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He found mommy's new toy!
Years and years of therapy in this kid's future...
18,700 views Aug 24, 2024

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Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
This is what i mean when i say these pink piggies are whore seeds. They have no concept of family, mother, father lol.
They are literally just pigs in human body, just like pigs start fucking their mother who is also polygamous with other pigs.
+2 votes
Aug 24, 2024
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
What the fuck are you talking about, just because some of them are like that doesn't mean shit. It's also fault of the new generation and society.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Its more common than all the misconceptions about indians, people on this site carry by seeing few indians.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Yeah okay, because in india yall are more traditionalist since more than half of the population lives with no electricity or clean water.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
There we go with obviously stupid and false things. Its foolish to aurgive with u fools. Stay ignorant.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Says the one who just called all white mothers whore seeds only because we live in a civilized society which made SOME of white mothers way too comfortable and fucking dumb, leaving their children alone growing in between the fake bullshit of journalism and progressive propaganda.
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
No offense but I spent three days in India once, in Mumbai, I will never go to India again, ever, no matter what. India was probably the single worst place I ever visited because it was hot, smelled bad, there were, literally, tens of thousands of beggars and thieves, we couldn't go outside, there were people shitting on the road and we were told about a billion times that if we try any local "Street Delicacies" we will probably die and one moron who went out and got robbed and beaten up, had to do 18+ months of antibiotics after she ate some food and drank some Indian street water. She didn't believe that India was bad and wanted to travel to bathe in a "sacred river" but the guide told us that the water wasn't safe because, apart from industrial waste, they also send burning bodies down that river. I've had the absolute worst time of my life there, keep I mind, I mostly stayed in the hotel and couldn't wait to leave. Is it fun for tourists? Possibly, we had some fun but absolutely any place is fun to visit. Would I consider moving there? Not even under a threat of death, simply because I'm not into cheap, unpredictable drugs, exotic parasites, 12 year old prostitutes or unbearable smells. I hear many people say that "India is, like, so, like amazing" but it's not, it's a poor country with too many people and too little space and money and pretending it's anything but is just silly. Someone told me once that Indian airforce can compete with the American airforce and that Indian economy is that of the US, if those figures ever come close to one-another ill revisit my formed opinion of India, until then... Sorry.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
I never said India is good as a country. Its bad mainly due to overpopulation,corrupt democracy and so much diversity. I will find a new language if i go 2 kms from my home. Its not easy to control such large population after colonalism.
Also our previous govt which ruled us for 60 years was very corrupt and was openly anti india. It just gave away freebies to get votes and created hatred and division between different communities rather than uniting. So our main foundation itself is rotten due to the congress govt. So it will take some time, we have pretty good govt now as compared to congress which made us the biggest slum on earth. We need chinese like dictatorship truely.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
“They are literally just pigs in human body,” says the melanin browntrash melanin piece of shitskin monkey living in cesspool toilets of India. Your entire brown race are melanin monkeys in human bodies. Do you hear yourself? Look in the fucking mirror bitch. You Indians worships white people’s genitals because you shitskins have internal racism & inferior complex. Any brown man would leave a brown bitch for a white European beauty. And brown women are aware of this, that’s why they try so hard to look for a white man to save them. Any white motherfucker who eats brown pussy is also a pitiful shitskin. India is overpopulated because your brown women are baby machine slaves to Indian men. Even your women know all of you would choose any white skinned girl with a pretty bleached white asshole over them, yet they still breed with you like factory machines. Brown countries are disgusting. Я русский and you shitskins are so obsessed with us & sexualize us. Funny how a darkie monkey with black genitals is calling white people pigs. You would love to stick your monkey brown turd dick in a pale Russian hole. We’re the most racist beautiful people ever. You dirty filthy melanin monkeys constantly migrate to Russia & all of Europe thinking white girls are going to line up & suck your smelly black genitals. The water you drink in India is mixed with parasites, shit, piss, & period blood.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
that was brutal ngl
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
Just fucking admit that brown people aren’t capable of a structured civilized society. That’s why you melanin parasites migrate to America/Europe to take advantage of everything white people have built. So disappointed in our governments for allowing you shitskins into our beautiful homes. One of the beautiful things about Russia is that if you’re not Slavic, or Slavic looking they won’t rent apartments to you. That’s because we don’t want our beloved people getting raped by you whiteskinned-obsessed rapist melanin monkey shitskins. Living in a Russian war zone is a luxury compared to living in shithole India. If I was forced to go to India I would paint my skin brown & do blackface makeup so I won’t get raped for being white. If they see anything white they rape rape rape. No amount of skin bleach your women abuse would get their skin white like mine. I would kill myself if I was brown. I love being white like snow.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
i also fucking love being white
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
I come here to wstxh/uoad gore videos and write stupid comments, not philosophical discussion on merit of white/brown skin. This brownshitskin moron is getting on my nerves.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
You wrote a whole novel about your lovely trip to cesspool India. You visiting India says everything I need to know about you. I’m so sorry I rudely interrupted you sucking Shiva’s melanin cock. You camel-fuckers have the nastiest attitudes.. Go back to India, learn fluent Hindu & stay there!!!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
dude you literally make fun of pajeets every single time. he just wrote 2 comments. Yeah long ass, but still just 2. Nowhere near theniggerwalker007.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
He’s just upset because he’s a melanin shitskin, DING DING DING. Why else would he be triggered? He doesn’t have white power. He was talking about the Quaran for HOURS with Shiva, because they are both camel-fucker melanin monkey parasites.

