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Russian boy getting bullied - III
3,783 views 1 day ago

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Saysumptin The Boss 32,716 points
0 votes
1 day ago
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Spider-Man come to the rescue!!
+2 votes
1 day ago
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica so you want spider-man to beat you up? because you're the same, you enjoy torturing men. this bitch gets off on torturing men, she teases and lies and then stabs them in the heart. now she has also revealed that she wants spider-man to spank her around, no surprise there, selfish whore only wants to fuck superheroes. maybe that's why she is torturing men, she secretly hopes that some superhero will punish her for it, so she would get a kick out of being man handled by a superhero.
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
U NEED FUCKING HELP bitch go jerk off somehwere else u stupid dumb shit go get help
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
He's been fucking with me too, all up in my dms lol
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
i usually hate bullies, but wtf is this retard screaming for? she barely even touched him.
i'd let that girl get on top of me any time, even if she wants to slap me, she'd break her fingers before she manages to hurt me anyways, but this idiot is screaming like someone is trying to skin him alive.

he should feel good that such hot girl touched him
+1 vote
1 day ago
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
U fucking dumbass if someone stomped u, u would scream, bitch please ur a fucking loser
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@mordax please buddy can i have a word with you in private? I need to talk to you.
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica anger issues? seek help, you have mental issues. you love torturing men and you rage like some russkie caveman. you need help.
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Your a fucking maniac u want to act so fucking normal, bitch this shit is not fucking normal, @BaconKing_104 u should see the shit he be sending me private LOL
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
I think i saw that on your wall
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica typical manipulative selfish whore. torture men and then play the victim card. you're literally eleanor williams junior. @BaconKing_104 yeah sure beacuse you can believe whores like her. you're just a horny old man who thinks you can get in her pants by protecting her. you're no better than those 400k supporters who defended eleanor williams and went as far as harassing those men's families and sending them death threats. and when they found out eleanor was indeed a lying whore, they all had a big long picachuu face oOOOOO SHE WAS LYING THIS WHOLE TIME? edit: fact that she is so butthurt, is proof that i'm right. she has no valid arguement so she fabricates shit and lies.
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
U literally said all this shit about just because I didn’t want you to have my number ur so fucking mental it’s fucking weird, u obviously don’t pull no bitches,
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Plus everybody in this website knows ur starting to sound more autistic each day,
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@mordax listen you fucking incel piece of shit i was trying to contact you to give you some advice. I kind of agree with some of your comments and i am aware of how men are mistreated for fuck's sake if it was for me i would exterminate almost every woman. You fucking retard scumbag don't you dare saying shit to me you don't know how much i have suffered because of girls aswell, i have been to the hospital because of whores so you really picked up the wrong person to say this bullshit to. I just wanted to give you a very big advice which is to NOT say this stuff to girls because they will just make fun of you. Not that i support it, but they will. I am sorry but yours is OBVIOUS incel behavior. You can think what you want but for your own good, don't say this shit out loud, you think girls have hurt you? You think it cannot get worse? Ohhh trust me my friend, you have no idea of how bad it can become if you say that stuff to everyone. You will be mocked by everyone, literally. You will be utterly humiliated by the whores you so much hate. Get smarter, don't let these whores make fun of you. You need to find peace within yourself first, you need to become better, and then, only then you will be able to allow yourself to get your revenge. Fucking bastard you need to chill the fuck out, you don't even know what i wanna say and you already attack me. Fucking chill out. I am not even friends with her, we have been fighting for days. Chill. The fuck. Out.
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica i never asked for your number you lying whore. i don't even have a phone lol. you just can't stop lying huh? look in the mirror, you have THIS "" on your profile. you're the one who is sick and has mental issues, you want to meet up with serial killers and get raped by them. you was the one who started teasing me and wanted to meet up and now you lying and making shit up. just rename yourself to eleanor williams junior, that's what you are. sadistic liar.
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@BaconKing_104 i do what i want. what ya gonna do about it fag boi? cry some more xD keep crying. it's fun seeing old farts cry and rage xD keep on going xD
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
So ur ass don’t even have a fucking phone bitch ur a fucking kid, plus skype also requires a number u dumbass and ur the lieing  bitch u said you wanted to fucking talk to me and I fucking said no then you wanted to get mad? No pussy for u whore, stay mad and autistic u nasty peace of shit LOL
