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Reeleak is an alternative to LiveGore, now you can surf and watch LiveGore content directly from Reeleak.

+407 votes


LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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How to get 500 points and upload a video on livegore! (outdated idk)

Hi Livegore, I'm Recruiting

some new members.

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Edit: Thanks Livegore for Featuring This Video, I can see that there's new users coming one by one. By the way i wrote a big essay about my livegore things of june but after i save changes, It got reset back because of Title limit. I even forgot what did i put there again.

If you are an livegore video poster this is the points you receive

If someone likes your video you get 5 points

If you post a video you get 15 points

New update:

Only can vote on comments after you get 500points

When you reply to someone's comment you get 1 points

When you comment on a video you get 1 points.

Update 7/26/2022

New Users Can't Like Video Comments due to controversy yesterday.

To only get points is simply vote like some videos and reply to some videos, Don't forget to be creative to your comments. I will probably like them.


I always think about changing this video to make people know about the functions on this website. I'll pretty much do that soon.


I'm looking for a person to overwrite this video, read my about for full detail


Only 1000 points needed to be reached to upload videos

Ability to Vote on videos are 500 points

Ability to Vote on comments are 500 points

Ability to Flag on Videos are 500 points

You will have 3 attempts to log in on your account or you will have to wait 1 hour to try again.

404,751 views Jul 5, 2022

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We apologize for the flagged problem encountered, but for your information, every post that is flagged will be assessed as to whether it needs to be deleted or published again, this is to avoid uploading prohibited content. For that, every hidden media will be published again if it does not violate the rules of this site. In addition, posts that are uploaded repeatedly will also be deleted. We would like to emphasize that if your account is found to continue flagging and down-voting posts for no reason, your account will be blocked by the system. If you think the system has mistakenly blocked your account, you can ask us to unblock your account, but it depends on the logs we check based on the mistake you made. We try to be fair to all users, so action must be taken. Any problem can directly contact us through the Feedback form. Thank you for understanding.