1 shitskin + 1 shitskin = 2 shitskins.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Not reading all that my little pigskinned bitch son of a polygamous whore faggot cucked race.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Lol ur russian faggot hahahahaha sucking muslim cock is ur job. I m glad i could make u the my little seething piggie. Seeing the criticism of quran made u seethe and lift muslim balls in ur mouth just like ur ruski white pig mother does for a living.  

And whytf does ur retarded monkey brain think i live in ur country ? Lol.  Russian nigger stop overdoing on vodka and drugs.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
its niggers doing this to us! Our women are becoming whores going after that monkey dick and it's turning white men/boys into passport bros fleeing our own countries, soy boys, simps, cucks, incels, pedos or "bloody women" ffs! This shit aint tolerated anywhere else but White countries and it needs to stop before it's too late. White people are dying off! White women refusing to be family orientated and the ones that are, are having kids with non whites, like with niggers and arabs, who love cucking white men or chemically castrating white kids and telling them they're trans etc.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
In Europe there are more racists than non-racists, especially Slavs. Majority of the gutter bunnies who fuck niggers live in America. Europeans are disgusted by race mixing. And whites are only dying off because brown people have babies like factory machines compared to us. It’s usually brown monkeys who have multiple baby mama slave dishwashers.

Russia is the biggest country in the world with the biggest white population & most of us are racist. So really we’re not dying off, we just don’t have kids like fucking machines & put our seed into multiple baby mothers, unlike African & South American shitskins.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
@FightForWhatsWhite I like the fear in u. Thats evolutionary fear. LMAO
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger russia has the most pdo crap I swear?! So it's still a problem. Most pdo shit and child trafficking comes from russia and these adidas countries. Also a lot of these passport bros or ex pats you see in these shithole asian countries like thailand and philipines are stereotypically russian lads.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
We don’t travel to shitskin countries, let alone put our dick in filthy brown monkey bitches. Brown holes are disgusting. What the fuck are you talking about? How did you go from talking about “Its niggers doing this to us! Etc “White women refusing to be family orientated” to calling my county pedophiles? Retard. You non Russian English speaking losers are so jealous of us. You using the word “aint” says everything I need to know about your nigger ass. Only shitskins & nigger lovers use the word “ain’t”. You’ve never even been to Russia so shut your fucking mouth. All of your women travel here to fuck our Russian cocks & men from every other country come here to rape Russian girls. The “passport bros” travel to Slavic countries because they want to rape any pretty Slavic hole they can find.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Yeah besides the commie bastards part i love russia. but not all are commies, and marxism is judaism, jew pieces of shit used russia to experiment their hellish ideologies.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger sorry I didn't mean to offend just been brainwashed by liberal media and hollywood always stereotyping Russians as evil sex fiends or traders, bored of Russian women turning into typical babushkas and usually targeting underaged girls with bs films like Taken etc, and I've heard from white weebs crying about going to hotels in Asia like in Thailand since they're mainly filled with "dodgy" Russians. I've encountered Russians on Holiday in Europe and you guys seem alright so I think it's Western media trying to make u look bad
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
Girls in "taken" were abducted by Albanians, may seem like a trivial detail to someone determined to be angry at something but it helps to know that Albania isn't Russia and vice versa. It also helps if you know where Russia and Albania are located geographically, I'd highly recommend getting at least a basic education first, before you commit yourself to 'making America great again' because, I guarantee you but, you'll be surprised how many countries are not Russia and how many things you thought you hated either don't exist or have been portrayed as villains. What I said doesn't apply to Muslims or islamists, or any religious fanatics, for that matter. Stay away from those, they're all the same, no matter where they live, what religion they follow or how they justify committing heinous acts in the name of an imaginary being that doesn't exist.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
