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Unsual punishment for niggers
Nigger baka
5,976 views Jan 19, 2022

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Curryniggerkiller 81 points
Typical ape behaviour.
0 votes
Jan 19, 2022
Captain Boner Well-Known 996 points
Someone feed the apes some bananas....they're getting irritable. lol
–2 votes
Jan 19, 2022
diedinjuly Veteran 11,430 points
wow. what a waste of time watching that nonsense
–1 vote
Jan 20, 2022
Nigger Slayers Advanced 2,747 points
By no ambition, I suppose you mean people who want to do nothing in life.

Well, I am one such person. Years back, I as an enthusiastic college graduate who had scored straight As in almost everything, though it was certainly not easy. I had to sacrifice quite a lot of things (friends, parties, fun, etc.)

However, after graduating, I realized what kind of luck I was stuck with. In my department, I was the only one that did not manage to secure a job, while all others were placed, though they had much poorer performance than mine.

I tried everything possible, but nothing worked out. All this while I was sad, very sad, because a lot of money was already spent on my college education. So, prevent gaps in my CV, I started studying for MBA or Master’s.

Unfortunately, that did not help me either, and everybody ended up saying that I am overqualified and they rejected me.

Companies rejected me, universities rejected me. Still, I kept trying.

However, after a while of futile attempts, reality struck me and I realized that with both my parents ageing, I had to do something for the income in the family (dad’s retired, mom’s a housewife).

So, I started working small jobs to earn money. Those while are enough to cover the family expense, cannot be written to much benefit on a CV.

I had to move back to my home country, where nobody cares for my degrees since think it’s inferior.

3–4 years back, I had a lot of plans and ambitions. Now, I have nothing.

I myself am fed up of trying. It’s not that I have failed (maybe I have, however), it’s just that I don’t care about anything anymore.

So, coming back to your question, people without ambition like me will perhaps just live and die as nobodies.

Most of us might commit suicide too, if we see nothing worth living for or nothing interesting in life. I know I will; even in life if though it’s the only 1 thing that happens as per my wishes.

If you read until this point, a very hearty thank you (for what it’s worth)!
diedinjuly Veteran 11,430 points
lmao cool reply definitely didn't read it. just scrolled to bottom to reply ya dingus
White racist are funny
Funny how racist can hide so easily behind a screen. Sorry for being bigger cocked and more athletic and doctors degree than y’all crackers. But aye least y’all got great rock songs.
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
Funny video as always!
+1 vote
Apr 15, 2023
Nigger Slayers Advanced 2,747 points