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KABAL Beginner 106 points
Damn!!! That slap rearranged her brain cells haha
+1 vote
Jan 4
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,640 points
Made me smile... Bitches need to learn to respect a man's personal space and keep their damn hands to themselves^^
0 votes
Jan 4
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Ur definately an incel, weak faggot wanker if u agree with being violent with women. U want to be aggressive with women because ur insecure of ur masculinity and want to appear strong. Women are like kids and they cannot harm us men. So no matter what they do, we shouldn't hit them. Only real men will agree with me, not porn addict incels women haters.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,640 points
Lmao I'm a FEMALE retard. Read my bio first^^

I believe in equal rights, equal fights. If a woman wants to put her hands on a man then that man has the right to DEFEND himself. People like you are the reason why there's so many Karens on this earth, why so many women think they're stronger than men, and why so many women think it's okay to disrespect/mistreat men (or people in general) without facing the consequences of their actions. Fuck you and fuck feminism. I adore good honest men and I'll stand with them, so stop simping bitch. I don't hate women, I hate the ones who make good women like myself look bad.
Ivy Extreme Poster 555 points
Tbf the twink has a point, I genuinely believe that most of the problems we have today in the west stems from not beating women and them not knowing the genuine biological difference between us. @Shiva Bro should know hes an anglo living in new pakistan lmao sharia law will fix his women at least
Ivy Extreme Poster 555 points
@shiva I hope the whaling you hear in the video is from the women's daughter watching a real man put her whore mother in her rightful place, in the shitter gutter with the rest of you feminist fucks
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Ghost & König's Slut Oh so ur one of those pick me girls. Too bad u will only impress porn addict simps. Honest and strong men are never ok with violence against women. It's always teenagers of today's porn addict generation that speak like u saying stuff like "equal rights equal fights" Like u have to be a faggot to even think about raising hands on a female. Real men who don't need the approval of for their masculinity would never raise hands on women or kids. That's what is taught is also taught to the soldiers when they go to war. So according to u soldiers are simp beta males and porn addict internet manlets whose only masculinity is threatening women are alpha males? LMAO Feminist ? Present day world works on the the concept of equal rights and ur whining ass can't do a shit about it. U may have a masochistic kink but keep it to ur self. "And ur most women are karens today" LMAO 98% of all murders, rapes, thefts and other crimes are committed by men. And u know it too. Just because some women today choose to stay single it doesn't make them karen. No matter what women do, it's impossible for them to even do half the violence that men casually do in the world. Be rational not emotional. I used to think like u when I was a edgy teenager like u. Simon riley would definitely agree with me on this.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Ivy Girl touches a man's nose slightly... Man literally punches her and knocks her out, probably injured her face or broke a tooth. Teenage porn addict internet incels and femcel wankers : YEAH QUEEEN U GO GIRRLL Dumbass think rationally. She didn't even hit him. Ur a typical women hating porn addict incel raging manlet.
Ivy Extreme Poster 555 points
Thats a lotta words for ragebait my dude lmao
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Yeah definitely a lot for ur chimp brain to digest.
Ivy Extreme Poster 555 points
@Shiva whaddya mean i love women? They feel great to use, I dunno where you're getting that from
Ivy Extreme Poster 555 points
Its not that deep bro take the plug out from your ass
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
What's funny and sad at the same time is, I can understand where ur coming from. Ur just like a past reflection of mine. I used to think like u and even more misogynistic and violent when I was a porn addict. I used to say that girls are object made for our pleasure, I used to jerk off to rape porn, support that bald chinless Andrew tate, even supporting taliban and Iran for keeping women like animals.

I feel bad about ur life. I hope that u get out from that dark spot in life and actually do something in life. Meet some girls, talk with them. They are humans too.
Ivy Extreme Poster 555 points
When did I even say that? You are thinking way too much into this my dude lmao
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,640 points
<a href='../user/Shiva'>@Shiva

First, I don't even know what a “pick me girl” means lol. I'm just a girl who defends GOOD & HONEST men and women, all good people in general. I'll never defend the degenerates or disloyal lying narcissistic sluts, let's get that straight.

Lmao soldiers when they go to war also kill women and children. I know a lot of soldiers with PTSD who have said their stories. Some men were even forced to kill women because they actually threatened them with guns and bombs. So by your gay simp logic, since these male soldiers are real masculine men then they should just let these armed women kill them without fighting back?
Dude I understand where you're coming from but to me that doesn't sound like real equality. You remind me of those guys where you want a girlfriend so bad that you'll agree with these women and defend them like a white knight just to have a chance at being their boyfriend. Which is honestly not a bad mentality to have, that means you deeply care and have respect for women. My problem with that mentality is that times have changed and let's face it WOMEN DON'T ACT LIKE WOMEN ANYMORE. Nowadays, women are out of control and treat everyone poorly around them because there's no repercussions for their actions anymore. A woman can pretty much get away with almost everything now. And the worst part is men like you allow these out of control women to act this way without facing any consequences.
Do you even live in America? Because dude it's gotten pretty fuckin' bad. It's hard as hell to find good, honest, modest, and self respecting women nowadays especially with a zero bodycount. It's so bad that I genuinely feel bad for men nowadays. And just because statistics say men commit more crimes doesn't mean that ALL men are wicked and deserve punishment. If you're gonna go with that logic then most women in relationships/marriages cheat and they usually start the divorce, therefore they should also receive punishment for lying and breaking up their households for cheating, and have alimony given to the men since he was the faithful partner.