America is so weak. If you rape minors in Slavic countries your dick will be chopped off. Instead, America lets in brown rapist immigrants who we all know love raping little white kids, and then rewards them with Section 8 & food stamps. There are no passport bros in the Slav countries, we have the prettiest women here. The passport bros & “weebs” are in America & they don’t even need to travel to Thailand or Philipines, they could just walk to any filthy yellow trash ghetto asian massage parlor anywhere in the US & do just about anything on Ling Ling’s menu for the bare minimum dollar. Also imagine what America would be like if every white person left back to their European countries. USA would be #1 pedophile child trafficking ring, combined with Mexico & South America pimps. Just to give you some perspective.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger USA is a shithole, I know XD they're Bunch of crackheads, pedos, Shasquishas and trannies
iammentallyillorsm Experienced 395 points
stay mad indian retard lmao rape is more common in india so is incest and so is child rape and abuse so until you can stop worshipping and eating cow shit i dont want to hear you speak
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
such a cute pfp you got there
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Keep believing so watching BBC, CNN cuckmerican faggot LGBTQ worshipper.
Stats speak for themselves. Every single rape case from india gets so much media attention that u pigs forget to read stats about rape rate. I remember a recent case in cuckmerica when a woman was gangraped in metro and pigskins and niggers started fapping and recording to it rather than helping the girl. Every Indian rape case gets so much media attention that u retarded forget that u literally have 20× more the rape and crime than us. Nobody can match USA the rape and porn capital of the world and in any form of degeneracy.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
Out of all the brown diarrhea-skins, you Indians rape more than beaners & niggers combined. It would be impossible for America to have 20x more rape/crime, given that India has the biggest population 1.5 billion with America only being 300mil. You’ve been on this website long enough with your 6k points, so you’ve seen enough videos filmed in your country to acknowledge how unsafe/filthy it is. How the fuck do you compare your 1.5bil to America’s 300mil population saying they have higher rape rates. I’m not surprised by your delusional logic, your whole country is living off drinking toilet water from the sewer rivers & it’s probably very common for you to spread cow feces instead of butter on toast for breakfast. There is absolutely no way all of you Indians don’t have parasites in your bodies.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Disgusting filthy polygamaous pigskinned faggoted raced abomination cuck, do u know something called RAPE RATE ?
Retarded subhuman ur brain doesn't understand how stats work u shouldn't even be allowed to live wirh humans. Countries population is not the criteria of measurement. They take the average rapes divided by population. Porn whoreism LGBTQ immgrant raped polygamaous whore seed capital of the world cuckmerica has more average raped per 100000 people. Indian women don't normally go out to clubs, get drunk,do drugs become a stripper or sometimes dont even have male friends most of the time. They live in the protection of their home. Modesty still exists in most of india.

Yeah a gore website is a determining place for crime in a country. Not the reported statistics.
Aryan subhuman degenerate, no wonder indians are taking over ur countries. With the brain capacity of u goblins, u will be conquered soon.

America : 27.3 women per 100000 people.
India : 1.8 women per 100000 people.

Literally 20+ × times more
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
Bitch I’m not reading all of that, I don’t care. & the link you attached that supports your delusional logic was written by a brown piece of shit diarrhea skin most likely. Keep in mind that most rape taken place in India goes unreported. Your guys’ police probably rape the victims as well. Trust no shitskin, white power. You don’t even speak your own language, I wonder why.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
U did read all that and felt like a powerless bitch. U said ur a slav speak russian slave nigger. Cope and seethe.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
I read the first & last sentence. You sent me 10 Indian bitches from google images just to try & pretend like you’re attracted to your own race because you shitskins are now waking up realizing white girls are beyond terrified of you.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Slave drug addict nigger reads everything, feels cucked ruthelessly, startes seething hard grinding his teeth to dust.