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NEWBIE Overlord 6,552 points
Very informative video as always
+122 votes
Jul 5, 2022
Natural Addict 8,472 points
As always
Suiko4444 Extreme Poster 707 points
Cute pfp
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,296 points
metal meyrio Extreme Poster 524 points
and always
Neger Schlachter88 Addicted 1,583 points
always yes
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,296 points
zoran Veteran 14,238 points
Oh come ooonnn
thezodiac 29 points
Nice Cool
thezodiac 29 points
Heyyy Lana
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
uo euitr
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
METALG0RE Experienced 360 points
kazupuni Beginner 124 points
i am also a beginner
VXIAE Extreme Poster 727 points
lxqas 31 points
Antiheroin Veteran 11,800 points
Yes yes
n0ct1ph1l14 78 points
Lmao bet
Doge247 1 point
Ur pfp is a new species
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
Always very
ElpepeEtesech1432 0 points
gothangelz Addicted 1,841 points
very cool
user_LOL 32 points
always bro
paulasik 0 points
❤️H­i) M­y n­am­e i­s P­au­la, I'­m 2­3 ye­­ars ol­d) I'­m a­n as­piri­ng s­e­x mo­d­el 1­8­+) I li­ke t­o b­e pho­togr­aph­ed n­u­d­e) Pl­eas­e ra­t­e m­y ph­ot­os a­t th­is li­n­k ➤
V2Go 0 points
Natural Addict 8,472 points
B a l l s ?
seaweed Beginner 142 points
bro get outta here
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Stfu simp
BooruKingdom 3 points
more like broken and retarded.
TheGuyFromInternet 0 points
Always dude
WXLKER 24 points
ong i’m mad confused
SwayingNight 2 points
idk im confused as fuck
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Sheesh i was there
+98 votes
Jul 5, 2022
i left Famous 3,987 points
congrats my man you are famous now haha
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
ilovebluelobsta 42 points
i'm still there
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
suck my balls
kazupuni Beginner 124 points
i am also a beginner
femcel Veteran 10,693 points
perfect video
+79 votes
Jul 5, 2022
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
LiveGoreResidient 28 points
Just like you
femcel Veteran 10,693 points
bro your pc seems to be so slow
+80 votes
Jul 5, 2022
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Where... ehm can i find that internet café?
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
your nanas dead
kazupuni Beginner 124 points
i am also a beginner
7SN Addicted 1,810 points
I'll like all comments
+85 votes
Jul 5, 2022
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
thanks walt
Iampolite777 Omega 24,509 points
Don't lie to me Walt, you sussybaka
METALG0RE Experienced 360 points
say my penis
kazupuni Beginner 124 points
i am also a beginner
Sillygoober Addicted 1,611 points
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
I never saw that dude lol
+82 votes
Jul 5, 2022
kazupuni Beginner 124 points
i am also a beginner
Brazil gatinho Intermediate 1,182 points
Nice video
+86 votes
Jul 5, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
definetely educational
METALG0RE Experienced 360 points
BooruKingdom 3 points
this video is garbage. you have porn and gore on the website, they care more about good boy points than real life issues. shows how sick and brain dead you people are
Natural Addict 8,472 points
I never knew it was 2 points whenever your own comment got liked, thats nice to know
+82 votes
Jul 5, 2022
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,825 points
You just keep proving you're a pedo fag.
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,296 points
Thanks for the information, also I love that pfp
+86 votes
Jul 5, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
very thanks my guy!
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,296 points
No Problem
hunnids Veteran 14,366 points
Thanks are17 it's a very informative video, but can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?
+82 votes
Jul 5, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
fuck, i didn't know so many shit is happening in the world while i was making this video
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,259 points
@are17 based
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,825 points
Redstir is the superfag of this board.
+78 votes
Jul 5, 2022
YourLocalFemboy Famous 4,405 points
@WakeTheDead I don’t think u are redstir. ur probably just a 6 yr old that seeks attention lmao! but if u have a ban wish then keep going morron! <3 ∩^ω^∩
Actible Experienced 475 points
"but if u have a ban wish then keep going morron! <3" Wise words from a wannabe tranny faggot with no loving/caring parents, Also please spell "morron" right you dumbass queer autistic retard. It aint your right to block our free speech, especially when coming from some loser under the name "YourLocalFemboy"
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Femboys are hot.
Actible Experienced 475 points
Kill yourself
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Nah Nah.
BooruKingdom 3 points
says the loser with the fat tranny picture. your website is a dysfunctional shit hole if you think getting points is good way to upload. don't even get me started on the gore and porn and racism garbage. so some loser makes a anime cringe video with the buffalo shooting hoax, so everyone has to be punish with uping the points to 500. this is why alternative websites are garbage. youtube was bad, but this and vidlii is no better either
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,913 points
Very creative production; impressive and very kool editing skills.
+86 votes
Jul 5, 2022
Phile Intermediate 1,294 points
Thank you.
+83 votes
Jul 5, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
no sweat really.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,363 points
East Side KMD 6 7 801 SK 700East
+79 votes
Jul 6, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
my location irl?????
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,363 points
Lol naww gang shit
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
gangtaz 4 lyfe
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,363 points
Heww yeaahh King Mafia Disciple 6 7 4 Salt Lake 801
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,336 points
Thanks man!
+81 votes
Jul 6, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
no problemzt
JC Denton
i'm not gonna create an account in this dogshit site full of retarded mods
+74 votes
Jul 6, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
omg redstir?
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,259 points
Why not. They are way better than those faggots At livegore like mark & thedre s old spade Italian ass
botmod000111 Well-Known 938 points
fuck off cunt
BooruKingdom 3 points
this website is not better, you are a retard if you think getting good boy points is way of uploading. all because some idiot made a cringe anime shooting hoax video.
BooruKingdom 3 points
yup the mods on here are retarded just like the other websites i been on. the fact they get triggered over a cringe anime video rather than take action against gore to racism to porn. just shows how social media is dead to me
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,631 points
+99999 points if you get Redstir banned
+80 votes
Jul 6, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
heck yea!
funny at it is finc is not commenting in this video lol. That part where he literally got 9000 points in 1 week was funny. Well it was facts after all.
Sugmaball69 Addicted 1,861 points
That cool
+74 votes
Jul 6, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
yessir Sugmaball
+66 votes
Jul 6, 2022
METALG0RE Experienced 360 points
seu cu
Hoodstar Intermediate 1,028 points
And here i am thinking that the only way to get points  was to comment once every video lmao….. well atleast im happy to see the livegore community coming together…… btw i miss “shitoncock”
+76 votes
Jul 6, 2022
Hoodstar Intermediate 1,028 points
Same…. I fucking miss stupid “nigger_lover” and nigger slayer …… so sad
Blue’s clues Steve Famous 3,071 points
I too also miss Sussy Baka
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
Same guys
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,578 points
my boyfriend Luka Impersonator baby to my johnny ....I miss you twinkie puff
omareew Beginner 160 points