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This is why we must prevent Muslims ftom migrating to... Anywhere.
Migrant man SLAPS a baby in the face as the shocked parents just walk away in shock, terrified. We all must start carrying guns, shooting these motherfuckers for any infraction.
12,143 views Oct 7, 2024

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Ivy Extreme Poster 573 points
Muslims are nothing more than a plague on this earth.
+6 votes
Oct 7, 2024
andy_baba Addicted 1,763 points
They don't like healthy children.. they love their kids born out of incest relation.. fathers foking daughters.. brothers foking sisters.. sons foking mothers.. in some cases, man marries a woman.. then father in law, brother in law, son, uncles, the mullah, all are foking her... wonderful religion..  what do expect from the god who is pimping 72 virgins to the terrorist
+3 votes
Oct 7, 2024
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
Lmao nicely put
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
yeah don't worry about it, wait to see the faces the terrorists will make when aknowledging that the virgins are all 2 meters tall and called tyrone
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
Lmao thad be funny as hell I can already picture it theyd be so bummed haha literally
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
Who said this faggot is muslim
+2 votes
Oct 7, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,798 points
You're a faggot, all Muslims are faggots.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 869 points
You really can’t tell by his face features? They’re big ass eyes always look like they’re about to pop out of their sockets.
Laka 99 points
The anomalies from France, America, and the West did not come from Islamic countries
Wendingo CEO 63,798 points
Hang on, he will come back with a 5000 Jedi Muslim trick on how Muslims are peaceful, loving, etc.
Laka 99 points
We don't need your love, you idiot, go away with your sick mind
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
Who's we? I already do conceal carry I'm not even allowed to either id just rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it
0 votes
Oct 8, 2024
Sukuna Overlord 4,977 points
Good I hate children
+1 vote
Oct 8, 2024
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
one thing is hating children another is allowing a muslim cock sucking camel looking goat fucker piece of shit slapping a white baby in a white country.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
"This is why we must prevent Muslims ftom migrating to... Anywhere."

- Zionist, 10/7/2024
0 votes
Oct 8, 2024
Laka 99 points
Well, you are generalizing now because you saw this idiot who slapped the child. You became stupid like him. Well, look at this site where you are watching these videos. Have you not noticed that it is full of videos from Western countries? There are not many videos from the Middle East. I have not seen many videos from Iraq or Saudi Arabia. They are all from the Wild West. What is disgusting and terrorist in the West is murder, fear and rape. This is terrifying. Have you noticed this or are you blind?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
I have noticed that you are not only blind but severely mentally handicapped. Just in the usa, black people are 13% of the population and commit 51% of the murders. In europe it's the same. You gotta be scared to walk around after certain hours, specially in specific areas, and it's something that is so fucking obvious, everyone knows. Migrants are a disgrace, fucking parasites
Wendingo CEO 63,798 points
No, I'd prevent jews from leaving Israel as well all sand niggers belong where they were born. Instead of making America great just make it white again. BTW, you're a fucking moron.
Laka 99 points
I was affected because he hit the poor child. This means that I have feelings and a sound mind, unlike you
Humachine Overlord 5,250 points
Bureaucrats in government must be flushed out, they're traitors to the citizens and country.

Poland's on the right track..
+2 votes
Oct 8, 2024
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
fuck yes we are
mr.roleplay5 46 points
Kill them all.
+2 votes
Oct 8, 2024
milox 34 points
you can't even use them as slaves for physical labor cause they are so skinny and weak. They are a waste of carbon molekules. Use them as fertilizer. That's the only way they can be of any use.
+1 vote
Oct 8, 2024
MasterBeef Well-Known 775 points
Damn.. That's one of those things where i wish i was there, so i could curbstomp the stupid fuck into oblivion
+1 vote
Oct 9, 2024
Dsa Beginner 172 points
+1 vote
Oct 10, 2024
typedaguerreo 26 points
The Dad was a big ass pussy
+1 vote
Oct 16, 2024
Ihatesandniggers Advanced 2,298 points
The boy's father is a useless faggot, if I had been there I would have slotted that sand faggot with a pork skewer
+1 vote
Nov 19, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,798 points