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(no gore) Hello @cupidangelica wanna try some?
That's just my second time joking another user, i know i still need to get better.
11,112 views 2 days ago

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cupidangelica 55 points
Obviously you wanna try it since you really had to find this vid and mention me, no wonder your weird you be watching weird shit, now I could tell why you look like ass your whole face was Barried into that shit
+2 votes
2 days ago
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points
Hahahaha this means you.. accepted it?
cupidangelica 55 points
Nobody said that. Your weird asf I know you ate stank ass before and enjoyed it
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points
Hahahahaha you're very amusing.
cupidangelica 55 points
Enjoy shitting your pants
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points
I let you scrub your ass on my face if you let me do it too to you. Kinda fair right?
cupidangelica 55 points
You see the shit I’m talking about???? Your mad weird
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points
Oh, i forgot. Only if you're a real woman.
cupidangelica 55 points
At this point your ass at arguing just shut up plus half of your comments are about eating ass idk if you have a fetish or some shit but you need to get your bum ass to the mental hospital because you really do need it
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points
Hahahahahahaha i think i'll like you.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
Why do you have a brown sandnigger wearing blue contacts as your profile picture? Wannabe Aryan.

cupidangelica 55 points
Bitch shut the fuck up because these are natural eyes, your delusional and mentally ill  head ass has never seen a different race but only white
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
That’s not your picture. She’s clearly wearing colored contacts. Which a lot of you brown sandniggers do to hide your basic black eyes.

cupidangelica 55 points
If it is my picture or if it is not, diversity is not about looks but about race and their uniqueness, theirs so much white girls that have brown hair and brown eyes but your showing the ones with colors and the “diversity” you showed, you literally tried to nit pick certain types to make it seem like theirs no diversity in it but of course your dumass does not have a education so your ass doesn’t even know the definition you stupid shit
cupidangelica 55 points
And shut your dumbass up, I bet you look like shit, even if IM wearing contacts it doesn’t make a difference I still have a better face then your uglyass
cupidangelica 55 points
And you stay being weird.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
Most whites have hazel eyes. It’s rare they have brown. You shitskins have shit-colored skin & shit-colored eyes. Your unfortunate genetics can only yield brown/black eyes. That’s why you all wear fake colored contacts. Except some Iraqis & most Afghans who actually have pale skin & hazel green eyes. “And you stay being weird” stop talking like a Mexican beaner who fucks niggers, Mohammada.
El tío loco Beginner 161 points
For cupiangelica You have nothing else to say other than saying insults in an outrageous way to defend yourself. And you take goregod seriously, which is one of the best things. You even go to the trouble of putting your face as if it were a social media page.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cupidangelica shut up Muslim.
cupidangelica 55 points
Just woke up and y’all bitchest still talking  and shut up fatass
cupidangelica 55 points
Who tf are you to talk??? Is that you or your fucking pfp, no so shut your fatass up and go loose weight
cupidangelica 55 points
I don’t give 2 fucks if that’s ME in my pfp or NOT me in my pfp  plus how would you know when your stuck in one country and never traveled the world, you can’t say most white people have hazel eyes when your stuck in a country that’s in a war zone rn
cupidangelica 55 points
It’s not about the color of eyes or hair but about the face bitch u look like an ugly as goblin but with blue eyes and blonde hair, are you still attractive? No. Plus are you fucking dumb Iraqis and afghans are literally Arabs you saying some of them have different eye colors your basically calling me right and saying some Arabs have colored eyes, this is what happens when your autistic
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
There are shit-brown Arabs & pale white Arabs with European genetics. The ones with pale skin & colorful eyes are mixed with white you hijab retard. Most of you have black-colored eyes & hide them with blue contacts to feel less ugly. Just like the Pinterest brown sandnigger in your picture.
cupidangelica 55 points
You fucking dumbass their no European  genetics in them, is like saying a white person with brown eyes has Arab genetics, omfg I get it your school got bombed but you still need a education, plus the pfp still eats unlike your emo shitty ass one
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
You’re definitely living in America by the way you talk. Using phrases only American niggers & beaners say. Just go back to your hijab country & learn how to speak proper.
