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Abu Ghraib prison torture

Abu Ghraib prison torture in Iraq

65,147 views Jan 12, 2022

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Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
I just wanna see one video where they actually pull the trigger. Just once please
+2 votes
Jan 12, 2022
Good Luck Faggot Veteran 13,290 points
I've still never seen it happen on video.  There was one story with a guy who shot a pistol three times inside a pussy to kill the bitch.  It had pictures and x-rays to see the bullets still in her.  Then there was the guy laying on a bed in a hotel who suddenly died.  They couldn't figure out what happened with an autopsy.  Then they did a second one and found a stray bullet shot through the wall by accident a few rooms away.  It hit his asshole just perfect so you couldn't really tell he was shot.
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Damn. Lmao I wanna check those stories out, funny af. I’m certain there’s a video out there somewhere, it’ll surface eventually.
Good Luck Faggot Veteran 13,290 points
I'm going to justify my inaccuracy with a bitch-maid excuse.  I remember that second story from an episode on ID Channel about seven or eight years ago.  And fucked it all up.  He wasn't shot in the asshole.  He was shot just below his sack.  And the autopsy noted the damage on the inside but determined he was kicked on the balls and that's what caused the internal injuries.  That's a really shitty coroner.  The injuries were massive and went from his ball to his heart.  Ripping up everything in between.  And somehow he determined that happened from a kick to the balls? Hahahahahaha Holy shit, that would be one hell of a kick.  But they later realized he was shot just under his sack.
Good Luck Faggot Veteran 13,290 points
The guy's name was Greg Fleniken and it happened in Texas, two thousand ten.

Good Luck Faggot Veteran 13,290 points
With the last few years of websites shutting down or becoming impossible to deal with because of constant spam redirectioning and dead links.  BestGore, LiveLeak, Death Addict, Orgrish, Rotten, Documenting Reality, and five or so others.  It's getting hard to relocate shit.  I'm looking for the other story but it's just a few pictures and not very revealing.  I'm still waiting for someone to do it on video.  We'll, I actually would prefer it to never happen.  But murdering isn't likely to stop so I merely hope if they do it, they record it.
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Ay I appreciate the effort for this, man!
Tanel Advanced 2,355 points
Another "torture" clickbait.
+1 vote
Jan 12, 2022
Good Luck Faggot Veteran 13,290 points
I couldn't keep the gun after that.  What a waste and gay.
+1 vote
Jan 12, 2022
Edicius Experienced 488 points
we just see the soft part. in these prison there are story way more savage
0 votes
Jan 12, 2022
Jacob Advanced 2,771 points
During the early stages of the Iraq War, members of the United States Army and the CIA committed a series of human rights violations and war crimes against detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, including physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape :- wiki
0 votes
Jan 12, 2022
Jacob Advanced 2,771 points
STFU motherfucker .....and I'm not a Muslim!!!!  Fucking faggot....haha!!!
Good Luck Faggot Veteran 13,290 points
That dildo might slay niggers too much.  He's around them so often that he started typing like them.  I have no clue what he's trying to convey.  He can't form a sentence or articulate his vacuous thoughts in a manner that's understandable.  Is he claiming your information is wrong?  I can't tell but yes, it was a big scandle.  There are many videos and pictures of the abuse and torture.  It's definitely not a secret.  The only part of it that I care about.  Is that there's no convicting process.  A lot of the people being held captive and tortured turned out to be one hundred percent innocent.  Most cases were even obvious.
Some of the American soldiers admitted they knew a few were innocent.  But just went along with everyone else.  There's a good documentary about it on YouTube.  A few of the American soldiers got very short prison sentences.
spacewind Addicted 1,552 points
why do they do gay shit like this as torture, just rip his face off
+2 votes
Apr 5, 2022
Handsomekid, Beginner 183 points
So wheres the torture you son of a bitch???
+1 vote
Jun 1, 2022
Blondelust1313rape 60 points
Nicely done, hopefully next was restrained abuse
0 votes
Aug 20, 2022
DethToAllKrackers 12 points
Built for BWC
+1 vote
Apr 16, 2023
thatoneguyMike06 Addicted 1,924 points
Imagine if the guy with the AK shoved it up the victim's rectum and pulled the trigger. That was an incredible missed opportunity.
0 votes
Jun 17, 2023
The Demonic Heart Well-Known 756 points
why not pulling the trigger?
+1 vote
Mar 20, 2024
Chucky 53 points
0 votes
Jun 2, 2024
FrankWeirdoo3 56 points
the only things that these niggers have is their gore vids lol
0 votes
Jul 15, 2024
kigga niller 30 points
shoot him in the ass plz
0 votes
Jul 19, 2024
JohnnieWalker Omega 18,327 points
Gay shit
0 votes
Oct 1, 2024
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,532 points