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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Yemeni Tortured By The Iranian Houthi Militia
The Houthi militia published a video claiming that it was of a Palestinian prisoner being tortured by the Zionist entity,
but it turned out that the victim in the clip was a "Yemeni" who was tortured by the Iranian Houthi militia.

The sources confirmed that the picture of the young man who was tortured by electrocution is "Yahya bin Yahya Qaddar"
from the Harf Sufyan district, and he was imprisoned by the Houthi militias three years ago, and they did not release him until he lost his mind and became insane.

The sources explained that the victim's family was shocked by the brutal torture that their son was subjected to, as he was imprisoned by the militias and was released insane as a result of this torture in their terrorist prisons.

It revealed the horror of the crime committed by the Maran gang against the people of Yemen after kidnapping them and fabricating charges against them.
21,289 views Oct 11, 2024

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pinbota Famous 3,105 points
His reactions to the torture seem fake, especially while being electrocuted.
I'm pretty sure this is just a propaganda video made for whatever purposes.
0 votes
Oct 11, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
They are very real reactions shoebill
Unseenchaos Intermediate 1,235 points
Right if I was being whipped that hard by the way he was screaming I wouldn't be protecting my dick so that these guys couldn't see it
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Lets be realistic here. Islamic terrorists and every muslim who shows even a bit of support for them should be sent to gulag where they should be skinned alive and asshole be raped by a barbed wire twisted pole sprinkled with chilli powder and salt.
+1 vote
Oct 11, 2024
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
well said.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
The only time I'll support them is when they do the shit you mentioned to you and your fellow pajeets stinky niggers
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
@Dobryy69 brother, no. i would never wish the horrible situation with stinky muslims upon anyone if not the jews which caused it. Indians like shiva are not the usual stenchy pajeets and even if they were, wishing islamic invasion upon any nation is extreme no one deserves that
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
@BaconKong_104 congratulations you just skyrocketed his ego, the second he'll read your message he'll be happy that the white man has complemented his pajeet dumbass, I bet he will be jumping from happiness and feel less racially inferior
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
No i did not raise his ego but his respect because i had conversations with him and we often attack each other on race but we are never truly serious. Fuck that black/white bullshit if you behave correctly, fit into society and have my same enemies you are my brother. There are some darkies that are able to integrate into society, and i have 1000000000 times more respect for someone like that than any white piece of shit who embraces faggotry.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
Careful cause pajeets are known to be snakes he might be nice to you hoping that you'll give him your sister or any white women in your family so he can rape them, filthy brown turd loving pajeets are known to be hypocrites, and side with you for their benefits and use you instead
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
I'll be aware but i'm pretty sure it's not the case
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
@baconking  reverse image search his pfp, that guy is a gay pornstar named "Bo sinn". Whotf keeps a gay pornstar's pfp unless he is a faggotted bitch.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
@Dobryy69 LMAO "white man complemented". In this present time when ur mums and sisters are being raped by africans and muzlims, and u faggots are addicted to cuck bbc interracial porn and still sucking on hamas dick, ur own women are abandoning u pink clit having cuck, crying about white replacement, 482863 genders, nobody consideres u subhuman faggots "men". Lets be serious here. Modest and traditional indians with actual family values would completely care about opinions of someone with every changing multiple fathers and a whore mother who does onlyfans for business. Yep totally makes sense LOL. Even muslims and cannibalistic sub saharan africans have better family values because men with honor exist. The difference is those muzzies are currently raping ur women, religion not ours. We shit on their religion everyday. India is the most islamophobic country. and u still lift their balls as if ur life depends on it, Even after all the grooming gangs and riot stuff. The same hamas whom u love sucking off, will rape ur mum as their "kaffir concubine" and throw ur dirty faggot ass off a building in an instant. LOL You just wanna seem like u hate indians even if that means getting ur mums and sisters raped by muslims. Ur nothing but a disgusting shit eating faggotted cuck lol. U possess every trait that u accuse me of nasty albino nigger.
Ihatesandniggers Advanced 2,298 points
are you Italian?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
@Ihatesandniggers if you were asking me, yes i am. Also based fucking pfp
Ihatesandniggers Advanced 2,298 points
I'm Italian too, I guessed it from the number written in your username, "104" (disability law)
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
Yes indeed i am heavily disabled lol. Auto ironia.
Ihatesandniggers Advanced 2,298 points
In any case, a mentally retarded white man will always be superior to a muzzie with a doctorate
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
Hear me out @Shiva Bin Pajeet ackctchually we have none of those things in Croatia, we are not pajeet turd sucking faggots who enjoy poop raping and cow cum swappings, oh and please do not confuse us with western europe, and uhm here we are very racist and kill all migrants including pajeets thank you
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
@Shiva Bin Pajeet also do not disrespect Bo Sinn he is not gay he only fucks men to assert dominance and to show that the white man is superior, he fucked all races, black, white, pajeets, beaners, chinks, sand niggers, not because he is gay but to spread his aryan genes far and wide deep in their asses which you wish to get gangraped by white men who would buttfuck your pajeet ass but you need to clean it first because it's full of poop from 20 years ago, after you clean it, go on grindr and find a white man who would fill you up with hot loads of superior aryan juice
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
U have all those things i mentioned because ur a pigskin its ur kulcha.
Look how angry this faggot becomes. Faggot replies me 2 times to defend the gay pornstar he worships.
"He fucks men to assert dominance". Thats all i needed to read to stop taking ur onlyfans turd eating, mother pimping, faggot kulcha seriously.
Shameless faggot isn't even hiding it anymore.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
Lmao you're trying so hard to make yourself shitskin nigger queer loving dumbass seem not gay but we all know it's pajeets like you who secretly shove cucumbers up their asses and participate in orgies, then brag on the internet about how much they hate faggots to feel better about themselves and to ease off the pain of their sore asses from getting fucked too much, hey don't be scared you can come out anytime as you're behind that turd stained screen ;)
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Lame ass pigskin scat eating faggot
"Bo sinn is not gay he only fucks men to assert dominance" its the same logic as when u said,
"My orthodogshit mum doesn't eat shit, she only does onlyfans scat porn" hahahaha
Shameless faggot its literally u who brags about hating faggots but worships and faps to a faggot pornstar who takes bbc in his ass and mouth. Yep he asserts dominance by taking the biggest bbc in the gay category lol. Ur inspiration u filthy faggot.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
A pajeet turd sucking nigger will never get the irony, you find gay porn sexual, I find it funny, we are not the same, you jerk off to gay porn, I laugh at it, your brain is too underdeveloped to understand, now that I taught you scat porn and Bo Sinn you can watch them with your family and jerk off to it with them, you get hard to Bo Sinn with your micro pajeet nigger pp that's why you're freaking out cause it made you so horny that you're mad and cry about my pfp lol, keep coping with that gif that I also taught you lol
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
I would definately cope if i was a turd eating whore born filthy faggot like u filthy whore seed pink faggot lmao