 "u iNdIaN pOpsKin, i dIDn'T rEaD aNyThInG"

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
No one cares about your false claims. Not every Indian girl reports rape to the police so imagine all the rapes that go unreported day to day. Did you preorder your tickets to the cow gangrape poop festival 2025?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger Hey brother, calm down, quit it. Have you ever heard about the ants in the jar analogy? I get it, shiva started it here by insulting our race with the first comment, but i talked with him a couple times and he doesn't really think that, he just likes to leave offensive comments towards everyone just like we all do, in this website. So instead of worrying to attack him, you should both say sorry to each other and team to insult muslims, which are the real enemy, a species we both hate and we both have problems with. Or better yet, jews. Yeah. Leave all the hate for jews, or for the "ants" who deny the jar being shook or even praise who did it.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
@BaconKing_104 Lmao quit trying to explain him. He is not trying to be offensive. He is literally a retard porn addict. He barks the same "blonde hair, green eye, pale skin" shit everywhere. Thats his personlity. Everycomment of his on every video is literally about just skin colour. Lmao. He is a troll. How can anyone take him seriously ?
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
They're the same person or two closet homos, I have no idea why you bother to argue with them about anything, mainly because neither of them are real, these projections of theirs only exist on Livegore, in real life, they're probably mild-mannered democrats with giant beer bellies, living their incel lifestyle, trying to befriend minorities who want nothing to do with them. The reason they bark all this nonsense on Livegore is because no one knows who they are so they can let their proverbial mouths run wild. They're both pathetic and sad, not sure why they even bother living, should just kill themselves.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Said the jewish sewer rat, 50k points off of insulting everyone, that was cool with me until i exposed his dirty smelly liar ass, give me your location then, zionist maggot, you aren't scared of a mild-mannered, democratic, closeted faggot are you?
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@Shiva Have you even considered the fact no one wants to touch a dirty Indian pussy, not even dirty Indian bastards, and you guy's probably need to be wasted in order to want that nasty pajeet pussy. It's a blessing the rate is lower than it is, considering how pervy you guys can be. You know for a fact if there were white blonde women there, the rape rate would sky rocket
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
Hahaha @BaconKing_104 I clearly touched a nerve on this FaggotKing69, look at this pathetic incel faggot unraveling! I'm not reading your nonsense no matter how much you try because you're boring, stupid and so pathetic that it's almost sad.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
i'm not reading all of that bro...
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
@FightForWhatsWhite Ehh not really not as pervy and filthy as white trash who are repulsed by their dirty cum dump piggie landwhale whores and now want little asain kids to fuck as their own women are cucking them with blacks. Why do u always stay in the delusion. We love indian women they are the ones we find most beautiful, hot, traditional, cute, curvy, feminine, submissive, and a level about any race females. There is a reason they win all the beauty competitions. No offense, Its like comparing goddesses to subhumans. White women just too... bland ? I don't say beauty is limited to one race but i don't find pale whiteys and paper pale asians that attractive. I especially like south indian girls. So idk if its a preferance thing. But i say it as it is. And relating rape rate to horniness just proved ur retardedness.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@Shiva you perverted and pedo packis need women and children only train carriages and public transport because that's how bad it is over there. White women and children are literally warned when going to India. All other Asians stereotype you guys as dirty disgusting bastards, as well as White people XDXDXD Rape gets underreported in your shit hole country, due to cultural practices, acid attacks, honor killings etc. Rape in the Western world gets inflated due to women changing their minds or claiming they were raped etc. Evidently it can been seen in Western Countries that have Paki populations, within their communities, like the ones in the UK, there are high rape, abuse and pedo stats, which are harder to hide compare to dirty corrupt India. There are many groups in the UK that are trying to give a voice to Indian women as it is very known in the UK and stereotyped, due to cultural practices and stigmas, that Indian women are underreporting rape statistics, abuse and pedo crime. Also Indians in the UK account for a lot of inbreeding despite being a small minority. Dirty Bastards
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Nope. We hindus have gotra (lineage system) which prohibits us from marrying within our lineage for upto 7th generation cousins. And everything else is u said is also true to western countries as well. 1 in 3 College students in britain are raped but they don't report it. Many Indians were killed last year in US. Honor killings ? Dude we are not muslim country. Yeah all grooming gangs in UK, sweden are paki muslims.