cupidangelica 55 points
Bitch theirs something called the internet and just go back to your bombed school and learn more education because your vocabulary is so cringey and shitty
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
It’s spelled *there’s* You have shitty grammar & you talk like a ghetto African nigger. Go wash your smelly dirty hijab & your smelly dirty brown asshole. Migrate back to your stinky country to your camel gangrapists. At least i’m actually in my own country. Funny because millions of you sandniggers fled the Middle East to Russia, East Europe, UK & USA. Why do you shitskins always infest the white countries instead of staying in your own? You’re one of the reasons why #SaveEurope exists. Your men are looking for Slavic girls to rape & breed that’s why they leave the Middle East. Go home.
cupidangelica 55 points
Bitch we explore the world we’re not broke asf and stinking and rotting in our rooms plus you should be the one to least talk about grammar because all your fucking comments have a grammar, and plz bye because you fucking country is suicidal it’s slowly dying out, so stay in your war zone country and that filthy ass disgusting shit room of yours because all you can mention is rape like your people don’t do that shit with your disgusting micro penis that’s the size of a ant, plus don’t your people be infesting Dubai in the UAE, or Saudi Arabia??? LMAOO it’s all over the internet babes
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
We explore the world lmaooo your men stone you bitches to death when you step outside without your hijab like you’re all still living in the medieval ages. That’s why you hijabs all leave your country. And the Russians who go to Dubai are the arabfucker bimbos with swollen lip filler who suck brown dick apparently i guess. My grammar is perfect English so idk what the fuck you’re talking about. You bitches talk just like nigger it’s sad but i’m not surprised. The way you talk will attract more hood niggers than your own kind. That’s another reason why your men don’t want any of you. Clean that disgusting mouth.
cupidangelica 55 points
You should be the least one to talk about medieval ages bitch y’all dress like one with that fucking ugly ass culture and you just tryna make fun of your own people that be going to Arab countries like just admit it they WANT to go to it, and bitch your grammar of English is a fucking 2 year old you so little as fuck, go fuck you mom and do incest shit you nasty ass Peace of filth, you should talk about your own women marrying more men outside your country then inside LMAOO not even your own wants you so just shut the fuck and go clean your room because I know it smells disgusting in their
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
Your men rape camels & goats. Your brown piece of shit dad Mohammad watches little white girl porn. And you are all the main reason behind #SaveEurope. Millions of you infesting white countries because yours is a filthy shit show, stoning each other to death at this day & age. You hijabs look like stupid brown nuns covering & sexualizing hair, wearing blue contacts to appear more white. What a sad mindset.
cupidangelica 55 points
Bitch stay mad and i know that in your little faggot mindset you think they rape camels and goats when bitch your just talking out your ass rn, you sexualize everything, you think your own women wants you when most of them marry out their country like bitch that’s sad to see, you also  include were infesting but as I said theirs millions of your kinds in the Uae,Saudi,Qatar and many more Arab countries and the fact that your also sexualizing nun and theirs so many nuns in Russia concludes your a fucking disgusting pig that is dumb asf and just because we where eye contacts does not mean we want to be you omfg your literally saying if you dye your hair black your trying to be Arab, your so fucking dumb dw I’ll make a go fund me page for your education you dumb shit
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
You all look pitiful in your fake contacts. And everyone knows they’re not real. You all hide your ugly pitch black evil eyes. Thank God I have hazel eyes.

cupidangelica 55 points
She still looks stunning and actually has a unique face features unlike you bald bitches that all look the same,nobody wants to be y’all your so fucking retarded as I SAID it’s like saying if you die your hair black your officially Arab, like how many times I’m gonna say this???
