so do we say that your beloved (22 years old) because she has a doll to play with, she is a child, and the verse does not mention anything in your mind.

I do not know where you got the ridiculous graph from, but with a simple search you can find that it is normal for girls to reach puberty at the age of 8 to 13, and this is scientific research, and other studies have proven that reaching puberty is faster in hot regions, and the studies related to the subject of puberty are all on western regions and not the Middle East or tropical regions, so you find older ages because western regions are cold regions, and I did not find a study on our Arab or tropical region.

I mean that marriage at a young age is common, that is, it was normal and happened, and this was documented by historians and cannot be denied.

The hadith that you mentioned when the Messenger said "she is young", he meant that the age difference between her and Omar and Abu Bakr was large, not that she was a child drinking milk. The issue of the age difference during marriage is not obligatory or forbidden, but rather it is left to the one who will marry. Abu Bakr married Aisha to Muhammad because he saw that he was a Messenger and had good morals and so on, and the Messenger refused to marry Fatima to Omar or Abu Bakr because the age difference was large, each person and how he sees the issue.

The other hadith does not contain any blackmail and it is all from your imagination only, even the title of the hadith is clear and does not mention marrying children or babies, but rather says marrying a young lady, and the issue of the age difference is a matter left to the people.

The chart you have only shows the last 100 years or so and only shows European or Western regions, it is not accurate to say that puberty was always high when you go back, it would certainly be higher 100 years ago in Western regions that were cold and the resources that help you reach puberty are few, but studies that talked about tropical regions proved the exact opposite, and the current normal puberty age is between 8 and 13 years.

The hadith you mentioned about Aisha that she was playing with dolls is true but what does it have to do with the subject, she was not at the age of puberty which means that the Messenger did not have a sexual relationship with her because as she herself said that he completed the marriage when she was nine years old, so you mention the hadith that he was playing with dolls with her and I do not know how this can be bad and not good.

Finally, you are just repeating the same words, nothing more, nothing less. Aisha herself says that she was an adult when the Prophet married her, and you want to deny that. There is no verse or hadith that mentions having sexual relations with children. You are just making that up. Your words about the age of puberty are wrong. Your words about Islam are wrong. Your words about science are wrong. Your words about history are wrong. There is nothing to support everything you said.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
I swear to God I’ll beat the fuck out of all of you. One by one.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
The prophet waited TWO YEARS until she was a LEGAL AGE! of 9!!! 9 is a perfectly acceptable age to get raped by a delusional pedo who thinks that an imaginable diety speaks to him! He wasn't some WEIRDO, he was a PEDOPHILE! A HOLY PEDOPHILE! SHE WAS 9, NOT 7! BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

For fucks sake... Are all muzzies this good at convincing themselves that fucking kids is OK? Now I understand why they blow themselves up so readily: "no, you don't die, EVERYBODY ELSE dies, the explosive goes off AROUND YOU, you're protected by the magical force of olafcockbar, if I'm wrong come back and tell me, I will apologize!"
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Its a zombie parasite. Don't debate it. Debating facts is illogical. Facts remain facts. I rest my case with all the proofs from his own books and actual scientific research rather than blabbering in thin air like that abdool piss drinking demon worshipping rabid inbred subhuman flat earth believing pimp ollla fuckbar worshipping terrorist scum halala mutah born rape seed

abab2294 14 points
Repeating the same words will not make it true, there is nothing scientific that you presented as evidence, you showed a graph talking about some European countries for a period of 100 years and you say that the age of puberty was always high, the study did not mention anything about other countries that have hot weather or about pre-evolutionary periods, not to mention your public disregard for all the existing scientific studies that you can reach with a simple search and completely contradict your words.

You did not prove anything from my books and since you insist on lying with all the responses I sent you and the respect I showed you, I will stop responding to you, because you do not want to know the truth, you have texts that you copy and paste, you do not have any scientific responses to what I said, you just repeat the same words.