There is a ideological difference between muslims and non muslims. When u understand that, then u can classify normal indians and muzlim pakis that rape and do pedo crimes in UK. U probably confuse all brown people from  islamic pakistan/bangladesh/ iraq/syria/palestine/iran other arabs as indians too. Recent UK grooming gangs case proves how indians get a bad name from the doings of paki muslims.
Rotherham,huddersfield,telford grooming gangs which raped more than 1500 children makes sad and angry too. And ur anger is justified. All perpretators were pakistani muslims.
Read their names they are all muslim. Just read names of all stabbers, rioters and in crimes done by immigrants, THEY ARE ALL MUSLIMS.

 But they were reported as "south asian men". When something bad happenes in India its reported as "Indian" news, When something good happenes related to India, Its reported as "south asian", when something good happens related to pakistan its reported as "pakistani" when something bad happenes regarding pakistan its reported again as "south asian". So we are stuck in a this loop. So ur stupid BBC CNN are digging their own grave not pin pointing the real perpretators. Its not about the race, its about the ideological difference. Indian hindus / east asians come to west for education and integrated lviing. Muslims irrespective of any country come there to conquor ur land by sharia because they ideology says them to do so and they follow it because they are the people of the book not we. When ur taught from childhood that non muslim women can be taken as sex slave and raping a 6 year old is ok. Then they grow up and become someone that doesn't respect other women as his mother and sister. For him other girls become trash which he can violate. For them its morally ok to destroy ur culture, country and ur women. Such things are not only done by them to christian children but also hindu children in pakistan. Many hindu girls are abducted, tortured, raped and  blackmailed to convert and marry. I literally saw a video of them cutting the nose of hindu girl in pakistan a few days ago. Thats how sati started in medieval india. Hindu/jain/buddhist/sikh women literally jumped in fire to escape from the hands of islamic invaders.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points

FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@Shiva sorry my bad, u guys maybe arent as bad as it seems. These Muslim fuckers make you look bad, still though I would never want to go to India. I dont mind your food though, I have to admit it's pretty banging when it's clean
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
I never said I have blonde hair, I have brown hair & I like skinny pale snow white brunettes with hazel green eyes like myself. Wendigo no white motherfucker cares to “befriend minorities” i don’t even want to befriend tanned white people bc they look like blackface niggers. Shiva white people are the only race saving this planet otherwise you all would be rolling around & eating cow shit, raping cows etc. White guys are not repulsed by white girls, stop trying to convince yourself that white power doesn’t exist, we love being white-skinned & we love being around other racist white people, it’s what unites us. White girls have the prettiest bleached pussies & assholes & your disgusting brown women are so jealous of their beauty they want to kill them to get rid of the competition & the chokehold they have on every man. You better fucking thank racists otherwise we would take all of your ugly brown “curvy, submissive” Indian bitches. And if they make Indians win #1 in beauty pageants it’s most likely because they pity the fuck out of you brown people & want to spare you guys. “Ok now let the brown girl win this time because it’s always the pretty white girl stealing the spotlight” Just like how they made Ariel the little mermaid a black ass nigger when she was supposed to be a pale white European beauty with green eyes, because shitskins are the least desired race. Douchebags. The Jews put you brown people into the media more often now because they feel bad that white people are always mogging & shitting all over you. Every US commercial has to show a Afro nigger because they feel bad for you brownskins. I can’t believe they even tolerate you chocolate people.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger Agreed with everything besides saving the world shit and our women. Too many white people are woke tree huggers, protesting on the fucking main road trying to stop oil because they think they're saving the planet, or when they protest for Palestine because they think it's better for society. All these fuckers crying about global warming etc and saving the planet make white people look like a bunch of woke fuckers. Don't you hate these woke cunts who cry about saving the world? Also So many white women are becoming manly, woke or bloody men, which is why so many white dudes are fleeing to Asia. Russian women and Eastern European women are beautiful but they can be spoilt and stuck up, which is why so many Russian men look depressed. White power is Dying off, especially in Modern Western Countries where the men are cucks, soy boys, simps, incels, neckbeards, woke, pedos or bloody women ffs! I used to be a teacher and all the black boys would bully and emasculate the white lads or cucked their girlfriends, it was really infuriating to see, and these were just children. Imagine what these niggers will be up to in a couple years. I wish the white world was more like Russia/Eastern Europe but we're dying off. Eastern Europeans don't really represent White people as everyone views them as drunk, Adidas wearing, squatting White niggers, especially the immigrants. So people view these woke pedos as representing white people ffs!