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Coolest trick ever, Mr. Pajeet!
Please, do it again! Oh, you can't, you're dead...
4,607 views Aug 26, 2024

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Humachine Overlord 5,209 points
His alter ego made him do it, his pagan god responded by not responding at all.
+2 votes
Aug 26, 2024
ReligiousMan Overlord 5,615 points
It's from Indonesia, Bro. He's cooked. LoL
+1 vote
Aug 26, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
He grabbed two live wires and died, he is a Pajeet.
kingpin Overlord 5,257 points
finally cool trick gone hot
+2 votes
Aug 26, 2024
NoLivesMatter Advanced 2,298 points
Better break dancer than that Australian ho
+1 vote
Aug 26, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Bro who is that australian break dancer everyone is talking about. Did she do that bad ?
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
She pretended to be a Kangaroo, it was VERY bad. Break dancers need to, you know, break dance, not mimic their national animal in the most unorofound, silly, childish way. Yes, she did very, very bad.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Shiva, the unfortunate brown melanin monkey shitskin from thee cesspools of toilet India. How are you? Your brown melanin piece of SHIT!!! Your skin & eyes are the color of actual shit. Inferior piece of brown shit.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Why are u copy pasting same shit everywhere following me ? Lol. Lame ass bitch i wouldn't even waste my time educating u lol.

I m glad i made u seethe so hard.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Shiva, you have an admirer! Don't forget: he is only after you because he likes you so much but doesn't have the courage to tell you about his feelings.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Educate me on what exactly? What could a brown piece of shitskin educate a white European about? You need to educate your fellow shitskins to stop consuming white girl porn because none of you monkeys will ever obtain a white beauty. Any white person steps foot in your cesspool country & gets their bleached white holes gangraped because you all worship our white genitals. Notice how no white people want to visit your dirty filthy country. No one migrates to India except the gutter bunny nigger fuckers who love turd brown/black cock!
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Wendingo has an erection for Shiva’s brown turd cock. Wendingo are you a shitskin? Maybe you two should meet in real life & wendingo can slaughter Shiva’s pitiful melanin monkey ass. He lives in cesspool toilet shithole India.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger you sound like an incel fag thirsty for attention, with your homoerotic bullshit. Just kill yourself. I'm not erasing your sick fantasies past the first sentence, you're not worth my time.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
The only reason people watch porn is because ur white piggie mothers provide free onlyfans content to fap for us. Ofcourse i would always marry an indian who is not a cumdump polygamous whore like ur mother. Lmao.

"Worship white genitals"  its actually opposite. I m not black but interracial pirn is very common among ur dirty women and cuck men too. Lol
Are u angry that black are cucking ur faggoted race ?
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger lover!!! There’s a lot of white people who are tan and have brown eyes you stupid albino nigger faggot lmao!! You just sound like typical inbred white trash that’s crying about your mom and sister getting fucked by a bigger nigger dick instead of your microcephalic baby albino penis. Nothing about you is superior to anyone on this site.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
White people with brown tans are also shitskins in my book. And if their tan is burnt pinkish then they are pigskin-shitskin hybrid. I can tell by your username you’re one of the hybrids. Most white people have hazel eyes. Most brown people have brown eyes. My skin is pale white like snow & my eyes are green. I am superior. I’m sorry your eyes & skin are the color of shit I must have hit a nerve. Drink bleach maybe your shit colored eyes & filthy burnt “redneck” melanin complexion will lighten. Удачи.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Lmao.. how many times your “superior” pasty ass burns in the sunlight hahaha.. figured your some inbred nazi albino retard thinking he’s superior to everyone. Why would I want to do anything to become an inferior pasty bitch like yourself? I’m not the one with your retarded pathetic problem with skin color. Enjoy being a snowflake burning in the sun, I’ll just get darker as you cry about shit skins lmao. Hit a nerve? Hell no! I just enjoy calling out stupid inferior fags like yourself who think their better than anyone when you clearly are not. And I’m American so don’t waste your time with your faggy Russian bullshit. That just makes you a bigger sub human sack of shit
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
“I’ll just get darker as you cry about shit skins lmao.” Bitch go tan yourself charcoal black like an African I don’t care, darkie. I don’t stay in the sun outside all day because I don’t want to burn pinkish red brown like you melanin rednecks.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
He is acting like he is trying to select a gay partner for himself on this gore site. He is telling his fetishes.
U manlet bitch, u care about skin, eyes colour more than all females.
Dark, tan will be always better than pale/pink.  I just exercised in sun for 1 hour and i feel great. Although i m very much a fair skinned. But i will always try to be in sun. Stay in ur cave faggot testosterone less bitch.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
You wish you were even close to being fair skinned, you’re brown like shit. And now you’re more brown after cooking yourself in the sun for hours. Girls do care about skin & eye color that’s why they would always choose pale Russians with green eyes over you melanin jungle monkeys. You shitskins want to breed with us for our features & to improve your ugly bottom of the barrel bloodline.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
I m not dark brown or pale white. I m whitish fair. Search it up, "white indians". Little more whitish than my avatar in my pfp. I love my skin. I would rather prefer to be tan than pale.