"Bo sinn is not gay, he just fuckes men in the ass"
I never even doubted lol. Ur kind are known for  this, pink clit having faggot hahaha.

Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
"If I was a turd eating whore" says the actual faggot turd eating whore, funnily enough that gif looks like you when Bo Sinn's cock tickles your insides
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Look how much u worship that faggot and take his name with so much respect and love to talk about his cock like how he cleans ur turd hole everyday and makes ur mum clean the turd around it. Lol
Pls upload the video on ur mum's onlyfans. I m subbed. Hahahah
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
I see you're obsessed over him so much to give him that much attention keep fantasizing about Bo Sinn "The Great" aka Yan Devo, you're really hoping that he'll drain his nuts inside your pajeet stinky ass
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
imagine calling urself straight and praising some gay pornstar "The Great" (some other praise words) and talking about "he'll drain his nuts"

Seriously though, ur a pink pigskin faggot. U are just fighting ur inner urge to come out. I can see that in ur comments. U can come out. Don't force urself to go against ur superior east european orthodogshit aryan kulcha (we are not like usa maaann). Hahaha
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
just shut the fuck up both of you
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,650 points
I swear I'VE SEEN this video before posted by huzbullah,this is a syrian refugee who fled to lebenon and got captured by the (I know a bit of arabic,don't call me a sandnigger please) حزب الله

also fun fact: the terrorist group's name comes from the quran: "it is god's worshipers/clan? (hizb means clan or group,allah means god,so yk) that are the winners",not the best translation
+1 vote
Oct 11, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
ilah means god in arabic. allah is a proper noun for the islamic quranic god.
And idk what these mean :-
Whats "Dahaha", "nikah"
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,650 points
Nikah means marriage,and dahaha means He spread it,I stuided a bit of arabic because I have some muslim/revert friends,most people of any religion are actually pretty chill
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
"most people of any religion are actually chill"  not actual muslims
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,650 points
I said most,not all,there are monkeys in every faith
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Nikah actually means sex ithink. Because when i was in dubai with my friends. I started to tease my friend and his crush by saying "do nikah with her". And my other arab friend stopped me. He said its not the usual word for marriage in arabic. Its inappropriate. It actually means sex.
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,650 points
it kinda means the same thing,as to have sex with a woman in islam means you've gotta get married to her,never actually went to any muslim nations tho,I'm planning on going to Bethlehem and jerusalem when I grow up
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
The way he spins is fucking hilarious HAHAHAH
0 votes
Oct 12, 2024
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,916 points
Like a doner kebab meat
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
Saysumptin The Boss 33,457 points
They are doing their FAGGOT thing
0 votes
Oct 12, 2024
andy_baba Addicted 1,763 points
He saved his dick for sure
0 votes
Oct 13, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,598 points