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger Typed all that just because i told him "i like indian women" Ur probably one of the most disturbed and mentally raped subhuman parasite i have met on this app. I aint forcing ur have sex with indian women with ur pink clit u faggoted cuck monkey. So please don't force me to do the same with ur blonde hair blue eye aryan monkey. Stop describing how her pussy feels and stuff. Go and describe ur aryan monkeys to some muslim, maybe he will agree to rape her just like they did to u "SLAV"Es in past. U vodka addicted slave nigger babboon brain doesn't even understand that you can't talk someone into being attracted to who they are not. I don't give a fuck. Maybe i will ask my dog and he will rape ur sister. Not me. I m ok being attracted to indian goddesses. Just stop messaging the same shit to me. What a time in humanity. Cucks feeling honoured describing how fuckable their women are. I hope more muslims invade ur mother russia rape her.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
When you bring up ancient history Muslims enslaving us you just sound like a nigger complaining about segregation. You say that as if it just happened yesterday - and it doesn’t affect any of us at this point so why even mention it? Every ethnicity was a slave at some point. @FightForWhatsWhite Only gutterbunnies suck brown & black cock. White power isn’t dying off so clearly you’ve never step foot into Europe. Have you not heard of #SaveEurope, hello? White Americans lost touch with their European roots & have become redneck pigskin trailer park hillbillies who listen to African rap music. None of you even speak your European mother languages. And if we look depressed it’s because of the war that’s been going on for 10 years, not because of our “spoilt & stuck up” women. There’s millions of beautiful slavic girls besides Russians, so if one doesn’t work out then onto the next. And how the fuck are we niggers when we have the most pale skin compared to tanned Europeans like Greek, Italian, German who all have stupid ass blackface brown nigger tans. If anything they are the African shitskin niggers of Europe. Not Slavs. South Italians have African DNA & they’re right across from Africa & those niggers are always trying to immigrate there through boats & end up sinking because they’re stupid as hell & can’t comprehend boats can’t carry 10k niggers.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger I think the whole world stereotypes you guys as depressed/ white Niggers or the Mexicans of White people due to the bad representations set by Russian immigrants. E.G In the UK and USA Russians/Slavs are usually stereotyped being drunk on benefits or working these shitty jobs and wearing lower class Adidas tracksuits, compared to the e.g Itlians, Swedes or Germans.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
Italians are the closest ethnicity to shitskin mexican beaners & so is their language. We can take your women if we really wanted to because they’re all obsessed with big White Russian cock & our Russian accents. We’re the most sexualized ethnicity, we’re more masculine than everyone else & our girls are the most feminine. And if that’s you in your profile picture you’re fat as fuck, saggy eyes. Brave of your fatass to call us niggers when we’re not the ones on food stamps & section 8. Your chubby ass attracts big brown bitches with diaper BBLs & huge saggy cow-utter titties. & Russian/Slav immigrants don’t bring crime to other countries like you shitskins do. You’re just jealous of us. If you really wanted to “Fight For What’s White” then you wouldn’t be attacking a white Russian Slav, you’re only riding my dick so hard because nobody sexualizes your fat disgusting ass as much as they sexualize us. It’s only you motherfuckers that talk the most shit about us & never the women, I wonder why. ты жирный кусок дерьма.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,397 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger We're on the same side bro, my parents are Russian and I wish I lived In Russia... I just hate how the Whole world views us, and made me view us, it's fucked. My parents moved and raised me in Norway, which I hate them for. I always pictured how awesome it be living in Russia, you are definitely lucky! Italians are a bunch of freaks, that's why I hate the Pope and think Catholics are a bunch of pedos since they have that Latin monkey language.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
How ignorant can you fucking be? @BrownShitSkinNigger @FightForWhatsWhite what makes me a freak exactly? The mere fact that i am italian? We are all europeans we are all brothers unless its black shitskin muslim albanians. But only the dark and muslim ones. We already are attacked on each front so we should stop attacking each other. What the fuk is wrong with italy????