And no, we don't want hiv breeding with pigskin polygamaous whores. Speak less.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Yeah keep fucking lying to yourself. The white Indians don’t even live in poverty like the rest of you do. & they run away from you because you darkies love raping & killing them for being prettier.

& FYI the “white Indians” are not ethnically Indian, they’ve migrated from Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc that’s why they’re a lot more attractive. Funny how skin color typically plays a role in determining who’s wealthier & who isn’t.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Dumbfuck, Its actually opposite. People living near North India have migrated westwards.
Research and archeological, and genetic evidence shows that there has not been any intervention of foreign gene in India since human civilisation. Indus valley civilisation was Vedic and they moved to westwards when indus river dried 3500 years ago. Get educated retarded monkey. India is the cradle of human civilisation. So people orignined here and went outwards.
People's in colour depends on climate they live. Indians are mostly brown and dark but white and fair exist too and they are not rare.

Pakis are brown and white similiar to north indians.

True true "white" afghanistanis are richer than their brown arab countries like saudi and kuwait.
Ur a brain rotten zombie.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
I dont really tan/burn in the sun. If I burned my skin would be pink except it looks like chalk. Yeah exactly the “doctors & engineers” have to escape to White Power America to pursue any career they couldn’t in their own mother country. Tell me why the cleanest safest neighborhoods are majority white. And yeah I could acknowledge that Indians who make it to America do become very successful, but that’s because white people built that system for them. Duh? You just proved my point. And maybe Shiva should have never called white people “pigskins” because being a “shitskin” is no better. But we can’t call brown people racist can we? I guess we have too much white power.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Ok sorry for calling u pigskin. And btw blonde hair, pink coloured, aryan superior race people exist in india too look :-