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
Just admit that your black colored eyes are ugly & undesireable & you wish you had beautiful hazel amber eyes like me bitch. I wonder who wears fake ass contacts more, Asians or Sand Niggers? It’s sad being so ugly & insecure you can’t step outside without shoving those blue contacts into your basic dark black eyes lol. Imagine being so desperate to be perceived with fake blue contacts just to feel somewhat attractive. How typical of you camel fuckers. Bitch we all know they’re fake what’s the point of wearing them then. Oh yeah because brown/black eyes are basic & ugly.
cupidangelica 55 points
just admit you have no culture, no diversity and no girls and your just a basic white faggot that’s sad not even girls from his country want him, I bet you have brown eyes and you claim it to be hazel, like your fucking ugly and lonely unlike every other race we have unique features while you staying depressed and ugly hoping your eyes are going to give you girls when in reality it’s not, your facial features. Are fucking ugly I know u look like a goblin and think saying hazel eyes will make you stunning , and plus what’s the point of having a pfp with black hair??? Omg you SO want to be us go ahead and take that pfp out for me cause the hair is black, your Russian so change your pfp to a blond hair
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
Коричневая кусок дерьма.
cupidangelica 55 points
وجهك مليء بالاشمئزاز، اذهبي وانهئي نفسك مثل الكلبة البيضاء التي أنت عليها
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cupidangelica that's a lie, most Muslims don't wanna explore, most wanna get out of their corrupt poor ass country to go to a better country and eventually get a job. Muslim people are the poorest race in the world. Bitch here acting all inspirational go to different places because they love traveling the world. Haha
cupidangelica 55 points
Bitch shut the fuck up because it be YOUR PEOPLE that be going to Dubai you fucking corrupted ass brain of course you believe that they just want to leave not explore because your brain is so fucking brain rotted into the internet
cupidangelica 55 points
Fucking faggot  of course you would think that because probably your mom ended up doing that shit
cupidangelica 55 points
And oh my fucking god this is what I mean when white people are so fucking dome, Muslim is not a Race is a religion u fucking Dumass, go beat your meat to men
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
You really thought of me as a gay guy? bitch I would never, bitch idgaf where you come from, I just hate loud talkative bitches who like to attack men, so I'm here to put them in their place, and one example is you, you smelly female Muslim rat.
cupidangelica 55 points
LMAO BITCH IT SAYS IN UR WALL that u thought she was a female and u STILL said follow me back LMAOO and bitch u ain’t putting nobody in their place what you need to do is get put in your place and that’s the mental hospital
cupidangelica 55 points
Your desperate for a women to suck ur one inch shi your disgusting
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
You need to go to a mental hospital or get whipped in your pajeet ass with a cable or a stick. You are the dirtiest mouthtalker, I'll gladly put you in your place like an educated woman should act.
cupidangelica 55 points
Bit hey go look for a  men to fuck you gay ass peace of shit and ur just repeating the shit I already told u to do LMAO be original
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
You're not original either, you just keep regurgitating shit like calling people fatty, or for people to go to the gym and lose weight, did I really trigger you just by calling you a dirty pajeet, and that you stink, and that you should get stoned to death? I mean you're the same shit as us bitch.
cupidangelica 55 points
Did I offend u for saying your mother doesn’t love u, you smell like shit and that your a faggot??? LMAO, plus I repeat things because their facts and not a lie, your mother doesn’t like you and I think you should just end yourself babes and that’s a fact
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
@cupidangelica vs squad of sigma boys xd
cupidangelica 55 points
Sigma sigma sigma sigma sigma
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Sigma boy, sigma boy, sigma boy
cupidangelica 55 points
Sigma girl sigma girl sigma girl
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
What is sigma?