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
You're Italian? Hahahahaha this is why you're such an incestuous faggot... This explains so much! Did you ever watch "true romance"? I think you have too much nigger in you. What a fucking joke...
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Back with the homosexual insults, wendingo? You always have the words "Homo" "faggot" "gay" in your mouth... almost as if it was craving to welcome something else inside it xDD
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
I'm not insulting you, you're obviously a closet fag because all you talk about is gay shit, with an occasional twist of your inept attempts of trying to accuse others of being what you are.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Bro really tried to twist what i said about him and use it against me
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
You're a closeted goomba fag, a stupid one, at that, all you're good for is an attempt of using reverse psychology but it's difficult when you're this dumb. And gay.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
You are the only one using reverse psychology here lol
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
That’s why I initially said south Italians being related to Africans. The northern white Italians are very different from the southern ones who are extremely dark. Just like in every other country. Depending on which region you’re from you’re going to look different from the people from another region of the same country. India for example, the north region has all white Indians whom are wealthier compared to the poor black nigger south India.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 848 points
@Wendigo You’re the one to talk calling everyone a fag yet you’ve constantly brought up your disgusting shit kinks in your other posts in attempt to be funny because you have absolutely nothing else to say. Ms. 52,771 points.. “goomba fag, a stupid one, at that,” you sound so retarded when you try to be overly literate. I can definitely see English is your first & only language.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Ok @BrownShitSkinNigger thanks for clarification, i am indeed form northern italy and i am also half polish. Perfectly white
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger Lmao exactly, he keeps calling me closeted faggot (while he is the first one always mentioning homosexuality in every single comment against me, and used to do it very often in his uploaded media a while ago) and using other pathetic fancy insults trying to look cooler or thinking his "comebacks" will be worth something more if he is creative with insults... Also just so you know, that cocksucker is a zionist or something. Not sure if he is a jew because he insults religions, but that might just be him lying, after all we perfectly know that kikes are really really good at lying. Me and him were literally so chill before he found out i was a national socialist, from then, all his pathetic mask of being "laidback" and not giving a fuck about other who are against him collapsed, as he started to constantly target me under almost every single post, trying to act tough... i mean, seriously, what the fuck are you acting tough for, when you literally are so fucking upset about me being a far right extremist to the point of constantly targeting me with your pathetic, repetitive, suspicious homosexuality-themed insults?
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger I only read the first sentence but no, I don't call "everyone" anything, not by a long shot. The only two moronic, closeted homo jizzbags that I enjoy tormenting are you and your goomba boyfriend, @BaconKing_104, you two are as silly as you are obvious, also cowardly, unimaginative and pathetic, pitiful, really. That's all I had to say on the subject... Later, faggots!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
*mega cringe moment*
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
I'm sure he wrote something meaningful and witty but I can't continue wasting time on bickering with two moronic fuckadoos, no matter how funny their semi-literate comebacks are, I'm done replying to this idiotic post. Have fun you two!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
Stop posting cringe lmao you are embarassing yourself
ˢᵀᵁᴾᴵᴰ Natural Addict 8,451 points
Lol her face turned red!! Mama piggy white nigger is loves long ass cock
0 votes
Aug 24, 2024
Sillygoober Addicted 1,605 points
Gotta teach them young...
0 votes
Aug 25, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Yeah come here i will teach u
Sillygoober Addicted 1,605 points

My honest reaction
Fetuslurpie Natural Addict 9,079 points
0 votes
Aug 25, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,579 points
This fucking post just won't die. Humans have this amazing ability to endlessly argue about shit that don't matter, such as religion! Religion is a made-up story used to control idiots and yet countless billions lost their lives to this made-up bullshit over the years, with more to come.
+2 votes
Sep 19, 2024
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
You think we evolved from monkeys? Aahh... this explains why you are so irreparably retarded. Yeah maybe someone like you does indeed come from monkeys.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
@BaconKing_104 Bro really ? So let me get this straight. U don't believe in evolution ? U r one of those extreme abrahmic religious people who believe flat earth was made 6000 years ago, all human population came from one couple adam and eve and etc ? How old r u ? I though ur a bit reasonable person but...