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@mordax me crying? i was trying to give you some advice. You should look at your bio and your comments before telling me about crying LOL the most pathetic, sad and embarrassing shit i have ever read. Truth is you will never get a girl they will be disgusted by you, you have nothing to offer. Everyone knows that after all these pathetic meltdowns you just switch tabs and get hard in front of cuck porn LMAO. Me "crying" because i wanna save your pathetic ass HAHAHAHAHA fuck off. Stupid me for wanting to help such an incel cuckold scumbag
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica (eleanor williams junior) why so mad? take your pills and ask your daddy to fuck you with that tiny cock. who's kyle? your daddy? and why you call everyone a kid who speaks truth about you? you have no legit arguements, so you resort to childish insults. this is so typical, every selfish bitch like you does that. when their lies get exposed, they instantly rage and start throwing out cheap insults xD
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
@mordax the shit u do is fucking pathetic BITCH NOBODY WANTS U, YOUR JUST A FAG BOY THATS DESPERATE FOR PUSSY when ur obviously not getting shit, so stay behind your fucking phone and stay the fuck silent because in overall your just a fucking bum, a bum ass bitch that’s mad nobody wants him, depressed and fucking weird, it’s obviously a joke when I said meeting up with him, but your shit said your depressed because you have NO GIRLS
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Skype bitch have u ever heard of a grammar
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica (eleanor williams junior) now now, we all know who the real bitch here is. you write "u" and whine about grammar? that's rich xD hypocrite much?
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Lol fucking dumbass learn how to read I said have u ever heard of a grammar because I said one grammar that u mentioned bitch ur so fucking dumb go kill yourself LOL
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
keep yapping bacon old bacon fart. i just wrote custom script to block your posts xD so feel free to keep yapping, i won't see any of your comments anymore. but here, take a look at what this lying whore wrote at first
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica broken record much? can't you come up with any better insults than taking them from your mirror? clearly you are mad, go seek help girlie
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
You fucking lying ass bitch what the fuck are u fucking doing i never wrote this shit and I will never will what the fuck you disgusting pig, you obviously started this whole shit and I have every single fucking detail ur such a fucking hypocrite
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
If I said that shit u would have obviously accepted it because your so desperate for a fucking girlfriend ur so fucking weird leave the fuck alone
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
doggystyle HAHAHAHA lmao
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Your obviously made that message your self since your so desperate for one you lied your ass off of it you still bag no bitches and I would never want a fucker like u
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica you're funny, keep raging :3 and thanks for proving what i already knew. now be careful not to rage too much, you gonna have a stroke like that, would SUCK for your dad to find you naked and unconscious. oh yeah, follow your own advice -- GRAMMAR!
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Awwww someone doesn’t have a girlfriend lol still not getting one your fucker
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica (eleanor williams junior) "I would never want a fucker like u" ahh i see, you want a dickless man, cos you're sadistic and you love cutting off men's dicks. what's wrong? daddy fucked you too hard and now you hate fuckers who can fuck your cunt? did your daddy teach you to try and use reverse psychology? nice try, but too obvious. everyone knows who you are already, you proved that when you started raging like a little baby hulk with cunt
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Awww your obviously so mad you had to make a fake message to make it seem I like you , I really don’t like you and I event told you but you just keep private chatting me , I understand your so mad because I don’t want you, but who would even want you?, you talk about me but bitch you obviously fuck your mother because no one would ever love that small ass dick of yours! I mean your pathetic honestly, it would’ve been calmly to get to know me but you acting like a fucking manic thinks your getting bitches  when your really not, you need some fucking help and your just a fat ugly shit that’s mad no girl wants him, look at your bio, it’s FUCKING CRINGEY ASF LMAO
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica (eleanor williams junior) who are you even talking to? learn to use @. imagine judging someone based on fake profile xD
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Profile or bio, learn how to fucking read I was talking about your bio
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
bro uses ":3" like shut the fuck up weirdo
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
finally someone fucking said it, your a grown ass man using it, and before u start saying “ you did the same shit in private chat” bitch I was fucking trolling you I would never want someone like you, I have every detail from your ass u stupid cunt
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica AHA! finally you admit that you're sadistic selfish whore who loves to torture men! you keep calling everyone stupid, but you're the one who don't even know how to use @ person, you keep raging and raging. look in the mirror ;)

you have every detail from my ass? all you have is your own selfish cunt xD if you had any details, you'd be posting them out in public, but you got nothing. also if you was trolling, you wouldn't get so butthurt and you wouldn't rage like a cunted baby hulk, trolls don't rage xD

