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Bakery Worker Tragically Twisted Into The Mixer
Azerbaijan. His friend accident switch on the mixer .
145,172 views Jan 10, 2022

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Sussy Baka The Boss 28,532 points
It was either he dumm dumm, he did it accidentally, or it was intentional.
+3 votes
Jan 10, 2022
IMHO, she killed her intentionally. And then bad acting "oh my god, i didnuthing". Women rivalry, jealousy, some of that kind.
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
Those are literally the only three options it could ever be. If you're trolling, nice
Jacob Advanced 2,771 points
Chop chop!!!!
–2 votes
Jan 10, 2022
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
This is fake. I don't think mixers are that deadly. I used to twist around in them when I was a kid at my friend's parents' bakery farm. We know it is fake cuz the blood is fake. You can see the guy who turns off the twister holding a ketchup bottle. If it were not for my sharp eye and experience with twister mixers, you'd all be fooled for sure.
–1 vote
Jan 10, 2022
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
wow fuck your stupid industrial strength dough mixers can turn out over 1000 pound of dough so im sure a 200 lbs person is cake work XD just use google accident happen just because i didn't happen too you doesn't mean it cant happen
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
The mixers I played on at the farm were industrial strength dough mixers.  There are no sharp parts that will puncture human tissue. This is how I know the video is fake. The woman might have been smooshed, but not punctured causing bleeding.  Once again, I point you to the obvious ketchup bottle in the manager's hand.
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
man your fucking stupid XD cus when people get there head "smooshed" they dont bleed from there nose and mouth right? fuck ur stupid just hey to @Sussy+Baka where is that video u uploaded of the dude crushing that prisoner sand niggers head with the rock? cus this dude is stupid
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
You have to think like a blood splatter analyst.  Smooshing will not cause splatter droplets like you see in the video. Smooshing causes a runny stream like from a nose bleed as you've alluded to.  So I'm sorry to say you are wrong.
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Nah bruh trust me that motherfucker is dead dead
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,488 points
100% brown bread.
Observer Extreme Poster 653 points
Ya, I'm sure all those people are paid actors too. You're such an idiot!
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
@Observer They are not paid actors. They are bakery workers who were told to play along with the hoax.
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Lmao , there’s like a 1% chance you’re right. But if you are, holy hell, you’re good
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
Lol, I think it is much less than 1%
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points see u stupid fuck blood from the nose and mouth with no wound in the mouth or nose the head was crushed an boom same shit fuck im glad this dude re-uploaded cus fuck this dude stupid
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
That is a smashing not a smooshing.
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
your so stupid its the same force applied to the skull being smooshed and smashed are the same thing but one is over an extended period of time so the force would be grater not less
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
Smashed is being hit with something where there's an initial hard impact.  
Smashed is like clapping your hands.  Smooshed is like pressing your hands together.  Will there be a difference between smooshing an egg with your hands and smashing an egg?  Yes there will be.
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
not really they both wind up broken and leaking stupid XD
BigButt Well-Known 931 points
Yeah but with the smashing the egg will splatter everywhere. That won't happen with the smooshing. Well maybe it will a little.

What I don't understand is why you won't suck that guys dick.
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
XD XD nooo bigbutt that was uncalled for XDXD P.S can you guys use another example. Speaking about Eggs is a bit of a sensitive topic for me
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
But bigbutt, I’m sorry I have to disagree. There are two explanations which is extremely reasonable. 1.. the body being twisted like that so quickly causes a build up of pressure in the blood vessels and muscle tissue causing them to abruptly rupture and would explain the bleeding from the nose and mouth. 2nd… we can’t see what’s above the mixer in the video… the worker’s head could be mangled in gears which would definitely turn smooshing into smashing/grinding .
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Another detail that would support this theory is the fact that the worker’s body almost immediately goes limp. This would indicate that the spine may have been broken almost instantly and that would be the reason for instant bleeding from the mouth, nose and maybe even cuts in the neck
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
I love how everyone has this unspoken agreement to keep saying 'smoosh'
Crimnt Famous 4,102 points
@BigButt That's a full grown adult. Way different than a small kid you tinseltown faggot.
Tanel Advanced 2,355 points
The next pie will ba a bit chewier.
+3 votes
Jan 10, 2022
Terrible Well-Known 962 points
The Mixer is Go by in Amazon LOL
+1 vote
Jan 11, 2022
Crimnt Famous 4,102 points
Is go by? What the fuck are you trying to say.
Idiota 31 points
se le re nota que fue intencional, ojala y le pase lo mismo
0 votes
Jan 12, 2022
What were you thinking you dumb ugly bitch...then she ducks down and watches whats happening instead of turning it off. What a complete idiot
+1 vote
Feb 24, 2022
Stan_IVE_11 Beginner 143 points
Does anyone who knows how to hack an fb account?
+1 vote
Mar 17, 2022
Well_Balon Experienced 352 points
Either she dum af to notice or it's intentional, liie, who tf would turn that on? There's no dough or anything plus they're cleaning, it isn't like it needs to be on
+1 vote
Jun 21, 2022
Dead man 69 Beginner 180 points
The next bakery item will be delighted
+1 vote
Aug 19, 2022
neinspamss Addicted 2,128 points
regular old
+1 vote
Oct 30, 2022
Phlegm Addicted 2,113 points
Notice how they do some ritual dance in reaction to the death of the other worker. They do this in hope their god of bat soup and grilled centipedes will help the worker reach the afterlife.
–1 vote
Nov 15, 2022
Eachdayigrowmore Beginner 141 points
Damn, make sure you wear your mask…
+1 vote
Dec 18, 2022
JustChecking 47 points
That dumb woman is to blame, wth would she turn the machine on???
+1 vote
Feb 18, 2023
卍SATAN卍 68 points
Well, he dead as fuck
0 votes
Mar 27, 2023
Jaatboy 7 points
Look closely at the starting of video she was going to clean the mixer & another employee was standing there was cleaning The floor & also watching her closely
After she bend down & start the cleaning mixer another employee comes and turns it on
Im 100% it was intentionally bcoz she didn't turned off after looking at her
0 votes
Sep 30, 2023
ificouldfly Well-Known 944 points
Sad, she was the one who had to die
+1 vote
Sep 30, 2023
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,598 points