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Ukrainian Soldiers Shot Russian Prisoners On War On Thier Legs
Ukrainian and Russian war
47,322 views Mar 27, 2022

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Eris Boreas Greyrat Overlord 4,797 points
If only there's no war crime i would shot them in the head for invading our country.
+4 votes
Mar 27, 2022
Слушай,на верхушке всё уже давно решили за нас. Война закончится,а вот обиды останутся. Так зачем пополнять их список? Разведением срача в комментариях делу не поможешь. Всё понимаю: обида,ярость,ненависть. Ну ты пойми, на нашей стороне баррикады тоже люди. Подобными речами ты их только подтолкнёшь к тому,чтобы окончательно убедиться в оправданности происходящего. Всё рано или поздно закончится. И эта чертовщина закончится. Не надо уж подстрекать людей на бойню. Постоянных перепалок аля "хохла забыли спросить" и "москаляку на гиляку" уже много было. Не надо ссорить народы и дальше.
If only there's no war crime you would have no country dumb ape extra 35 milion trash ukrainian dogs will die the sooner the better.
c_u_N_ext_T_uesday 91 points
this is a war crime stupid "War crimes also include such acts as mistreatment of prisoners of war(P.O.W)"
ʜᴇɪʟ ꜰüʜʀᴇʀ Beginner 219 points
Shut up! Pussy
JohnnieWalker Omega 18,290 points
@StrikeR Заткнись, негроид. Мы запустим ракеты в Москве, в Санкт-Петербурге, на Красной площади, в Грозном, в Белгороде и в соборе Василия Блаженного.
Теперь, когда Путин набирает в армию женщин, а не мужчин, мы будем насиловать русских женщин-солдат и отправлять фотографии их трупов их семьям по телеграму или "ВКонтакте".
Мы уничтожим любое русское культурное наследие на Украине, а затем вторгнемся в Сербию, Словакию (и, возможно, Венгрию) за поддержку вашей войны.
Затем мы отправимся в Африку и казним всех русских наемников, которых найдем, а потом убьем африканцев за то, что они поддерживали ваших наемников.
Конечно, мы не сделаем этого, не уничтожив предварительно всех жителей Донбасса и Крыма, которые считают себя русскими.
Мы завершим дело Гитлера.
OvenBakedJews Advanced 2,447 points
UKrain are neo Nazi country full with anti Semitic and holocaust denial one of the most famous gas chamber operator was UKrainian hope Putin will nuke this shit hole white trash vodka alcoholic country
+4 votes
Mar 27, 2022
rejectMonkey Intermediate 1,374 points
L'chaim brother
WtfTube Well-Known 885 points
You know the president is jewish, right...?
OvenBakedJews Advanced 2,447 points
Zelensky is JewNazi NATO puppet
c_u_N_ext_T_uesday 91 points
yeah cus its not like in ww2 there where Jewish informants who sold out their owns people other Jewish family's to save their own skins read a book hahahahahah
WtfTube Well-Known 885 points
Your stupidity is unmatched, and I'm slightly impressed (and very concerned) because of it
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
I was in St. Petersburg, Russia in April,2009 for a 2 week gig. There was a massive parade of neo-nazis marching along Nevsky Prospekt. I talked to many exchange students from Congo who said that got harassed all the time. So it looks like all the racist talk of Ukraine is a bit hypocritical.
JohnnieWalker Omega 18,290 points
@gjmojo67 All of Eastern Europe has that thinking, it's the most traditionalist and most conservative Eurozone out there and you can't blame them, frankly. Just lmagine being like the French pussies.
JohnnieWalker Omega 18,290 points
@OvenBakedJews AshkeNAZI, also he supports Israel which is terrible, how can anyone support Israel doing a genocide of islamic people who do terrorist attacks and rape children? Unacceptable!!! Palestinians were peacefully killing and raping women and little girls until ((they)) started using,justifiably, chemical weapons and destroying hospitals full of Islamists. Oy vey, we must start raping 5 year old girls like the prophet mohammed did to rid the world of the evil nazis who don't think it is good to force women to wear black curtains that cover even their faces and allow 6 year old girls to be the wives of 69 year old men (like the prophet mohammed with aisha his 9 year old wife).
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,083 points
Seems fake, the first two have bones and red hot lead blown through them but make no noise at all? It was probably blanks for propaganda
+1 vote
Mar 27, 2022
Do u have any idea how dangerous blank ammo might be?
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,083 points
No, but Baldwin does
direApostle 87 points
Russian propaganda
0 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Fantastic, would love to do this myself!
+1 vote
Mar 29, 2022
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 597 points
hope russia will soon nuke europe including uk
+2 votes
Mar 30, 2022
rejectMonkey Intermediate 1,374 points
great plan, but what makes you think a nuke won't reach your shithole?
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 597 points
It is natural to die as to be born
c_u_N_ext_T_uesday 91 points
big facts^
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,806 points
rejectMonkey Intermediate 1,374 points
I'm starting to wonder why are we getting so little of uncensored war footage on gore sites
+1 vote
Apr 2, 2022
Valkism person Advanced 2,747 points
In the head it was better
+1 vote
May 1, 2022
LeftismIsPure-Evil Intermediate 1,140 points
Fucking mongrel niggerfaced slavic shits deserve worse.
0 votes
Mar 8, 2023
Potatochips23 Beginner 162 points
Yall too late guys i watch that on youtube before taken down Lol
0 votes
Jan 7, 2024
JohnnieWalker Omega 18,290 points
Вот это бомба! Надеюсь, они отрежут им уши, как азербайджанцы сделали с армянами.
0 votes
Jul 18, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,488 points