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Morbidly obese woman in morgue [PICTURES]
Photos from the morgue show a partial autopsy and the process of preparing for the funeral of a morbidly obese woman. She certainly died of health problems related to her weigh ..
4,615 views Nov 24, 2024

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ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
is the body still warm? and is this @Dobryy69 's mother? please dude,I need more info!!
+3 votes
Nov 24, 2024
NSDAP Hacker 87,104 points
Too white for beign that nigger's mom ..
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
it's your mother then , and btw she cannot be my mom cause I am actually pale than her + I got blue eyes (a17 to be specific) and brown hair
NSDAP Hacker 87,104 points
Brown skin you mean. Moron!
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
"Erm AcUtKlY I'm WhItE" bro you're russian,you're the niggers of caucasians.

and I am germanic blonde,mom's blonde,dad's blonde,so I can easily look down upon you and say you're a nigger.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
Blonde biscuit lmao the softest white shelled niggers alive + I'm More croatian than russian, irl I will smash you, westoid retarded blonde biscuit lol don't fuck with slavs cause you'll get raped
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
how tall are you and how much can you bench? also,how many guns does your father and grandfather own?
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
c'mon dobryy,answer the 4 questions,you talk a lot my boi!!! chop chop niggeriod where's that "slavs are the best" mentality here??? I wanna know how buff you are,and how many guns you've got.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
I'm 188 cm tall + fuck your gym, I'm naturally strong and thick I did jujitsu as a kid and doing kickboxing for 11 years and still. I will Humiliate you and wipe the floor with your dumbass, argue online cause it's safer for you here better than have your face all smashed up, and by the way here in Croatia getting in street fights is a normal thing but in Australia you have cops everywhere and your society is soft, and no I don't have guns but I can get one if I want to
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
A- you short, B- you weak asf, B- ever smashed someone's skull in me boy?

funny how it took you 3 hours to respond to that,almost as if you were capping.

you won't humiliate shit my boy.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
Lol nice self projection retard, took 3 hours? I'm not hooked like you + I didn't read your comment until like 1:30am it was late night and was studying, maybe you can't accept the truth but don't be scared I will be gentle on you aussie blonde biscuit
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
same m8, also,"gentle on you aussie blonde biscuit"?  mate,we killed the aboriginals we don't give a fuck,russia is losing at every turn in ukraine,we both know that,but you refuse to admit it because your daddy was subscribed to putin's shitnology and now wants to service his 2 incher dicker,fortunately for him,he died doing exactly that.
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
and I shall repeat my poiny lmao,russians are the niggers of caucasians,and you're too poor to even afford a gun lil broski,no amount of muscle mass (which I probably have more of than you) can save you from a 5.56
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
Oh my god you're so fucking annoying, listen albino blonde biscuit soft nigger big muscles don't mean shit if you don't know how to fight, for example a skinny guy who knows how to fight will destroy a big guy who doesn't train, you're proving that you know nothing about fighting that's why you got your little gun to comfort yourself you pussy blonde biscuit, speaking of guns I would sit you on your whatever gun you have and rape you with it or just do it yourself show your gratitude to your gun by shoving it up your ass worship it and thank it for comforting you you irrelevant aussie homonigger
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
uwu you'd sit on me?? dat's so cute,I'd love to shove my dick down your poopyshute uwu

lmao "for example a skinny guy who knows how to fight will destroy a big guy who doesn't train",pretty wrong thing to say bud.

btw,how about you pull up to the land down under and get lynched by my spidermigos and my kangarniggas? we ride them cunts for a reason,Zigger with a 2 inch dicker,no running electricity ahh,"I'm big tough russian guy" ahh boi

I'm irrelevant? that's crazy coming from a croatian zigger nigger who's sister is getting raped by immigrant sand niggers,save your sister's pussy first,then go die for daddy putin's dick you subhuman shitbody
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
cringe nigger, your pfp alone says a lot about you being a femboy irl enjoying kangaroo dick day n night in the hot Australian desert you technically a sand nigger since you have desert in Australia you white shelled sand nigger haha now please go have sex with a kangaroo or get raped by a giant spider faggot
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
awww,a lot of projection coming from mister "big bad",the pfp is that of a thicc fucking woman btw,you retarded mongoose,unfortunately for you spiders are chill with natives and hate foreigners.

so how did the serbians do you in that lil war back in the 90s? I beat they killed a lot of subhumans like you
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
Exactly no wonder why you enjoy serbs they're femboys just like you and femboys use pfps just like yours therefore your a femboy cum enjoyer
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,568 points
actually hate femboys a lot,hate serbs even more,funnily enough I hate Ziggers a lot more than both of those groups,no matter their nationality
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,223 points
Fucking nasty.. not even a cannibal would eat her...
+2 votes
Nov 24, 2024
sad1sta Advanced 2,818 points
in USA they would call her average
+1 vote
Nov 24, 2024
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,223 points
If you're one of those leftist LGBT mentally ill woke pussy simp easily-triggered faggots then yeah... Otherwise most Americans who aren't brainwashed and are outspoken don't consider this fat bitch healthy and will tell her to lose weight to prevent THIS from happening to her...
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,430 points
They will use her for advertising clothes like Calvin Klein or Nike
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,223 points
Sadly yes.. I hate America...
Stinky Pig 69 points
No, she's not a niggar!!
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,223 points
Chill stinky pig lol, no one on this particular thread called her the n-word...
Sukuna Overlord 4,565 points
Gross dude! Gross! Gross! Gross!
0 votes
Nov 25, 2024
Saysumptin The Boss 31,963 points
When you get a complete makeover at the morgue
0 votes
Nov 25, 2024
JohnnieWalker Omega 17,487 points
Not into plus sized girls but she looks kinda fuckable.
0 votes
Nov 25, 2024
Stinky Pig 69 points
harimanoshimo Overlord 4,567 points
It can't be easy being an american.
0 votes
Nov 25, 2024
BloodLamb 86 points
honestly made me wanna puke.
0 votes
Nov 29, 2024