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Typical NYC scenario

Welcome in New York City, a place where all races live in peace together. In this video you can see a peacefull transaction between an Asian and a Nigger, hope you enjoy :)

17,722 views Mar 28, 2022

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Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
+21 votes
Mar 28, 2022
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,385 points
I dont get why so many white women love animals like this! Why do so many of our women go after animals like them, whilst gentlemen like us always lose out! We're dying off, becoming simps, pedos and cucks because these niggers think they're all that!
+12 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,822 points
Thats what the media (Instagram, PH, TV) tries to tell us, but we are not there yet. Niggers and white beta sub-humans are not the majority yet, but if we give up on us and our race, they will be soon. Our Race is our Nation!
Observer Extreme Poster 649 points
Because White men have no game and no balls. They're also completely compliant with any ridiculous law.  Chicks want a bad boy. They're also seen as boring and being oppressors.
krissyx Experienced 447 points
maybe because all white men have small dicks
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,822 points
seems like you haven't had some white dick yet, some real white dick lmao
MikeMKULTRA Beginner 113 points
Bro with all these comments you seem like an incel faggot. Plenty of White women love White men. I am White and fucking two White women. Only ghetto trashy mudsharks fuck with niggers.
All i see here is humans trash tryng to be ajust in somewhere. very sad the existence of all you. fuckng human trash.
krissyx Experienced 447 points
damn u mad offended seems like ur dick is small and ur mad cuz it applies to u
Sui Famous 4,210 points
They dont, they only see the negros for their dick and nothing else. With the new abortion bans hopefully itll make woman think before fucking a nigger.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,385 points
@Sui that's true but because the west is embracing feminism and women acting slutty, that's gonna make women more thirsty for black dick, e.g people rage if you slut shame. That's why so many women nowadays are these fat woke feminists with purple hair because they're more interested in black men (black men like big women), whilst more and more white men are becoming pedos and incels. E.g white men make up most of pedos in the west where they are a majority but also make up for the most pedos in Asia where they are a minority, also most weebs obsessed with anime shit are white. White women are becoming less focused on family and instead, careers, meaning the white population and family values are at risk. That's why white men/boys are stereotyped with having shitty mothers who dont look after them, whereas blacks are always stereotyped with getting along with their mothers (fathers not so much XDXD)
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
You mean the white bitches think they are all that. Cheers.
i_enjoy_deathXD 40 points
why yall so weird and obsessed bro
Knight Templar Overlord 6,045 points
niggers are the demons of earth and those who  propogate the. are of satan directly
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,015 points
Attach a camshaft to that nigger and you just may have found a source of free energy
+10 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Nathsanvidh913 Experienced 450 points
Fucking swimming
+6 votes
Mar 31, 2022
GOREMONGER Advanced 2,663 points
hey, i think this was on the actual news recently lmao
+6 votes
Apr 10, 2022
Natural Addict 8,434 points
+1 vote
Jun 30, 2022
MysticMochi Advanced 2,720 points
This is why we don’t like niggers.
+14 votes
Jun 30, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Who is we? Are you talking about my white Australian girl friends who devours my dick? I guess it's okay for whites to mass murder children and you still think they are cool but a nigga does anything...well you know the rest.
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Who’s We?
ChildOfGod Experienced 411 points
Holy shit what was that?
+7 votes
Jun 30, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Yoooo, The Child of God Has A LiveGore Account!
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
An average day in america, im surprize they didnt pull out their weapons and shot all the building
+7 votes
Jul 1, 2022
You deserve to be shot for your sick hatred of America.
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
that literally just proves my point you brainwashed american, go committ a mass murder somewhere else
Why are you so obsessed with guns and shootings? I'm starting to think you secretly love guns.
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
lol, obsessed? I just make fun of Americans and american logic in general, you guys are just so fucking retarded, but based on you logic: you are obsessed with Adolf Newsom since that all you comment about ?

imbecile american, so fucking brainwashed
I often post comments about subjects other than Adolf.

Moderators, how do I block this asshole?
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
lmao weak americans, you know when they lost an argument they try to block off everthing LOL.
Cry me a river or shoot up a school crybaby
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,907 points
I luv Ameddica, it has been beddy beddy gooot to me.
That city today is run almost as bad as Adolf Newsom ran San Fransicko way back in 2003-2011 before he became dictator of the entire North Korea of the western hemisphere.
+7 votes
Jul 1, 2022
Suiko4444 Extreme Poster 707 points
Do you like Adolf Newsom?
Fuck no! I hate Adolf!
Kermit Trafficker Addicted 1,522 points
Average day in NYC
+6 votes
Jul 2, 2022
Thank you Bill DeBlasio.
NEWBIE Overlord 6,550 points
+5 votes
Jul 3, 2022
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,907 points
He looked a bit worn down, and a look of a serial assaulter getting off, as he was exiting his victim's elevator lobby.  He does not know this victim, no doubt laying in wait for opportunity and non threatening weak female.
If not caught, this nigger will graduate to homicide, and will not stop.
+4 votes
Jul 4, 2022
Tarrant Omega 20,318 points
+5 votes
Jul 7, 2022
Werty Well-Known 833 points
I don't understand why Blacks hate asians so much lol every time an asian is being beaten or harassed by someone they're always black
+3 votes
Jul 7, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Enjoy Your Stay!
+3 votes
Jul 8, 2022
Legz Advanced 2,366 points
Someone beat me like that ;) lol
+2 votes
Jul 8, 2022
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,617 points
This only happens in Biden's America
+1 vote
Jul 8, 2022
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,617 points
It's cruel that people dress gorillas like that
+1 vote
Jul 8, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,822 points