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Man Trying To Rape Woman Employee Got Caught
He went to try to rape the employee, three men entered the establishment, which prevented the act, the young rapist is presumed to be injured ..
315,741 views Mar 12, 2022

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XOXtopher Well-Known 802 points
Poor guy, no money for hookers. Poor guy.
+24 votes
Mar 12, 2022
AlwaysSeeingYou2 80 points
Fuck that guy.  I bet he got broom-fucked in jail, too.
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
What zero bitches does to a motherfucker. This man is pathetic. Just ask her out on a date, if he’s lucky she’ll let him put his thumb in her ass during backshots.
+22 votes
Mar 12, 2022
Hc3z 66 points
Dates? Ew
shit on cock Veteran 11,096 points
how else is a black nigger suppose to romance ? fkn apes
+22 votes
Mar 12, 2022
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
this is what happens when you have such big dicks, you only think with your dick. That's why we're lucky
605 Experienced 343 points
i like this comment but im not going to up vote it because of your weird ass down syndrome backstory, fucking weirdo
shit on cock Veteran 11,096 points
@605 hahaha , fair enough !
ofwudan Beginner 149 points
he doesn't look black to me
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,036 points
I feel the same way lmfao
Crimnt Famous 4,094 points
Wrong country
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Yeah  I Know, I say the same when I see all those white trash serial rapists and murderers.
Mark Feely Experienced 435 points
Chill pepper niggas will never learn till there’s a squadron of bombers flying over head ready to bomb the fuckers back to Shithole spain
+15 votes
Mar 12, 2022
Ray Pist
I am glad I have more succes when I'm raping girls.
+19 votes
Mar 12, 2022
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,036 points
I just love your choice of names lmfao
albertuuu 1 point
Would love for you to share your better content
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
Another uncivilized black man after a white woman.
+20 votes
Mar 12, 2022
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,036 points
Seems to be a theme these days
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
these niggers keep going after white women because white women keep going after that monkey dick! Too many white women are going after that nigger dick that white women nowadays are fat with multi coloured hair because they aren't interested in attracting white men anymore! This is ruining white men because now so many white men nowadays are woke, simps, soy boys, incels, cucks, sjws, leftists, snowflakes, pedso etc. We're dying off and it's because our women can't get enough of that nigger Dick. When you search for "cuck" porn, it's always niggers fucking our women!!!!!!!
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
You are so right my man. Had he been a civilized black man he would have got that pussy for sure.
ilovedick299 0 points
ima be real y'all white men be hating on us like tf y'all mfs acting gay as shit when u say u hate women
Real_Misanthrope Veteran 11,870 points
I feel bad for him.
+16 votes
Mar 12, 2022
YOLO Crypto
Never EVER let your guard down when niggers are nearby.  There are only 6x outcomes from nigger encounters:

1. They rob you
2. They beat you
3. They rape you
4. They kill you
5. You deter them (temporarily)
6. You kill them

Stay safe around nigger everyone.
+16 votes
Mar 12, 2022
@YOLO Crypto. You missed the most important one; you get on your knees and worship the big black dingus.Enjoy.
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,804 points
Chinese people have pale skin.
White people have pale skin.
Chinese people have brown hair.
White people have brown hair.

But guess what? I can tell the fucking difference between them.

With that being said, how come the black community has to get blamed for this rape when the rapist is clearly a very light brown Hispanic male.

Like how come this comment section is giving the usual “ never relax around blacks” response… when the guy is clearly HISPANIC.
+16 votes
Mar 12, 2022
rejectMonkey Intermediate 1,374 points
possible because they get chummy when they feel like shitting on whites, but you're right distinctions are important
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
fuck you! If you think it's because we're insecure and weak because niggers are bigger and are bigged dicked, that's not the reason! It's because we want to protect our families and are women!!!!
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,036 points
They do all that if your a pussy and let them. Iv never had a issue or complaints about my 9"white cock and damn sure aren't going to let them cuck me like a bitch. Grow some balls and step up to a nigger. Good niggers are dead niggers.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Say it again brother!
danielll Famous 3,058 points
i hate fucking creeps
+17 votes
Mar 13, 2022
Guvnor The Boss 28,582 points
I wanted to see him get a merciless beating, then let woman have a go at him!
+16 votes
Mar 14, 2022
rejectMonkey Intermediate 1,374 points
at least he was wearing a mask. frankly, he should be pardoned
+15 votes
Mar 15, 2022
spacewind Addicted 1,552 points
rape failed
+16 votes
Mar 24, 2022
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
Natural instinct of the nignog, he can't help it.
+18 votes
Mar 29, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
No, it is natural for everybody but he had the balls to go for it,
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,645 points
He attempted and then got his arse beaten by white lads
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
Rapists are fucking animals. They all should be culled with bullet to head.
+17 votes
Mar 29, 2022
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
miss what?
spacewind Addicted 1,552 points
More beast than man. More beast than most beasts. The negro infestation will be the end of the civilized world.
+14 votes
Mar 29, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
What bullshit. Is that what you said when Obama was POTUS? It will be the white man who destroys the goddamn PLANET. Not a couple of niggers.
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,645 points
Fella can you name 5 things blacks have given the world? Apart from shit like AIDS. All tech you use is white invention, all forms of transport, modern science, modern medicine, democracy, the ending of slavery. Just some of the achievements of whites, so what have blacks done again?
ilovedick299 0 points
music, they created the gas mask, chips and peanut butter.. several more aswell but you get the point.
diedinjuly Veteran 11,683 points
kid. just get a fucking hooker u dumb bastard
+19 votes
Mar 30, 2022
chancho The Boss 28,948 points
should have waited in the parking lot
+17 votes
Mar 30, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,838 points
Death penalty for raping
+10 votes
Mar 30, 2022
TheHound Natural Addict 7,182 points
Video was cut short.  I wanted to see that ass-whupping.
+15 votes
May 3, 2022