Lol I am not a Karen and I am not whining. I commented on a post, you were the one who got butthurt and replied to my comment which wasn't even directed towards you, but rather to defend you and other men who are mistreated and disrespected by out of control women. If a woman chooses to stay single then that's fine, more power to her. Regardless of the relationship status, what I'm saying is that male or female, EVERYONE should respect each other and learn to control their emotions. If anyone chooses to act on those emotions then they should face consequences, regardless of the gender. Since women don't face any consequences and no one tells them anything, they literally act like children in grown adult bodies. Most men that do correct women immediately receive backlash and are instantly labeled an “incel” or “misogynist”, like how you're doing. Men are so demonized that your average nice guy is now labeled a bad guy for not simping to these women. Meanwhile, while a woman can go whoring around, treating people like shit because of her narcissistic attitude, and break up marriages, even encouraging young girls to be promiscuous she's labeled a fucking “bad bitch” “boss bitch” or “queen”, “it's okay for her to be a whore as long as she's getting money and living her best life” BULLSHIT. Your mentality is noble, but honey, these women will praise you in your face for defending them but then make fun of you behind your back and treat you like a nobody. Understand that. Once again I don't hate women and I don't like seeing them getting harmed, that is only if they're good genuine women at heart and are not corrupted to America's or modern society’s ways. But the ones with no heart and soul, constantly violent, selfish, self-absorbed, deceitful, and overall hatred in their hearts… I can't defend evil people like that. Same if men are that way, I can't defend a wicked man.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,640 points
<a href='../user/Shiva'>@Shiva

Lol plus, I don't think Simon Riley would take shit from a woman honestly. He's such a masculine man that no women, I don't care how strong or empowering she thinks she is, she would never DARE to hit or disrespect him. In fact, most chicks would instantly turn into feminine loyal housewives and even give up feminism just to be his wife lmao
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,640 points
Lastly, no real good woman would ever hit or disrespect a real good man. If everyone was nicer and respectful towards each other then this world would be a better place. Sadly, we live in reality and hate is reality.
Ivy Extreme Poster 555 points
And I thought @Shiva was the one typing love letters lmao some nice points though, genuinely its a noble attitude and I respect it, but you're clearly the one here whos never been in relationships with women defending them with such vitriol. You idolize the idea of "women" but genuinely have no experience with them. Even forget the violence part, women will destroy your public image, your relationships, your mental health etc.. I'm genuinely not kidding when I say this but they are literally mentally way ahead of you as an average man, they will plan out entire conversations just to corner you into a response that's favorable and manipulate and gaslight you at the drop of a hat. Maybe I'm unlucky but most of them are genuinely demented my dude to be 100% with you.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,640 points
@Ivy sorry to hear, hun. Unfortunately, that's the modern life we live in now. Social media really fucked everyone up. Men just really need to stick together and build bonds, not in a gay way lol, but at least to kill that complete emptiness and loneliness inside. Mainly, men need to stop simping, y'all have more power than y'all think, women only get away with shit because men allow it. Anyway, I hope modern women will turn around and treat men like human beings too, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Just know that a few good women like myself still deeply care and love y'all^^
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Why do americunts think the world revolves around them ? Things are different outside america. My things dont hold true to western whoreism culture. I m from a conservative eastern society where women are still modest, kind, rational, feminine and shy.  My saying may also hold true to even europe sometimes but not that hellhole america. I m speaking generally for the world. Not for america where men have become cucks.  
And regarding soldiers i said, THEY ARE INSTRUCTED TO NOT HURT WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Why do u think they instructed them that ? Why does hurting women and kids come under serious war crimes but not as much when they kill men ? Lol. Equality doesn't exist. Men and women are different. They should be treated differently are are treated differently by masculine men.
And i m not even a simp. I just see the inequality in the world (NOT AMERICA). In some parts of the world where women are literally killed for not wearing a piece of cloth over their head which the men don't have such instructions. They are literally kept like animals in afghanistan. They are banned from going to schools, singing or walking outside without some male relative.
These islamist sharia law countries still exist and thats what triggers me. The world is going backwards in time (just like they used to burn women for learning astronomy in the west by calling them a witch).
I m not simping or trying to impress anyone. Its just how i feel being a masculine traditional guy seeing the inhumanity in some islamist countries.

And do u know, many rape victims in saudi arabia are also punished for being rape victims by saying " they should have not gone out without male authority".
All these things exist in the world and are reality. So i try to be more kind to the oppressed just like every real man and woman must be.
And ur right in ur own place too.

All i meant by my original reply is she didn't even hurt him a bit in the video. And a guy doesn't need to be violent like this guy was. He can just push her away.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,640 points
Well first off, I'm American, of course I'm speaking about the problems where I reside. I cannot speak on where you're located or anywhere else because I don't live there and I don't know how it really is. Second, when it comes to how they treat women in Afghanistan of course I agree with you on that. Women are literally treated as property, it angers me but that's out of my reach to help. Third, slapping a women is not violent. You've seen real violence on this gore site, you know what violent really is. For me, violence would be if he punched her then started kicking and beating her on the ground. A simple slap isn't going to kill her, but at least now she knows not to try to disrespect a man ever again. It's like a parent hitting their child for misbehaving, a simple slap to their back to get them to behave, not actually beating them lol. Is that so difficult for you to understand? If it is, please stop replying back because we're getting no where in this conversation. So keep safe and have a good day, friend.

Edited: Once again, what you believe is noble, but I hope you're not defending the narcissistic sluts.
NSDAP Hacker 91,451 points