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Pajeet's new year celebration
Till the next reincarnation ..
3,109 views Jan 1

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Saysumptin The Boss 32,227 points
Old Crap
0 votes
Jan 1
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Where is your boyfriend @Wendingo ?
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
yooo pajeet,how you doin' bud? did your village lose electricity? is that why you're offline so much nowadays? lmao
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Nothing much abdool "ibraheem". Just busy with an actual life unlike the lifeless inbred sand niggers chimping out in everypart of the world.
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
that's cool,how's your local god? or did you make another one? thank christ I don't worship 300 million idols at once,imagine that?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Nobody worships idols. Idols are broken, changed. They are only to to focus our mind on.
But u still do worship that same abrahmic satan that enabled slavery inspite of leaving ur older pisslamic cult. So how about that ? When are u going to realise ur just a slave religion of jews ?
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
I dunno,we did good for a "slave religion",pretty much fucked EVERYONE over,including the muslims,so I don't know wtf you mean by "slave religion",but you can take that concept and shove it up your ass,cause it stands on no legs boi

"slave religion of jews" my ass,boi,y'all got conquered by everyone,pretty sure my great grandpa was in india...
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
LMAO, Just because u converted from pisslam to christianity, u don't become the an european.

Ur acting like ur the son of crusaders.
But the thing is, ur immigrant grandmother was a subcontinental muzzie whose ancestors were taken to mughal harem and rape converted into pisslam.

Changing the religion doesn't get rid of ur filthy muzzie stench injected by the muslim rapists of ur ancestors and inbreeding degradation in ur lineage.
Understood abdul paki boi ?
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
ain' no way the stinky pajeetsky speaks of identites like he has a dna lab but still has no toilets.

I am infact an immigrant,technically,yes.

my grandparents are british,and we live in queensland

you are,to me,what muslims are to europeans,immigrants.

changing your religion doesn't change your flithy pajeet smell - "I don't believe in idols" Silence,curry lover,go make out with your local cow god or goat god.

I won't be taking lessons from a sandnigger/pajeet hybrid who can barely speak english
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Abdol has an identity crisis lol.
You are good at coping and hiding ur insecurities with made up insults.
But it isn't going to change tha fact that ur ancestors were ashamed of their muslim lineage. Thats why u grew up in a christian household.

But still, From ur kafira grandmother fatima's side, u inherit that filthy stenchy inbred and mughal rape gene that u still carry.

So stop lifting white balls for a moment and realise ur lineage.

Hindus live with honor because we don't carry that genetic degradation u got from ur arab rapists. So no matter how camel piss u use, u cannot cover that stench. Its genetically ingrained in ur lineage. I don't need a DNA lab to know that inbreeding causes genetic degeneracy. This is taught in 7th class. Maybe ur inbred brain didn't pick that up.

Now go and worship that dead zombie kike's "idol" u hate so much.
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
holy yapping of the yappinings,my gg raped a bunch of women in india when he came with the brits,I'm sure we're related in someway,eh pajestky?

also,ain' no way you called jesus a "dead zombie kike's idol"...when his worshippers are the reason you've got the internet that you're mocking him on

if you wanna insult someone,try to hit harder,stinky pajeet kike loving child diddling piece of raped mongrel shit,goofy ass "saar I love whit women" ass curry nigger
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
anyway,I'm gonna take a shower,something that pajeets are incapable of doing nor understanding,thank the lord for his many gifts and his wet love...pause
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
The only thing the dead kike's worshippers can invent is pedophilia with kids in church.
Because normal scientists who invent stuff never believe in that kike's anti-evolutionary, flat pizza earth, adam-eve incest mythologies.
U are mixing 2 groups of people to justify ur whoregin marry's kike zombie idol worshipping which u hate.

"Saar i love worshipping white men saar" Guess who said it ? Ur "pajeet" fatima grandma.

Only a stinky abdol- whignat combination can brag about taking a shower. Shower is a once in a week festival in ur grandpa's culture.

Pls don't go anywhere i m having fun...
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
what the fuck is a fatima?

pajeet,india is ranked 3 in rape cases Reported by police globally,india ran so my local church's pastor could walk,funny how you talk of rape when your people rape for fun lmao

"normal scientists who invent stuff"...what was einstein's faith again? religious nonbeliever? and what was hawking's religion? atheist? and who ended up diddling kids?

"saar I love worshipping white men saar",mate,I am a white man,if you love me so much,come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth,since india is full of faggots and all.

"we waz kingz" ass nigga

I am not taking advice from a pajeestky who can barely put together a sentence,let alone read
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Abdul understands my whole paragraph with such detail but still keeps saying "you can "barely" put together a sentence".

See i told u, ur inbred genes have made u a chimp that cannot think before typing with rage and frustration.

India Ranked 3rd. U just made bought that up from ur arse ?
Lol. Check the stats abdul.
India has a rape rate of 1.8/100000 population.
Conviction rate is 26.5%. And the false accused rape cases are are 74% because of the female baised laws in India.

For reference taking USA, Which has a
Rape rate of 27.3/100000 population.
Conviction rate of less than 1%
And 1 in 4 women in america are raped but only 2 report it.

Maybe ur christian rapist grandpa contributed to that stats of India.

White man ? U said u were brown to some other guy on this side, u stupid fatima's grandson. Everytime u speak, i can sense ur mental degeneracy, inbred abdul.
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
ohhhh,good one,I'll have to admit,ye got me on that one,india is actually improving lmao? good for you.

as for the "white man brown man" thing,yes,I'm white,I don't remember saying that I'm brown,I wrote "pretty sure my great grandpa was in india...",he was in the British army and did a lot of 'bad stuff'

now that I think about it,it's not really all bad if he did it against pajeets.
BillMurray5 Advanced 2,613 points
When you're stupidity is so bad it kills others
+1 vote
Jan 1
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,634 points
so a skill issue? :/
ChiefMacD Well-Known 767 points
Frikkin stinky meat pajeets can't be trusted around electricity, and you let'em have a GUN?!?!
0 votes
Jan 2