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What a faggot deserve
It have suffered,and we enjoy this.
14,784 views Aug 29, 2024

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Sillygoober Addicted 1,613 points
Damn all bc of a rainbow?
0 votes
Aug 29, 2024
Humachine Overlord 5,250 points
There was no rainbow
yousirname Advanced 2,613 points
He was already dead
+2 votes
Aug 30, 2024
Spamton G. Spamton Natural Addict 9,008 points
the humiliation remains
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
he just didn't know it yeat
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
any context?
+1 vote
Aug 30, 2024
Sukuna Overlord 4,977 points
That's a good knife. End the suffering as fast as possible
+2 votes
Aug 31, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Deserve for what you son of a bitch? He didn't harm anyone you idiot, being faggot or not is his personal matter
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
It's your religious and conservative beliefs teaches you morherfuckers to enjoying people die, shame on you heartless freaks
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
We don't have any agenda you fools we're just want to live peacefully, safely, freely, happily & comfortably etc, want to live and demand equal rights isn't a agenda it's a birth right of all the human beings even the LGBTQ people
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Your prophet Mohammed was a pedophile, he was mary a six years old girl and show his desire to mary a crawling infant female baby when he was visiting her father's house as a guest and moreover he also kissing on his grandson's lips, all of this are proved by hadiths and you morons should go and checked it out by yourself
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Religious, conservative, orthodox, primitive and communist scumbags never understand the inner situation of our hearts and minds, these scumbags only thinks through the narrow prism of religion, politics, culture, traditions and fabricated devine books etc, these judgemental freaks never understand the beauty of natural diversity, bio diversity, gender identity, sexual orientation and uniqueness of different sexualities etc they unable to understand our feelings, emotions, situation, sexual orientation and state, they are blind faithed by their stupid religions, evil politicians, anti gay racist media, hateful leaders and heartless scholars etc, these people are disgrace for the entire humanity
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
There are millions of heterosexual couples who unable to produce any baby & there are lots of people who never gets married or haven't sex with anyone but still they live together happily without any problem so why we can't? What's wrong with you people? Why only targeting us? We're not the child producing machines you idiots
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
I really don't care what that invisible, sore loser, coward, hypocrite, fascist, narcissist, extremist, sadist, orthodox, conservative, dictator minded, racist, cruel & evil God wants, fk God, it's my life so I control it not any invisible could for nothing super natural entity & you're no one to decide what is unnatural or illegal, homosexuality isn't unnatural or illegal it's all your personal nonsense & you have no rights to take decisions of our lives so just simply mind your own business you bloody conservative, ultra religious and orthodox bigots
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Why didn't these so called hateful propagandist and anti LGBTQ morons show such outraged, activism & protest against gun violence, hate crimes, genocide, alcohol consumption, smoking, drug paddling, organ trafficking, women abuse, child marriages, force marriages, cousin marriages, FGM, circumcisions, public floggings, beheadings, stoning, mob justice, witch craft, halala, mutah nikah, misyaar, triple talaq, pen robberies, church scandals, deforestation, global warming, green houses gas effects, air pollution, water pollution, unhygienic food and water, inflation, unemployment, civil wars, gang wars, starvation, poverty, firearms, harmful chemicals, acid attacks, child labour, forced labour, nuclear warfare, misuse of firearms & homicides etc just because these real and big problems of the world didn't fit in there hateful agenda, shame on such evangelicals, conservatives, republicans and Christian fascists who are always attacking soft targets like us they don't have balls to discuss about the real problems of the world so these hypocrites, cowards, nazi stooges, conservative scumbags, orthodox bullshiters, evangelical morons and republican ultra religious bigots start attacking marginalized community like us, these anti LGBTQ activists my foot bloody stupid hateful maggots
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Over population is the real problem in today's world not the collapsing of birth rate, it's all your propaganda against us, world is facing severe coincidences because of over growing birthrate like poverty, unemployment, inflation, diseases, air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, crimes, shortage of food and water, depression, terrorism, narcissism, extremism, riots, property issues, domestic violence, deforestation, sea pollution, unhygienic food and water, wars, battles, fights and other problems etc you hypocrite people ignoring these real problems intentionally, shame on you nerds, your homophobia is just a delusion, ignorance, jealousy, hatred and excuse to torture innocent people
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
It's just a agenda of right wingers & religious & conservative fascists people there is nothing right in it, it's all bo crap nonsense, I saw no homosexual around me who is trying to convert anyone into gay or brain wash anyone it's all propaganda against us by the religious fascists people, it's a different form of nature and many people are born at that way, it's not a choice fools, we're already in a minority then how could we brainwash anyone or turning anyone like us? It's just a nonsense bo crap, actually we're the victims of homophobic agenda all around the world & everyone sees it & it's not a religion you stupid right wingers & conservative idiots it's just a sexual identity, we aren't worship any God or believe in any pathetic divine holy book, you're the one who molesting & raping kids in churches, madarsas, mosques, shrines & cathedrals etc go & you will found millions of articles, videos, photos, news and stories regarding it, you right wingers, religious fascists, anarchists and conservatives all are sucks. You all are liars, fraud, propagandists, extremists and haters etc shame on you bloody religious, conservative, fascist, anarchist & homophobic scumbags