Why are u an albino ? Why are u not normal ?
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
He’s gotta have a really weak bones too if he’s never out in the sun. As we age, we lose the ability to make vitamin D and the best way to supplement that is sunlight. Working on oil rigs all day in the woods or out in the ocean I get lots of sunlight and being half Hawaiian and half white honky hick ass redneck from west penciltucky. I’m pasty in the winter and Nigger in the summer. Doesn’t change who I fucking am because of my skin color lmao. And that system that white power built. Seems pretty easy for them dark skins to master because there are a lot more of them in America, a lot more than white doctors that I see
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
You don’t work in a hospital & aren’t in a hospital everyday so how would you know. The whole “doctors & engineers” thing is just an overused excuse for brown people to infest every white country. They should become doctors & engineers in their own countries. Why can’t they? Because they want to live in white populated countries since they are safer, cleaner & low crime. Shitskins follow whites everywhere & want to breed with us because their own race always leaves them for other whites anyway. They want our white power & the only way to slightly achieve that if you’re a shitskin is to date white people. I wear long sleeves in the sun because I don’t want a drop of nigger melanin on my white skin. Plus tan lines are hideous. My green eyes glow against my white skin & brown hair. I would look like a blackface nigger trailer park beach bum if I was “tanned”
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Indians come to west for reasons like education, higher paying jobs and they succeed at it. "Safer" , "low crime" LMAO 20× higher rapes than india and crimes like shooting, stabbing. Indians take risk lol. Cry about it pigskin SLAVe nigger. Keep creating ur own delusions. Don't waste too much time on gore,go help ur slave nigger mom. They are beating her up for stealing drugs. Help her shoot her onlyfans after. Do interracial porn its more famous in the west.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Stop comparing your country to American statistics. 9/10 rapes in India are unreported so the stats are nowhere near accurate. Not every girl who gets raped even goes to the police you shitface. Yeah so howcome the education & higher paying jobs don’t exist in India? And why is Russia always the first country you creepy poopskin Indian (shit)skinwalkers want to visit? Why aren’t whites flooding India for the country’s “education” & “high paying jobs”? Answer, diarrhea-skin. Answer me, poop-colored eyes.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Hey slav drug addict whore son, does this make u seethe hard ? I can imagine u angrily staring cussing at them "suka blyat, blyat" and taking vodka shots and going into depression. Hahahah.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Hahaha your obsession with skin color is amusing. I’m willing to bet most people nowadays in the world are not flocking to Russia and most likely avoiding it
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
You Indians really need to shower at least twice daily. & scrub with soap. Scrub your dirty little black cock with sandpaper to even get the stink out of your filthy melanin. Shit-colored eyes creep me out. Don’t let the gutter bunny porn fool you into thinking 90% of white girls aren’t racist. White girls are becoming gun owners because of you shitskins. White girls carry knives & “pepper spray” & guns in case they get raped by you monkey white-obsessed shitskinpoopskins.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Just an fyi. Bird shit is white so I mean if we are shitskins then you are definitely nasty ass runny cum stained birdshitskin hahahaha
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Every non-Slavic creep goes to Russia or any other Slavic country in hopes of dating our beautiful women. It’s disgusting how sexualized we’ve become. Our women would stab any shitskin to death though, because they know shitskins are in lust with them.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Well fuck I may be wrong about this, with all the men too busy and preoccupied dyeing or invading Ukraine, Russia is just full of horny pussy or pussy ass dudes, No wonder you are having so many immigrants come to Russia
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
That is such a sad cheap desperate comeback. Why is white skin the most desired, even amongst you shitskins? Why do you brown shitskinwalkers only watch white girl porn? I understand our women have the prettiest pussies & bleached Snow White assholes & look like dolls, unlike your women. But white girls don’t want you, unless they’re disgusting gutter bunnies who suck brown turd cock. The normal white girls get licensed to carry guns to shoot you brownpoop creeps. Date/marry your own skin color!! Stop jerking off to racist white girls.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
I know you two brown trash shitskins would marry a white gutter bunny in a heartbeat.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
You can’t even jerk off to your own bitches because their pussies look like dark brown poop!! With their stinky melanin assholes. I just want to throw bleach on all of you. Sad how you’re women attempt to bleach their skin to look like a chalk slav girl but they’ll never be white like snow. Your women put in green/blue eye contacts to try to look like us too. With their black ass salami nipples.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Russia is the biggest country & the war zones are only a small part of Russia, next to Ukraine. Everywhere else isn’t occupied by war so shut you’re fucking pigskin shitskin mouth. Stinky brown melanin poop diarrhea maggots.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
yes that was a cheap shot I will admit that. Well we know your type now. Now if I were to have an absolute preference on porn. It’s definitely red heads or freckles on the face and back dimples(skin,eyes,and hair color don’t matter if you got those) but a redhead with freckles and back dimples yum yum. Everything is bright pink… anyways I’m actually considered white by everyone around me. Even though I have brown hair and 3 brown eyes. White bitches love this dick lmao I can’t help it if they come to me.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Listen to you go. Hahahaha triggered much?!?
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Skin color doesn’t matter to real men. Hell it doesn’t matter to all rational people in general
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
So like I’ve said before subhuman albino birdshitskin inbred commie fuck. Make me shut my mouth, there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it. War is coming for all of Russia soon enough. And you can thank all you faggots bobbing on Putin’s cock
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Don't know which filthy indians u met. But indians normally bath once a day or even twice during summers due to hot climate here. Yes u read that right, it might be a luxury for u cave dwelling ice pigskins to even think about bathing in a climate like urs. Thats why u bath in perfumes everyday instead of water and think its clean with shit smeered all ove ur ass with a toilet paper just like ur monkey ancestors used tree leaves and not water to clean themselves. U slave niggers bath in vodka lmao.