you're perfect example of eleanor williams, you keep making up more lies to cover for your previous lies. also your insults are not even offensive, they're funny and amusing :3 you tried so hard to keep your rage, but you just couldn't? anyone reading through this will realize you're mentally sick. first you rage, then you try to be nice, then you rage again xD your mood and story changes more often than cunts change their panties on a hot weather.
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Not reading allat
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica (eleanor williams junior) you're not reading allat? is that a book about allah? no wonder you have mental issues, all muslims are autistic
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@cupidangelica maybe you should block his replies just like he did with me let him die in his incel madness
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Same one that wanted to have my socials because he’s just a horny fag that can’t bag girls
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
@Baconking_104 ong I should LOL
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
I believe you @cupidangelica he's sending me weird shit too, something about slapping me around and raping me lol. Dude's starving for any pussy thrown his way
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
@Ghost&König’s Slut, YESSSS FINALLYYYY omfg thank u so much for proving my point I knew his ass been trying to talk to other girls he’s so fucking horny for anyone, the picure he send saying I wrote it, bitch when did I ever fucking write that in the first place it’s so obvious he copied everything from the message went into Google docs and easily erase the message I truly put and putted a weird ass fake one, he’s so fucking disgusting LOL
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@"Ghost & König's Slut" that's rich coming from a virgin who wishes she'd get raped and literally calls herself SLUT. it's typical that stupid cunts stick together, just like stinky and smelly go hand in hand, lying bitches go pussy to pussy

@cupidangelica that's your alt account. you're same person lol. you're so pathetic that nobody believes you, so you make fake accounts and rage some more. but please do keep telling me more bed time stories, your stories are amusing, it shows just how twisted you really are, miss eleanor williams junior :3
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Here he goes with the editing again LOL shut the fuck up fag
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica here she goes again with rage and childish insults. thanks for proving it's your alt account ;) you just got caught red handed. and NO i'm not gonna shut the fuck up, what ya gonna do about it? rage some more? make more alt accs?
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
That doesn’t make fucking since lol your just mad ur ass got fucking caught by 2 girls not one but also 2 lol delusional head ass
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
Lmao bottom one is correct, top one you altered it. You lying incel faggot. You were all desperate and shit trying to get me to email you, talk to you, and even offering to take me out and have fun. Saying you can make 10k a month lol. Even if you're telling the truth you're a fucking simp bro, just stop ya fucking beta male.
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica i'm not the one raging here my dear rage-girl :3

@Ghost & König's Slut says a girl who calls herself slut xD

you should take your own virginity by fucking your alternate personality called eleanor williams junior. why don't you show your parents and real life friends that you call yourself slut online and using 2 accounts to talk to yourself. take your pills and seek help, same advice i gave to your other account
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
And yeah I'm a slut for fictional characters but not for you that's probably why you're so butthurt at me and @cupidangelica lmao. Nah my hand gets the job done when I need to. They already know I'm a slut for fictional characters xD
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
sure sure it's "fictional". that's most common excuse that pathelogical liars always tell. you are cupid you stupid. it's your alt. also i don't even like sluts. i'm rich and i have never paid for sex ever. it's disgusting, sluts are disgusting. go find better insults from granny's closet
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Lmao he can’t believe that his ass got caught so he thinks these are 2 accs, he’s fr so mad he can’t pull anybody, LOL he probably did this shit to men aswell
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica who are you talking to honey? you keep saying someone is raging, but you're the one who keeps raging and sending me random insults. are you talking to yourself?
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Who is their to talk to, the rest already know I’m talking to one person and that’s you, I don’t have to put your username when u already know I’m talking to u LOL
TWIXSTEN 86 points
@cupidangelica you are not a girl, there is no way a girl would act this dumb in online website. If you are really girl, then have some self respect. I don't understand either who you are talking to :/ It seem like you have mental issues, I was once in mental hospital because I could not tell what is real and is not. I feel bad for you sense you are in the state where you are on denial about your mental condition. You think you are right and everyone else is wrong. Please go get help.
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
I’m not listening to somebody who was in a mental hospital tf bitch I was never in a mental hospital but YOU were
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
@cupidangelica forgot to take your pills again? who are you even talking to? it's very clear you never been to loony bin, if you were, then you wouldn't be such a whacko
Ivy Extreme Poster 566 points
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Ivy Extreme Poster 566 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@TWIXSTEN the biggest scumbag on this whole site just got out of her maggot sewer cave once again
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
“Slavic dirty language” stupid nigger copied me & put Italian in his bio. Your language is just as ugly as beaner Spanish. Slavic is sexier & even your “I’m a virgin but i was raped as a child :3” girlfriend Ghost admitted it bc she dreams of Slavic cock. Yeah go have a word with mordax in private so you can suck each other’s little cocks.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
Lol russian sounds ugly as fuck y'all sound retarded and permanently drunk with that fucking accent you have, italian is beautiful and it's not just me saying it. It's elegant and it's very different from spanish, not like your ruski nigger shit ogre language. Russians are white niggers, everyone says it, no one wants your russian shit
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
That’s not what your brown beaner girlfriend said. Most of you Italians are shit-colored just like Mexicans. Nobody cums listening to an Italian beaner talk. Mediterraneans are the ugly brown shitskin beaner niggers of Europe. Everyone knows.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
LMAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you told me that only the ones from the south are like that previously so i will not believe a single fucking word. Also "nobody cums listening to italian" it's not like they cum listening to your ugly ass russian ogre language
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
Everyone knows. You Italians are the niggers of the Mediterraneans, the beaners of Europe. I’ve seen millions of comments from girls saying they get horny hearing Slavic guys talk. Including your girlfriend in our private messages. What are your thoughts on that?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
Well good for her since she is not my girlfriend, about all the other shit you said, i couldn't give a flying fuck. You are just talking out of ignorance because if you took a trip in italy no one is dark except far south in some occasions, lol.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
Lmao @BrownShitSkinNigger though it's true I love how the Russian language sounds, it's ONLY the men who have the deep masculine voices. But if it had to compete with Mexican Spanish (Not Spain Spanish), it ultimately loses. My men's deeper voices are way better than Russian men, plus they look more.. intimidating than Russian men or any other white race. Yes, I have an attraction towards white men but ultimately I love indigenous men from the Americas way more. Lol I only got into Russian men because of the Russian Terminator guy on Pinterest and YouTube. Plus, I've been a cod fan as a kid and always thought the spetnaz were cool looking, rainbow six siege too. I've always loved and respected men in military. The spetnaz always looked the best, I love their uniforms but as I said before, I'm not racist I can love any guy from any race. Don't think y'all are special, love
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
In my defense, I only dream of the Russian Terminator guy's Slavic cock lmaooo and other FICTIONAL CHARACTERS who are Russian
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
@BaconKing_104 LMFAO "permanently drunk" so fucking true !!!
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
Keep lying to yourself. All of your profile pictures have been white men. If you love your race so much & if they’re so intimidating why don’t you put a beaner as your picture. You’ll never accept the whites you're attracted to all prefer white girls. Even your men want white girls. You only attract black guys honey. You beaners turned colonized Spanish into a ghetto monkey language. Spain Spanish would sound more proper i would think.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
Lol cause my men don't be taking pictures and modeling like a bunch of fags. But sure I'll rep my men and other colored nations, give me a few. Dude they can call me a nigger and date their own, IDC as I said before but apparently you suffer brain loss that I have to keep reminding you, yes I have an attraction to some whites but I would never date nor fuck 'em. As you said before, which I believe it's true, most intelligent whites are racist. The majority of whites are racist, and I'm not a race traitor, but I just happen to lust after white fictional characters because video games played a big part in my childhood and kept me from suicide at a young age.