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
All credit goes to me for my immortal comment that is etched with a diamond pen in the history of livegore. From now. This place will be the breeding ground of discussions about religion, race, politics, finance, philosophy, science, arts, literature etc.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
@Shiva Yeah no i actually believe in the big bang theory, and i believe that because i know that god is a superior being so he didn't create earth like it was a clash of clans new village, but being extremely intelligent of course he used the big bang process to form our planet. I don't believe in flat earth bullshit, but nor do i believe i derive from monkeys. Our bodies are perfect, extremely complex, and just because we share 97% of our dna with chimps, it doesn't mean anything, we are totally different, light years distant, and i refuse to believe that such a beautiful, absolutely perfect and gorgeous machine like the human body is casual, or derived from such an inferior and completely different animal. Fuck that.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,528 points
@Shiva yeah you are probably right. But man we need the old livegore, with the old, now extinct users, which were total freaks, and downvotes function xD
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Not gonna debate u on this stuff but there are hundreds of more evidences other than 97% DNA genotype similarities. Ur thinking "just because monkeys and humans have somethings in common doesn't mean humans came from monkeys" is right. We don't believe humans came from monkeys neither do we believe that just because 2 species has some genetic similarity, one specie came from other. Its actually a lot complex. Present day apes and humans evolved from one common ape-human like ancestor which was neither clearly ape nor human. Not in just one generation but through millions of generations with subtle changes. And we continue to evolve today. Ramapithicus evolved into hominidae (ape like humans) and then to humans. Cousins of Ramapithicus, dryopithecus evolved into apes that we see today. I m a 2nd year medical student. They show us skeletons and stuff. Skeletons of humans, skeletons of present day apes and skeletons of guess what, the ape like hominidaes that are,  homo erectus, homo habilis, neanderthals etc. We can visually tell that they are neither present day humans nor monkeys. It shocks us too. They look like a mix of human and monkey characters.
 LITERALLY every study about evolution, from progressive changes in bone structure, similarities in embroyology, analogous, homologous organs, to different types of species in different geographies and how they have adapted to that environment EVERYTHING in biology can be proved to be PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION from ape-like ramapithicus animal. Everything can be compared and shown to be evolving from fossil records of skeletons of different stages of human evolution. Not just human, every animal we see today are results of micro changes spread across millions of years. Its not just one generation APE-HUMAN transformation. Its minute changes through millions of years. What caused these changes ? The ability of molecular DNA and RNA to adapt to environment.
 "U may think humans are so perfectly made to fit in this earth. Its a miracle". Ur thinking in the wrong direction. Its the opposite. Every animal including humans have evolved and will continue to evolve to form the perfect anatony to match its living conditions.
We evolved to be perfect because our ancestors made right choices. Some apes evolved into monkeys, orangutans etc, because their ancestors didn't make that one perfect decision. One example is giraffes were not created with long neck but evolved to have it because their ancestors thought leaves from tall trees are tasty. This is just a broader simplication. Its much more complex. Every little changes can contribute to a whole different specie. Imagine if the dinosaurs didn't go extinct due to meteour/ volcanic eruption or some shit, dinosaurs wouldn't have to evolve into amphibians which into mammals. They would evolve and create a who different categories and if all the minute factors alligned maybe the humans woulf have evolved from dinosaurs who would look differentlo like reptilians. Science is interesting. As a brother, i would advice u to learn stuff about evolution from  youtube. Because science is very interesting and beautiful. Be thankful to be born as a human but it goes in vain if u don't understand things about this universe. And will be remain like some animal thats incapable of learning. U can believe in God and his laws of physics that are so fine tuned that they create such life. Universe has its own laws on which it processes.
All i would say is, don't be blinded by any belief. If ur belief is true, it would never stop u from questioning it.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,739 points
Livegore at present is filled with insecure trolls who are not funny. Livegore was much funny a year ago when i came. It was also very gorey than now. But the users were more reasonable than now. I had friends like @Orbital-Trails @AssholDikSquire @Troglodyte Look at troglodyte's pfp. Thats a neanderthal. It may look like an ape to u but its early form of humans.
tommyxxx Beginner 133 points
Mommy got boobs
0 votes
Feb 1