Dmitri be brave and click the link.

Its not like their whole aim, its just a side quest conquoring whiteys fed up of edgy pink clit haver faggots. Cuckism is in ur DNA. Thats why the subscribers of are 90% pink faggots.
I know it can be a very traumatic experience when ur so "bAsEd aNd rAyCiSt" but ur women don't cooperate
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
1 shitskin + 1 shitskin equals 2 shitskins!! “Real men don’t care about skincolor” Uh I would say 80% of white people are racist towards shitskins. But yes let the gutterbunny porn fool you into thinking white girls looove poopcock. Real white men are racist & don’t eat poop-colored pussy. Real white men date our own skin color & keep our bloodline pure. The prettiest Slavic white girls I’ve met were all extreme white supremacists. Sexy pale snow white girls are racist as fuck it’s the hottest thing ever. I love being white. I’m God.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
If you actually went outside instead of watching gutterbunny interracial porn, you would be well aware of how racist white girls are. But you’ll never step foot into a Slavic country thankfully.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
One thing you shitskins have in common is that you all wish you were white. Some of you admit it, most of you would take it to the grave & never admit it because it would make you look much more inferior. You shitskins could only ever dream about being white & attractive. I really enjoy being the race everyone desires the most. Green hazel eyes + brown hair + Snow White skin is superior. White power.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Click the links dmitri click the links. THOUSANDS of rAyCiSt bAsEd slav vodka girls with indian men out there on ig. They don't seem to love abusive cuck faggot pig skins 3 days relationship whorism. They seem to love trad indian monogamy. Be brave dmitri.
And i just remembered this meme when u said "prettiest white girls are racist"

not just porn its a trend among whiteeys both men and women. 90% of subscribers for blacked are pink cucks.


Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Every ONE of my replies is making u seethe so hard ur repling 2-3 times
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Well Rahul, I’m glad gutterbunny interracial porn gives you hope that there’s a white girl out there for you. Like I said the most beautiful white girls are racist & you could never attain them. They carry guns to shoot you poopskins. America is filled with niggerfuckers unlike slav East Europe. You write novels with your replies & you always make sure to post links & sets of photos like it’s a presentation. Because you have nothing else to do in India. All you do is watch American interracial gutterbunny porn to remind yourself you still might have a chance to get a filthy gutter bunny who will suck your darkie poop-penis.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
I’m seething? Yet you take time out of your day to googlesave links & images just to make a delusional point for a white supremacist on a gore website. Look in the mirror Rahul. You lose your shit whenever I talk about white pride/power. Yeah no one is worried about you around their white wives/girlfriends. You brown people are no competition. White people are every shitskin’s competition. I would kill myself if I was a brown piece of shit poopskin diarrhea eyes. White people look like dolls, the rest of you darkies look like monkeys. You wish you were one of the white-skinned Indians with hazel eyes.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Yes dolls!! Fake ass fragile dolls. Who the fuck wants to be inferior albino birdshitskin white? You’re a fucking joke! White this white that. You are becoming the minority. Plus you shit on any white that likes dark skins. Fucking Pathedic. Way to treat your own like
Subhuman feral creatures all you delusional fascist, white supremacist faggots are. The more you say you faggot whites are better the more it shows how inferior you sub humans really are. I don’t have to brag about how great my heritage is. You need validation to believe white power is fucking real important and great!! Lmao sadly you albino creatures need that
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
@RedNeckHawaiian you, quite literally, picked the single most insecure, gayest and dumbest moronic jizzbag to walk this earth. I don't know why you bother arguing with @BrownShitSkinNigger, he (or, now, "she") is a quadruple Darwin Award winning incel cuck, incapable of addressing people in real life and mistaking this website for having friends, also enemies. Don't waste your time, seriously. @Shiva I'm surprised you are still at it with him as well, just ignore it and it will go away, I promise. Eventually, it will get bored and find something else to do or, like mold under some sunlight, will seize to exist, collapsing upon itself due to its utter irrelevance.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Whites are the only ones I know like this commie creature who actually are cucks lmao. But you’re right @Wendingo, but you know me. I fucking hate trolling faggots with nothing but bullying comments that act super tough and think they are something when they are gutter trash like this vodka nigger. But I respect your opinion so I will heed your warning
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Bickering with this dumb cocksucker is the worst, I genuinely think that he believes in his superiority, it is unfortunate that he is scrawny, dumb, friendless, socially-awkward, ugly closet fag, with absolutely no potential, no possibilities and no future. I bet he is very polite in real life and constantly tries to befriend minorities who want nothing to do with him and see him as what the rest of the world sees him as: a nuisance.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Oh, he truly believes in his delusional bullshit. Which I find absolutely hilarious and amusing. The mighty Russian KKK what a fucking joke. Only inferior subhuman retarded faggots think they’re superior to everyone else
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Hhahaha he is so dumb and edgy that he actually believes whatever edgy things he yaps. Thats a new on this site. So i unironically enjoy trolling him in his own DUMB methods. Ofcourse i don't hate anyone actually.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Im rite there with you dude. Lmao.. if only he ran into that white racist piece of shit Spick that got triggered by the word nigger. That was trolling everyone before this one was. Whatever his stupid fucking name was
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
You 3 are evil gay cupcake fairy twinks & are upset over the fact that the most beautiful white girls you would love to put your dick in are racist. I am polite in real life, if I see a brown person I’m not going to say “Hey!! You’re a brown piece of shit you shitskin!!” (In my head I will) Unless they give me a reason to, which I look forward to. I don’t want to befriend minorities, why would I - so they could gangrape all of my white girlfriends? There’s mainly white people in Russia along with Central Asians, & Turks. There’s not too many niggers, thankfully, i do get disgusted seeing their ugly black skin in my country though. Maybe whites are becoming minority in AMERICA because all of you shitskins have at least 3 babymamas & breed like machinery getting by on foostamps & Section 8. Unlike Russia. There’s only white supremacists in my country it’s lovely. & we are mainly racist to the Kazakhs who all look like Chinese with their blank stares, & the Tajiks + Chechens.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
“just ignore it and it will go away, I promise.” Stop whispering gay shit in his ear you evil twink!! It really sounds like your comforting your brown boyfriend you little gutterbunny.. ew. Cringetard.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
The fact that you keep going back to assuming we all want whatever stupid white thrash bullshit you’re spewing is just a re-run of all your ignorant intolerant incompetent dumb ass comments. Nobody cares what you fantasize about or what you think others fantasize about. Because it’s all stupid, pathetic bullshit made up by you. You are the problem here, plain and simple, the fact that you have to belittle and attack someone because of their opinions or comments on a fucking video. Grow up faggot and get over yourself, along with your gutter trash logic. In reality, civil human decency and rational common sense people don’t give a fuck about color. There’s good and bad people. Plain and simple. Just reading your logic makes me thing your fucking retarded. Some cracked out white faggot is just as likely to gang rape all your boyfriends as well.
llightaomine Experienced 289 points
people dont die like this due to electricution this is simply religion fooling people. members of livegore sholud not be fooled by this scam.
0 votes
Aug 26, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Wtf are you talking about? Are you a Pajeet on Pajeet drugs? Becsuse, if so, one: you're not making any sense... And two: sorry to tell you this but you may have only minutes left to live. Goodbye.
ReligiousMan Overlord 5,615 points
The fact, it was a traditional martial arts festival. They claimed that it gave them "inner" power and made them immune to electric shocks. No religion involved, only Indonesians and their ignorance.
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Every time religion gets involved shit goes south but the religious lunatics blame it on the will of God/devil and move on.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
I’m not religious at all. I just know you’re getting offended because your skin is brown.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
You seriously think a religious person would be as racist as me? Go buy a ticket back to India you shitskin camel fucker.
llightaomine Experienced 289 points
when u get electricuted body will become stiff they dont dance on floor like that. for proof there are many electricution videos just watch it. dont talk nonsence if u dont now what u r talking about. Goodbye
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Where the fuck did Captain Jack sparrow come from?
0 votes
Aug 28, 2024
rexcinaedorum Experienced 266 points
I would of also killed myself rather than listen to that entartete negermusik
0 votes
Sep 1, 2024