cupidangelica 55 points
Girl idek
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
but it sounds fun xd sigma boy
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Your attacking is so weak, it's laughable. A woman can never make this strong man collapse. Never, everything that you say sounds like a rebellious young stupid girl. Girl you are just a small ant to me. That's all you are, a small Muslim ant.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
WUAJAJAJAJJA Attacked out of nowhere xD chill out
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Signs of a uneducated bitch, plus says that we need to be educated. Lmao
cupidangelica 55 points
This shit is so corny WHAT STRONG MAN LMAO the type to fin out he has a trans gf and still be with her u faggot your so corny
cupidangelica 55 points
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Ok little friend have some juice
cupidangelica 55 points
Still saying the same shit I’m saying
cupidangelica 55 points
Thank u حبيبتي
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
You want to date a transgender, but you're religion doesn't Becuase if you did that, they will hang you in a street post. I don't like transgenders, they creep me out, your roasting is getting weaker and weaker, you lost loser girl plus your Muslim to make it worse.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Where did the Muslim and transgender thing come from? I need context
cupidangelica 55 points
Even, if my religion was against it I would not but I know a fag that would and that’s u, u horny peace of shit
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cutebunny she is just making shit up, she has autism and she is bipolar.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
You sound like a liberal.
cupidangelica 55 points
Are u fucking sped u obviously brung that shit up u fag
cupidangelica 55 points
It came from his brain, I been telling people he needs to be going t the mental hospital
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Me with my bipolarity, depression and anger issues in a corner of the comments...
cupidangelica 55 points
My bad bookie
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Be quiet bitch, you are the gasoline of the fight, and we are the fire, we were all good here until you came here and started to add the fuel to the fire. A stupid and autistic Muslim woman will always be a loser.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
but being in a psychiatric hospital isn't so bad xd
cupidangelica 55 points
Omfg shut the fuck up your not in a anime you need to calm your special ed head ass down
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
He's just chattering
cupidangelica 55 points
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Too much anime has already fried his brain, and seeing lots of 2D breasts has distorted reality for him to believe himself an alpha sigma boy.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Both of you hoes can suck a BBC and die.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Go watch anime, it's the only safe place you have left from this reality, because you and I both know there's no place for people like you, you think putting on a sukuna icon will make you feel powerful, saying rude things and making people feel bad for a website will make you feel more confident about yourself and thus cope with your bitter reality locked in your room, while the only female contact will be through a screen, where there will only be 2d breasts
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
My God... this was one of the stupidest conversations/fights I have ever read : )) I don't really know how I mustered the patience to go through it up until the very end, but I did. I guess the alternative would have been watching other meaningless 5 "gore" videos. @cupidangelica, you're a really nice girl (at least aspectually). Never let anyone tell you otherwise : ) With or without contacts, you have really warm facial features. Now, of course, you'll never get a consensus out of people (especially this site's users), so brush it off. Those who find you attractive will continue finding you attractive no matter what (despite whatever others will say) and those who don't find you attractive can't find you even less attractive regardless. They are right in one aspect, though: it's your fault for feeding this conversation. You should have stopped a long time ago. Vox clamantis in deserto : )
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
True d:
Velvet 92 points
I didn't even read anything tbh but cool fight mortal kombet in livegore is fun
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
All worthless whores lmao. Nigger girl wannabe aryan and other lesbo whores immediately putting pomade on her hurt ass
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
I can't hate anyone, if none of you on this website know me or have done anything bad to me, so I can't really take hate seriously... I just have a fun time and I'm gone
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Save your words for some other incel not for me
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
There is no need to categorize, there are people who need these words sometimes
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Well it ain't me these words are useless for me, i don't care
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
It's okay, you can go
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
First of all, we can't save our words "for some incel, NOT for you". We, at most, could save our words "for some incel, OTHER than you". Second of all, no one gives a damn about you. You're just the sort of "jump king" (if you don't know the main character in the game, look it up. That's the way I'm perceiving you) who's always nervous to get some attention. No attention will be given to you regardless. Third (and last) of all, I'm not here to smash people through comments, for most of you are already smashed under the burden of your miserable lives. It pains me seeing lonely and miserable people clinging to their self-worth by trying to make others feel miserable. You're going to lose, because you start from a disadvantaged position: you're already miserable : ) I'm here to fulfill my dark and morbid curiosity - it holds no interest to me dismembering and dismantling you. I could start dissecting your loneliness (absolutely deserved) and your almost-falling-apart life, have no doubts about that, but watching you defeating yourself is more than enough for me. Whore? Lesbian? : )) I don't know who you fought lately, but I'm guessing your opponents weren't really tough, 'cause you seem to believe these lousy insults could annoy or intimidate someone : )) I'm not lesbian, nor am I heterosexual. I don't particularly like men or women. I like humans (which I can assure you you're not a part of). Whore? I might as well be. I'm not really sure what a "whore" means to you - as you're using the same word for a woman who's screwing around and for a woman who's not screwing with you. At least in the sense you'd like to. That reminds me of a funny expression that's saying: "There are three types of women: 1. loyal - who are only fucking you, 2. whores - who are fucking everybody and 3. fucking whores - who are fucking everybody, excepting you". Rest assured, we're (and are going to stay) all "fucking whores" to you. It doesn't really matter which one of us is or ain't a whore - as none of us are "crying" on some random girl's (or guy's) wall, relating how all our partners forsook us. When the lights go out and there's no internet anymore, @BaconKing_104, you're only as lousy as the bacon you're ruling upon, for, other than that, there's no one left you're ruling over. Yourself included : )
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Words carry their weight, and one day, hopefully never, he will suffer them. But that's not my problem
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cutebunny is serial experiments lain a good anime?