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
It's strange that conservative people are so crying for the children's rights but these are the same people who destroying children's lives by turning them into a genocidal maniac who is ready to kill anyone whoever disagrees with him, these are the same people who supports beatings for the kids in schools & orphanages, these are the same people who stoned people to death, lynched them, burned them alive, put their lame justice on them & killed them brutally in front of innocent kids without thinking of how much destructive these types of violence in front of innocent children, these are the same people who drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes & taking drugs in front of their children all the long, these are the same people who force their minor girls to get married & gets pregnant so early and ruined their childhood and taking away their education from them and makes their lives miserable, these are the same people who promoting violence, gore, extremism, terrorism and fascism etc by showing off the deadly weapons, firearms, guns, grenades and knives in front of their children and provoking them to become a violent, aggressive, murderous, fascist and hateful tyrant, these are the same people who creating gore websites and promoting hate, violence, gore, fascism, extremism, terrorism, narcissism, sadism, enforcement, barbarism, dictatorship, brutality, homophobia, transphobia, asphobia, injustice, hypocrisy, double standards, wars, battles, ruthlessness, intolerance, unkindness, cruelty, backwardness, fear, rage, genocide, totalitarianism, racism, imperialism & misinformation etc in the society, conservatives, republicans, orthodox, ultra religious and homophobes are the biggest hypocrites of all time, they're doing the actual damage to their children but they never ever accept it because of their hypocrisy, double standards, ignorance, hatred & fascism etc so it's the biggest joke I have ever listen from a conservative, orthodox, ultra religious, evangelical or republican bullshiter, these insane freaks should need to look inside their own collars instead of barking against us
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Hate is just an evil excuse to defaming, torturing, taunting, bullying, trolling, teasing, discriminating, mocking and killing someone just because of his different sexual orientation, hobbies, taste, lifestyle or status etc hate is a sign of intolerance, ignorance, evilness, negativity, genocide, terrorism, narcissism, fascism, extremism, racism dictatorship, totalitarianism and destruction etc conservatism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, asphobia, kafirphobia, xenophobia, sharia & orthodox shit is the cancer for the entire humanity
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Lot's story is absolutely fake, fraud, imaginary, false and fictionous, WE were here first not Christianity or Islam. The oldest known same sex couple in recorded history served an ancient Egyptian Prince 2300 years BEFORE the birth of Jesus Christ & false prophet Lot, WE were here long before organized religion of any kind...
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Homosexuality isn't a mental illness, it's just a propaganda against us by the conservatives, communists, orthodox and ultra religious morons that's it, myself a proud gay and I have lots of gay friends who are very talented, highly educated, civilized, intelligent and sound minded and many of them are doctors, teachers, engineers, officers and businessman as profession so it's all fake propaganda against us and nothing else, homosexuality is a gift of nature which comes by birth simple
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
Because of continuous child production world is suffering from starvation, poverty, inflation, wars, battles, genocide, crimes, diseases, deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, unhygienic food and water, unemployment, civil wars, jahad, domestic violence, shortage of food and water, melting ice bergs, green houses gas effects, shortage of land, sea pollution, property issues, insecurities and inferiority complexes amongst the children, mental health problems, trauma, stress, tension, anxiety, extra burden on parents specially fathers, climate change, global warming, low health, lack of happiness, homicidal attacks, animal hunting, meat consumption and other major and big problems of the world, over population is the root of the problems and you conservative, communist, socialist, orthodox and primitive scumbags are responsible for the world's destruction because of you homophobic motherfuckers this world gonna end soon, you bastards are the ultimate enemies of the humanity, we LGBTQ are the true blessing of nature, we may helpful to solve most of the problems of the world including the most dangerous problem aka over population but your resistance against us destroying the world, you communists, socialists, orthodox, conservative and primitive bastards are the real cancer for the entire world, die slowly you all bigot parasites.
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Yucky Is Stupid 91 points
It's a fake accusation west didn't promote pedophilia, LGBTQ rights didn't belongs to pedophilia stupid people, homosexuality & pedophilia both are different terminologies they have no connection with each other, homosexuality means a sexual or romantic relationship between two adult men or two adult women it's homosexuality while pedophilia is something like a if adult man or adult woman make sexually relationship with minor boys or girls, it's called pedophilia, it's not always necessary that if an adult man making relationship with minor boys but most of the pedophilia cases are reported in heterosexual people, there are millions of heterosexual men who're molesting and raping minor girls and there are millions of women who're molesting or making sexual relationships with minor boys, you need to understand that pedophilia isn't have any specific sexuality connection you dumb idiots, you didn't connect pedophilia with homosexuality when heterosexual pedophilia cases are outnumbered, ignorant people pedophilia is a form of mental illness it's doesn't belongs to any particular sexuality, come on grow up you ultra religious and conservative hateful propagandists
0 votes
Nov 10, 2024
Spamton G. Spamton Natural Addict 9,008 points