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VBelphegor Experienced 391 points
I like it. Keep accelerating hatred
+4 votes
May 19, 2023
gothangelz Addicted 1,841 points
good comment
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
send all niggers back to the jungle
+10 votes
May 19, 2023
NebuJlN Veteran 14,491 points
Specially those white american niggas.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
nah only blacks
DisperseMechanism Intermediate 1,353 points
Stinky Jungles Mind You, Showcase A Multitude Of Flea Ridden Alabama Wind Chimes In My Nigger Free Garden,
Rachele Natural Addict 7,978 points
I AM WHITE AND PROUD! fuck niggers, fuck ukrainean shit, fuck all dirty races.
+7 votes
May 19, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,082 points
Hell yeah...

You forgot Russians as well
Rachele Natural Addict 7,978 points
Russians are nice people!
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,082 points
I've got nice friends from Ukraine.  Kinda funny how that works huh
RealmKafir Intermediate 1,040 points
I would chose RUssians over UKranians who are neo-nazis and racist piece of shits, niggers & jews any day. Ukranian also have identity conflict, they are Slavic people but they act and want to live like Vikings.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,082 points
Jumping on the bullshit russian band wagon by huh? I'd turn nazi aas well if some sorry fuckers came and tried to take what I had. Your as ignorant as the rest
RealmKafir Intermediate 1,040 points
Nazi word was invented by JUDEA (The congress of Jews) when they spread propaganda and boycott against Germany claiming Hitler has killed 4mill jews and later 6mill. When the total population of Jewish people living in Germany was only 3.8mill+. It's ok to be Fascist because Fascism means your allegiance to your Country and to your people is strong not what Leftist assshats claim. Watch the documentary "EUROPA: THE LAST BATTLE" The story from the losing side which was never told.
Ferrari 66 points
ruzzians are mixed with  many nations, they were ruled and raped by mongols for centuries. putin looks like a parital mongol. and yet you support ruzzia
satyRo77 Beginner 121 points
Yea. Deport all the fat, uglies, and old. Only the beautiful can stay. If you're another face but good looking you can stay

Rachel, send in your pictures to see if you're allowed to stay or not
cindus Natural Addict 9,356 points
HAHAH His megaphone has an InfoWars sticker. Didn't know those guys became openly white supremacists! So nice to see that
+1 vote
May 19, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,082 points
Quick go tell BLM and all the blue haired faggots
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,491 points
@cinædus.Agreed. If you are proud of what you stand for, be open about it. Unfortunately,most racists mumble at home at say nothing in public.
cindus Natural Addict 9,356 points
Send'em all back to Afrikkka
+2 votes
May 19, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,491 points
@cinædus.Agreed with your other comment,but most Americans have never been to Afrikkka so they can't "go back."
Antiheroin Veteran 11,802 points
After slavery ended in the United States, they gave the free slaves their own country, Liberia, and a free trip to go there to live.  That place turned into an absolute shithole ran by warlordsand constantly fighting civil wars.
sad1sta Advanced 2,852 points
lol pussy ass bitch ass n-words didn't have balls to do anything, they're only good at sucker punching someone weaker
+2 votes
May 19, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,491 points
@sad1sta.Plenty of brothers would prove you wrong bud.
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,578 points
@niggerdickjunky Wrong. If you bow up to a nigger he will get scared and pull out his Taurus with a scratched off serial number. Blacks never had a rep for street know, never mind the fighting, they are just known for being pussys. Simple as that. Being loud is a primal scare tactic by them, all you gotta do is yell back and you can see results accordingly. I've been around niggers more than you, nigger
Username Intermediate 1,106 points
They didn't have a chance to sucker punch which is why they backed down hahaha pussy niggers.
+3 votes
May 20, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,491 points
@Username.Yeah, hahaha.Pipe dreamer.
@Username. Know plenty of niggers who would make you piss your pants and suck their dicks.
Username Intermediate 1,106 points
@sanford. Know plenty of Whites that would make you wear them chains and pick cotton lmao
NebuJlN Veteran 14,491 points
Shoot the white american niggas, they are not german and look like shit. They are not allowed to be racists.
0 votes
May 20, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,082 points
We prefer talking about shooting niggers on here. You must me nigger if you want to see whites die especially standing up for a fucking nigger. Your on the wrong site for that shit
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
well said Bill
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,578 points
Hey @NebuJlN you been branded yet, boy? This cotton ain't gon' pick itself . I got crops to fill, boy!
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Lmao, "expired farm equipment".
+3 votes
May 20, 2023
stupidtrashwhore Advanced 2,430 points
i like these guys owo
+1 vote
May 20, 2023
mindemon Advanced 2,446 points
I give it one week before his video is on all the liberal mainstream media channels,  saying this guy is a Trump supporter,  and re-stating that white supremacy is the greatest threat in the world. (Which, is of course,  completely nonsense.
+1 vote
May 21, 2023
the demon Intermediate 1,070 points
i love this guy! national hero
+2 votes
May 22, 2023
WaffenHanSS Intermediate 1,175 points
Could be me
+2 votes
May 22, 2023
Faggot Hunter Intermediate 1,371 points
+2 votes
Jun 6, 2023
thatoneguyMike06 Addicted 1,924 points
These guys are the type to talk a lot of jazz but then sue someone for hitting them. The best way to deal with people like this is to calmly explain to them why they're wrong, because if you beat them, it will only validate their racist beliefs.
0 votes
Jun 11, 2023
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
They belong at the bottom of the ocean
0 votes
Jun 16, 2023
Dumb as all fuck.
0 votes
Jun 28, 2023
tightron Beginner 181 points
Please give links to these kind of provocative videos , very funny
+1 vote
Apr 14, 2024
seaweed Beginner 142 points
free hugs LMAO
+1 vote
May 3, 2024
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
He called them "blacks"... they're called niggers, don't be a pussy
+1 vote
May 4, 2024
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,082 points