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Well hell yeah, and monster is a good anime too!
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
but each to his own tastes
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
I watched monster, monster is such a dark and good anime. Johan is a terrifying villain and also feel bad for all the bad that happened to tenma.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Tenme just wanted to be a good person saving a child's life, it's considered the butterfly effect xd
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
I wanna watch serial experiments lain but they don't have it in Crunchyroll roll.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
There are several pirate websites out there, I watch most of the anime on pirate platforms xd
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Tenma is a role model of a person, they shot Johan who created all the pain and suffering twice in the anime and tenma saved his life twice with surgery. I really do love the mental strength Tenma has.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
How many episodes does lain have?
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Tenma even if he wants to, he can't be a bad person, he just wanted to stop Johan, not kill him xd
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Tenma has morals while Johan is sort of a nihilist. Both are the polar opposites
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
13 episodes but it is a very deep anime
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Oh okay got it thanks. And I do like deep philosophical animes. I like to question things you know.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Yes, but the idea of Johan committing a "perfect suicide" makes me feel a little sorry, that's his personality, wanting to die without anyone even knowing who he was and in the process killing everyone who knew him, is tragic and twisted.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Me too, me too, I also like to question people and why their attitude, the way they act behind a screen, is because something in their life is not going well, or something in them is not working as it should...
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl You probably read your comment 10 times over and over, thinking you owned me, but i could not give a single fuck, this is all funny to me, i am having tons of fun. You are literally the depiction of the girl in my bio, and it's fucking hilarious. Also, you sound like you're pansexual, which is... well, ew, thats all i can say. "Dark Crystal Girl", lmao... fuck off
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Nope. I'm not in the habit of doing whatever it is that you're doing, @BaconKing_104. I also didn't read your bio, nor am I inclined to do so. I just read your conversation from Ghost & König's Slut's wall. I also don't think I owned you. I don't think anybody owns you - nor do you own anybody.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
I am not talking to you fucking idiot
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
I know, I just realized ajsjjajsja
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Whatever you said i doesn't make sense. That's how smart you are. And by the way, i never asked/expected you to read it. I just mentioned the fact you sound like it. And as owned i didn't mean literally owning as in property. Wake the fuck up.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Shshhshsh okay, shhhhh
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Well, that's funny, because it was a play on words. I wouldn't have imagined you wouldn't realize that and you'd think I'm not aware of what "owning" means in the context you used it : )) And I'm pretty sure what I said made perfect sense, but now, finding out you're not really the brightest cookie in the jar, I'm starting second-guessing myself and I'm not feeling that comfortable anymore. I'm having the feeling I should have been more explicit and I shouldn't have assumed the meaning of my affirmations would be that obvious to everybody. My fault.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cutebunny Kinderheim and that evil German guy, made the monster that Johan became.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
If you really feel so cool arguing with other people in a language you are perfectly fine with, then maybe you want to be coherent and let me argue with you in italian? Because if i didn't understand it's only cause you used words in a way which isn't really familiar for me, given that i never went to english school and what i know about english i learned it from myself just by staying on the internet. You're a hypocrite.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
We could say that her karma caught up with her in the end, even Viera herself told her that her children would take revenge in her place.