And of course it's more proper but also sounds gayer. We gave that shit some flavor and now we're known for being charismatic in America. The faggot Jews in Hollywood know this which is why they'll never give the spotlight to a colored good-looking Mexican man because they'll always outshine the crackers and they can't have that, it's part of white supremacy
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger, key word “FICTIONAL” characters, their in video games she can find them of course attractive if she wants to, many people find the Russian terminator guy attractive and many more, who wouldn’t???, she likes the way he dresses and looks,but that doesn’t mean she loves white men ONLY , she can love any race she wants to, she didn’t say she loves white men or Slavic men,ONLY.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,721 points
Exactly, thx girl
cupidangelica Beginner 168 points
Nppppp!!!!!!!, they fr need to read comments before jumping into conclusion
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
Well i don't wanna read all of this i just read your first comment lili (i think that was the short version of your name which i am not sure to remember, please don't hate me) but i know you did a good job.
InfiniteMisery Well-Known 838 points
Overweight, doesn't stand up for himself, dresses geeky out in public and gets his ass handled by a girl. Life's going to be one serious mess for this kid. Oh boy, he's in for a ride.
+2 votes
1 day ago
mordax Intermediate 1,069 points
i bet his parents are proud that they raised such pathetic loser. generally i hate bullies, but he got barely touched by a girl and he's SCREAMING like someone is skinning him alive. wtf is wrong with him. there's no way any of those hits actually hurt.
InfiniteMisery Well-Known 838 points
I think he's likely to have some sort of neurological disorder. Probably asperger's syndrome or extreme social awkwardness, as it doesn't look like straight up autism. Either way, a kid in that situation or condition, shouldn't be left alone out in the world; that's a school shooter/serial killer in the making, and even if he doesn't get to that point, he will have a very distasteful existence next to other humans that will not accept him at all.
TWIXSTEN 86 points
I would not even touch that loser. He does not deserve my touch. I would maybe hit him with a stick in his virgin penis for being a cry baby
0 votes
1 day ago
ChemDawg Beginner 198 points
Ain't nobody want your Bells palsy face...
DegenKat Addicted 2,206 points
Hell, the comments are more entertaining than the video
0 votes
1 day ago
ChemDawg Beginner 198 points
I'm just here for the comments...
+1 vote
1 day ago
Sukuna Overlord 4,771 points
Fuck that bitch! Hope it comes back to her.
0 votes
5 hours ago
Gonzaga Overlord 4,670 points