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+11 votes


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Black guy fights white guy


19,723 views Mar 18, 2022

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go do some boxing
+4 votes
Mar 18, 2022
Mercurio22 Experienced 435 points
Agree that bitch just runs away
Sad all da time
This aint no public school lol
+1 vote
Mar 18, 2022
shit on cock Veteran 11,100 points
riding my shit covered dick would be less gay than that ran away
0 votes
Mar 18, 2022
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,403 points
if anyone says this is typical "white boy" behavior can fuck right off! That guy wasn't white, white men don't act like that, we act more manly and alpha than that! Dude was probably mixed race or a mexicunt.
–1 vote
Mar 18, 2022
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
stfu you fucking male bitch. you are disgrace to white men. your comments just drip with soylent and nigger cum out of your wife's pussy
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,403 points
hahaha look another liberal SWJ who cant see the truth. Go simp after more nigger dick you soy boy
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
you fucking mad bitch right now. I am suddenly a SJW, just because you dont like me now lol typical bitch behavior
Observer Extreme Poster 653 points
Sounds like Tyrone beat you up and fucked your gf. If you can't get laid then get a hooker.
Adolf Newsom and his virus Gestapo and their loyal slaves in the stupid shitty large metro areas in the North Korea of the western hemisphere (aka Kuntifuhrnia) would beat these people to death for not wearing face diapers. Of course the mainstream media would never report on the beating because black lives do not matter to the radical left if those same black people are not complying with the virus Naziism. Ironically enough most people I've witnessed getting violently dragged off buses, trains and aircrafts for not wearing face diapers were black, and the Nazi stormtroopers doing the enforcement were white. Of course the mainstream media will never tell you that.
0 votes
Mar 18, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Dude don’t spam this shit In my videos please
Ivan Addicted 1,600 points

He runs like a hippie version of forrest gump!

+2 votes
Mar 19, 2022
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
/pol/faggot at his finest haha
americans are so much degenerated country of soyboys and cucks. a classroom full of white dudes and only one nigger and the nigger's actually in charge there
–1 vote
Mar 19, 2022
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
im sorry but your NuMale's avatar + hysterically emotional posts with typical, retarded /pol/ rhetoric make you look retarded
arnt u the fag who was literally cryin and talkin bout how u were goin to kill urself cause everyone here was makin fun of u and ur faggy videos about ur gay ass points bein lowered?  cryin bout how u wanted edgy friends but everyone here was just mean to u?  hahahaha look how u talk to people fag n u wonder why most people dont like u hahaha  wow
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
you mistook me for Sussy Baka
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,403 points
you sound just like these feminist sjws XDXDXDXD
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
you sound like /pol/ who are even worse than SJWs
you call Slavs, Southern Europeans and other nonAnglo-Saxon people a nonwhite
besides you're just mommyson 4chan kids spreading memes and shit and you are just shit worth cunts
I hate when such bitches manage to act like white race heroes in the internet. trying hard to share their redpill (more often the black(cock) pill these times) knowledge while youre just stupid manchild whores afraid of a nigger in real life
hah I'd really prefer you to just go power up the left side instead of acting right side but de facto being stupid, derisive  little whores from 4chan who can no shit in real life
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,403 points
aahahaha I am scared of niggers, no shit, and most people should be, are you dumb? Niggers have the ability to destroy our culture and civilization, rape our women and fuck us up physically and we are in the process already!! It's kinda our fault as well due to slavery. We ironically bred niggers to be physically superior to us from centuries of forced selection, making the strongest nigger to work the fields, which kinda backfired on us. We should have just left niggers in their place.
Eastern Europeans are white what are you talking about? I'm Polish and Italian (haha /pol/ I get it) so I don't see what you're on about.
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
ok. you are a total cuck. I get it now. go jerk to your nigger porn. I don't want anything to do with you. just fuck you
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,403 points
ahahahaha way to cope bro, you do you XDXD
no people like sussy its u who im thinkin of with your vids of u making crazy faces cause u said u were goin nuts over the down votes n shit. redstir n egg made funny things with ur face makin vids u just continued to cry n some other people made posts bout u
nebelwerfer88 Intermediate 1,329 points
lol so? give me one fkn proof i was going suicide or butthurting about malevirgin downvotes
I actually love these videos tbh. there is one video lost though. this video was ironic song with lyrics like "i fucking hate, suck my cock" or something like that but it was cool and actually mirrored my stance to most of things. and my face inserted there fitted quite nice
dont be such a pussy, u kno your own vids were deleted by either u or the gay fags runnin this shit site.  as were redstirs, eggs, and sussys vids with ur vid. id bet those 3 have ur vid still tho but my only point is ur a major shit talkin fuck who cant handle people talkin to u the way u talk to everyone.  its funny and pathetic ur callin anyone a pussy was all im sayin
IronDeathMachine 60 points
this youtube video gets +5?
0 votes
Mar 19, 2022
LulzyEmpath Extreme Poster 500 points
Niggers are the most overrated thing EVER...
+1 vote
Mar 20, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,576 points
all blacks should be sent back to Africa where they can kill eachother off
+3 votes
Mar 21, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
@killerontheroad. Been hearing that for for over 40 years. No boats have been built yet.
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
he folded °^°
+2 votes
Apr 24, 2022
diedinjuly Veteran 11,717 points
what a little fucking bitch
+1 vote
Apr 25, 2022
Mercurio22 Experienced 435 points
This is America (idk)
0 votes
Apr 25, 2022
Bro, I swear I'm listening to it while I'm watching
Misanthrope86 Experienced 295 points
Fucking nigger. "Runs yelling help!"
+1 vote
Sep 3, 2022
Knight Templar Overlord 6,059 points
I would have protected him
0 votes
Mar 2, 2023
The whiter the berry, the more bitter and evil the juice.
0 votes
Jun 21, 2023
CuteInsaneLatina123 Extreme Poster 523 points
i woulda said that too so ion know what the deal is
+2 votes
Apr 7, 2024
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,334 points
500 votes done! you can now vote on posts and comments too
CuteInsaneLatina123 Extreme Poster 523 points
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points