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Well, that is ok, @BaconKing_104. English ain't my primary language either. You can speak italian, I can speak romanian, if you want. But it ain't my fault you're wasting a lot of time on a site where people are speaking in english, yet, instead of trying to learn it a little bit better, you choose to be insufferable : )
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Well how did you learn it? You're implying that you have learned it properly somewhere, so it doesn't really change much. And yes i choose to be insufferable : ) my english level is fine as for the situation i am in now. I don't need to know it better at the moment
cupidangelica 55 points
I didn’t see this comment but tysm btw, I for did feed into the conversation but it’s like bitches everywhere always has some shit to say but thank you mhhhhh
cupidangelica 55 points
Finally someone said it he really just be watching anime porn and it really has controlled his brain I honestly feel bad but that’s his problem he can keep watching weird shi and become more Brain fried
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
We studied it in school, but we also studied french in school, and I'm unable to speak french. Internet and television taught me english and, because I argued with lots and lots of people during all this time, I got pretty good at it. But it rather depends where you're choosing to focus your attention, I guess. Trying to bully and make people feel awful and inferior won't help you learn english. It will simply make you repeat the same slurs over and over again, because you're getting hooked into this addiction where each and every moment you're offending (or at least when you're feeling like you have offended) someone gives you the much needed dose of fictitious superiority (or, at least, normality).
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Enjoy the internet, really, enjoy the internet you disgusting filthy bitch because you know, and i know, and everybody in this website knows that you would not say a single word to any of us in real life because you would either get instantly beaten to a pulp, raped, or both. You can say whatever you want now "gne gne gne you're just an incel loser no one is scared of you" but truth is i am a male and you're just a bitch so me and every other guy here would make you bite the fucking curb. Useless shitskin trash
cupidangelica 55 points
Bitch shut the fuck up and go fix your grammar hoe, your English is shit
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
That might be true, @BaconKing_104, but when your only standing argument is "I am more powerful than you (physically)", you already lost the ideologic battle. First of all because you'd be in the same situation, if you'd confront a group more powerful than you (or the law etc). Second of all because, yes, you're certainly advantaged in real life, yet, you see, we're not confronting each other in real life : ) And here there's nothing you can do to me and I'm the one pinning you down - as you're not more skillful than me in words or ideas. So, in the end, it's your fault for fighting me where I have the high-ground. Not a very smart choice, ain't it? : )
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalFried i never hated people this much lol, me being on the internet is older than me "insulting everyone" also, no, i am not always insulting everyone anyways. It's not like there's always only livegore on my computer, i watch a lot of videos, talk with a lot of people and play videogames where i can socialize and make friends, so you're completely wrong. Everything else you said about me getting my dose of superiority doesn't really matter, it's all bullshit that only someone like you could say, only thing i can say is that its very hypocritical for you to accuse me of something like that while you also 100% get extreme dopamine rushes from commenting and thinking you defeated me or something. Stay delusional you mentally ill, all loving repulsive sow.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl I wasn't talking to you in that other comment, i forgot to mention the other maggot. But anyways, could you kindly explain to me how in the fuck are you supposedly "pinning me down" with your "more skillful words and ideas"? lmfao
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
But I don't get dopamine rushes from crushing you (or others), @BaconKing_104 : )) For me it's so easy and trivial to win arguments - you can't even imagine. Surely, I'd get a dopamine rush from winning against someone smarter than me. Against someone calmer. But from winning against you or others like you? : )) You've got to be kidding me.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica shut the fuck up and go make me a sandwich you're all bark no bite, you're very lucky you're behind a screen, worthless whore
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Ah, ok. My fault, then. But the idea stil stands.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl again, all worthless talk since you didn't win 2 shits.
