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Teacher busted sleeping with 13-year-old has sentencing delayed because she gave birth.

A 32-year-old teacher, Marka Bodine, will be jailed for just 60 days, after admitting to sleeping with a 13-year-old boy in her classroom. She is accused of abusing the boy, but her sentence has been delayed because she just had a baby. There was hope by the prosecutors for a sentence of up to 40 years in prison.


While teaching English at Tomball Intermediate School in Texas, Bodine met the boy. Bodine allegedly started chatting to him on Fortnite before they started texting, the victim told police, per reports. The texting between the two became explicit, and shortly after that, they slept together after he turned 13. And for three years, the abuse continued, court documents said, with Bodine sleeping with the boy in her classroom and in her car on several occasions.

Following her divorce, she even moved into his apartment complex. But when Bodine told her school principal that she was being harassed by a former student, who was threatening to harm himself, the abuse came to light. The police took Bodine and the boy’s phones to search them and then they found the explicit messages.

Tomball police Chief Jeffrey Bert said at the time that Bodine allegedly abused the male student for roughly two and a half years. “It was definitely a cry out for help. He had reached out to a school, and he reached out to the police department as well, so I think he just became overwhelmed with it and reached out to us,” Bert told the station of the victim. “It does appear that this is one of those cases where grooming of the child was involved, in other words, getting the person to be feel trusted initially. Our big concern from the police department right now is to ensure that we have all the evidence of this case, but to ensure that there’s no other children involved,” said Bert at the time.

The teacher did not deny sending inappropriate pictures and videos. She also later admitted sleeping with the boy, who is now 16. But because of the recent birth of her baby, Bodine’s sentence has been delayed. You must be asking, ‘is the victim the father of the baby?’ The answer is no.


She also must register as a an offender.

If you want to watch the video, link below. Don't want to post that video in here. ;

Credits to Inside Edition, i love the channel. One of my favorite english news channel out there.


69,510 views Aug 16, 2022

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YourLocalFemboy Famous 4,405 points
that 13yr old sure was horny
+11 votes
Aug 16, 2022
YourLocalFemboy Famous 4,405 points
wait wot?? only 60 days for sleeping with a child I thought u go in jail for that like 3 years
+10 votes
Aug 16, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,210 points
women handicap be like
YourLocalFemboy Famous 4,405 points
yea if it was a man he would have gotten executed
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,911 points
ÎNo child .. that was a lucky fucking stud who laid the teacher - the real bitch now is he gets to pay child support.. There is the abuse part.
Troglodyte The Boss 25,455 points
"Lucky"?! Haven't you seen her pics?
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,911 points
No.  But at 13, to me, two tits, a hole and heart beat is all I needed.
Verminator 38 points
If a man did it, life in prison
absolute Famous 3,947 points
Where were these teachers when I was in school
+14 votes
Aug 16, 2022
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,911 points
!!! ☜
6ft 2in Addicted 1,599 points
American Justice system is fucking joke , all americans are Simps that's why the system is inclined to women.
Stop Simping on women you obese Chickens
+7 votes
Aug 16, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,066 points
Woman: 60 days in jail and sympathy
Man: 10 years minimum, absolute monster

This is why I don't feel bad about how I am, people accept and to an extent even fetishise females who have real sex with children [where was she when I was at school. Ect] yet demonize men who look at an arrangement of pixels. Big lol
+10 votes
Aug 16, 2022
Handsomekid, Beginner 181 points
I mean abusing a little cute girl by an fattas ugly dirty oldman is more hateful than a horny 13yrold sexing with her titser
Handsomekid, Beginner 181 points
I swear when i was 12 i dreamed of fucking the teachers cause i just discover nutting
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,066 points
Sex is sex regardless
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,482 points
Texas? They are probably also related to each other.
+6 votes
Aug 16, 2022
Diana Experienced 253 points
At 13, he would have shot his load just by entering that pussy.
+6 votes
Aug 16, 2022
cosplayfreak3 Advanced 2,322 points
the boy is going to have too much trauma and satisfaction for that
+3 votes
Aug 16, 2022
Blue’s clues Steve Famous 3,071 points
Ok this is just horrible, but I also wonder where the fuck the baby’s dad was at? The fact that she got off scot free because she had a kid just shows how fucked the justice system is.
+5 votes
Aug 16, 2022
Sui Famous 4,222 points
Oh shit Tomball, this is a failry local thing then
+5 votes
Aug 16, 2022
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,486 points
The filthy cunt should get 60 years not days.
+5 votes
Aug 16, 2022
Just kill yourself, you fokin nigga. Only enemies of the people can sentence someone for such shit.
Without guilt. And for 40 years in prison! WTF! If they were not enemy of the people, they would honor love and fertility and lower age of consent to increase birth rates of White population. But they do direct opposite. They sentencing people for it.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
anonymous you are the most disgusting filthy greasy yucky revolting inferior shit eating maggot bastard, you should fucking get into a tub of water and throw a hair dryer in, smelly fucked up mentally fucking retarded and unstable turd piece of shit pedo enabler, stupid fucking traumatized dumbass if i had you in my hands i would do the unspeakable to you, i bet, i fucking bet my balls that you are the same motherfucking broke in the ass thriving son of an inbred bitch maggot who self declares as anti fascist, lgbtq+ rights supporter, zoophiles and furries supporter and of course with this comment, pedophile supporter, if not being a fucking yucky inhuman rancid pedo yourself, how dare you calling others enemies of the people, how fucking dare you
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,287 points
Fuckin lucky little fucker
+5 votes
Aug 16, 2022
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,287 points
When I was 13 I cheated on my 16 year old girlfriend with 14 bitches (just made out with all of them cuz the older sister said if the girls wanted a shot they had to make out with a dude I ended up makin out with all but two of the bitches there and got handcuffed with fuzzy handcuffs and all this shit playin this dirty dice game) after that I mobbed to my girls house the 16 year old and lost my virginity to her that night after cheating on her with those 14 bitches and this is 100% true story and numbers are not exaggerated literally 14 bitches no bull shit I counted and the two bitches that I didn’t Mack on cuz they were too prude ended up ratting me out to my girl the next day didn’t even break up with me either lol
+5 votes
Aug 16, 2022
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,911 points
You are born again hard.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,287 points
What does born again hard mean
PowerRanger1717 Experienced 360 points
inside edition is good
+4 votes
Aug 17, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,210 points
definetely, powerranger1717.
StelioStelioKantos Advanced 2,722 points

+3 votes
Aug 17, 2022
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
kill yourself
Lucifah Famous 3,736 points
Little boy got a time out for being naughty?
+3 votes
Aug 17, 2022
wolfred10 Overlord 5,185 points
What a lucky boy
+2 votes
Aug 17, 2022
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
Let me guess, the paedophiles who run the teachers unions in Chicongo and other democrap cities will celebrate the lenient sentence, then Lifetime will make a movie out of it.
+1 vote
Mar 31, 2023
METALG0RE Experienced 360 points
+1 vote
Apr 6, 2023
Dingusius Beginner 199 points
I bet it was mutual first and then doubts kept nagging at him and he started to feel dirty because of societal indoctrination. I don't doubt that this boy has suffered serious emotional damage as a result. Happens often.
+1 vote
Apr 15, 2023