If the issue is about Aisha, she is the one who said herself that she was a woman when the Messenger married her. If it is about the marriage of babies, no one mentioned it and all Muslims deny it basically and there are no texts to support it. If it is about the marriage of young girls, then if they reach menstruation and have the physical and mental ability, they can marry like any other woman. If they are still not physically or mentally ready, they can only write the marriage contract, and when she becomes physically and mentally capable, she can establish a full marriage. If the issue is about the age difference between the spouses, then this is left to the people to decide if they want to marry someone younger or older than them.

This is what Islam says and Muslims practice. What you are trying to do is tell us that you understand our religion more than us and bring false texts or some of them are correct and interpret them in your own way away from their context or insert immoral Western concepts and ideas. This is stubbornness because we know our religion and the texts that you mentioned we know and we are not ashamed of them. You did not bring new texts, you only distorted their meanings for a purpose of yours, which is to fight Islam.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Do any of u guys understand what he is writing ? <a href='../user/Wendingo'>@Wendingo
 Lolll he is just throwing big english words here and there in his sentences without actually making any sense.
"pre-evolutionary" LMAO
"disregard all existing scientific studies"
"hot wheather" yeah saudi arabia has snow now. Lol
Idk which scientific study he is using to justify 55 year old raping a 9 year old baby
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
I stopped trying to rectify this phenomenon of religious lunacy told via pseudo-scientific jargon in a desperate attempt to justify heinous acts committed in the name of an imaginary diety a very long time ago. He may believe that his attempt at basic literacy is more convincing that those of illiterate nature but it's still just a religious gospel for the feeble-minded, I have zero doubt that it would work on the unwashed masses of Muslim "want-to-believers" but anyone with an iota of intelligence, common sense or sober judgment will just dismiss him as an idiot and a demagogue.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
"He may believe that his attempt at basic literacy is more convincing that those of illiterate nature"

So true. U summed it up like a poet.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
I wonder if this mentally retarded Muslim knuckle-dragging turban wearer realizes that meems aren't facts? Or that, just because something has a convincing font it doesn't make it true, no matter how many times you sprinkle the names of allah or mohammed around the lseudo-sacred text, in the end of the day, he is more likely to find something making fun of him and his avid, fanatical devotion to an imaginary being than something proving it's existence?
Also, just fyi, any religion or religious text referencing an intercourse, willing or unwilling, with an underage woman is just a pedo porn, any medium justifying a rape of a minor or harm caused to one must be destroyed.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
@Shiva thank you but, in literary sense, I consider myself to be well below average, English is my second language and I'm not nearly smart or eloquent enough to be poetic. What I do know for a fact, however, is that scientific proof and scientific discipline in general rejects the very foundation of religion, scientists have hypotheses and theories which must be proven, before they become a rule, a law or a proof of anything, religion in itself is proof of nothing and it's theological roots prevent the very idea of ever getting it. It's all bullshit, basically, wherever religion starts common sense ends. This moron thinks he is spreading the word of God, in reality, he is most likely an abused future (or current) pedophile in a desperate search for a permission from his subconsciousness to commit the acts he described, prior committed by the holy-whatever, or something rather... Fucking religious lunatics really get me angry, I wish religion didn't exist or was against the law.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
The hijab piggies sexualize long hair. Kill them all.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Any religion, not just the burning trash heap of Islam, being a system of silly beliefs based on faith rather than empirical evidence, is inherently susceptible to the pitfalls of unsubstantiated claims. The reliance of religion on the divine or supernatural (aka "made-up", aka "motivational poster meem of the stone ages) while providing solace and meaning for the feeble-minded, also leaves it open to critical scrutiny and skepticism of anyone with any common sense but it's a clever weapon and contains provisions to deputise and promote those that defend it against its critics, the ones that are the most mentally disturbed and unhappy because a religion is also a way for the terminally unlucky to re-classify their own lack of effort or shitty attitude as a supernatural event, rather than a character flaw. But mostly, any religion is nothing more than a clever way of making slaves, by making good-old subjugation look like salvation, mostly by means of "carrot and stick" and also a threat of an eternal torture if compliance isn't achieved or any deviation from its instructions is observed by the omnipotent all-knowing, all-seeing, ever-present AI. I mean 'god'.
+1 vote
Sep 1, 2024