cupidangelica 55 points
Your videos already explain the type of person you are, you start problems with people and expect to get a happy reply back, your really embarrassing from the way you talk, plus you think your superior from others when you just need to get put in your place
cupidangelica 55 points
Your just embarrassing your self because as I can see everything about you is embarrassing it really is corny
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica i don't think i am superior than anyone. the fact you mentioned my videos explains how hurt your feelings are because of them, lol.
cupidangelica 55 points
And you say “you didn’t win” like it’s a fucking video game, it’s CRINGEYYYY just for stop it cuz it’s really itching my brain every time u talk
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica even saying insults out of place now? do you even know what corny means? what exactly did i say that is corny? you talk about my english but for fuck's sake my cat's diarrhea is twice as smart as you
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
That's because even winning brings nothing to the winner in this situation. And that was the whole point. No dopamine rush, no glory, no "feeling good". Nothing. I'm just pointing out obvious faults of yours - and that doesn't bring me any joy. It's not like you're not aware of them. But, at least, unlike you, first of all I'm not starting fights with innocent people and second of all I'm not accusing them of things they're not guilty of. When you'll be able to uphold the same standards I'm upholding, yeah, maybe we'd have something to talk about : )
cupidangelica 55 points
Your videos are disturbing and it really shows what kind of person you are, and yes u do think that when in reailty your not
cupidangelica 55 points
You start fights with people and expect a happy ending your making yourself embarrassing and you obviously don’t know English because I never said you said your corny I said your replies are corny like your in a anime
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl Stop acting like it's no big deal and we have nothing to talk about while you have been replying to me for the past hour, lol. Also news flash: Just because in your eyes or in the eyes of other weird fucks like you i have "flaws" does not make it universal law.
cupidangelica 55 points
So stop assuming shit because you been doing that I every comment, next time before you press send look back to it because most of the time it’s eaither cringey or it does not make sense
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica "yOuR vIdEoS aRe DiStUrBiNg" gne gne gne cry about it
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Well, I'm simply entertaining this discussion because I think it's a good exercise for you to try and discuss with somebody without obsessively repeating "killing, raping, bitch, die" etc : )) If you got enough of that and feel the urge to regress to your usual ways, be my guest!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica once again, just because for some whore like you what i say doesn't make sense because you are mentally challenged, doesn't automatically make it true. Lots of people on here think like me, specially in this comment section, only they are smart enough to not lose time behind sows like you, unlike me.
cupidangelica 55 points
This the shit I’m talking about, you don’t know English I’m telling you your videos represent the kind of person you are, are you a fucking 2 year old, you honestly don’t know how to read and yes it does make it a universal law
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl this conversation with you is extremely satisfying for me because you think you are on another level of intelligence and that's just so embarrassing, but it also entertains me a lot because you just looked at a bunch of my comments, without realizing how often i conversate and make legit points, a lot of people on here could agree with that, even women proving also wrong your accusation of me being an incel : ) instead of talking about me constantly insulting, you should look at that friend of yours which keep spitting venom at me without being able to say something meaningful like you : )
cupidangelica 55 points
Listen to @Darkcrystalgirl comment she is really giving you amazing advices about your self that your brain rot head ass never knew you repeat the same words and I’m assuming that’s your own vocabulary u made up and plus you already lost yourself in this comment LMAO
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica how do i not know how to read? where did i "fail" you? tell me, mention where i wasn't able to read. Also, are you sure you wanna tell me i'm 2 y.o. when you just said that your opinion, which only you and other people agree on is "universal law"? likw, no it fucking isn"t?!?! LMAOOO
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica still talking about winning and losing!?! you are honestly sad... and lol your little brain probably can't keep up with our longer comments, otherwise you would have noticed that she didn't own me at all, lol.
cupidangelica 55 points
You literally said that I assumed that you said “its corny” to idek but I literally said your vocabulary is corny, you cannot read
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica it's almost the same.... but anyways, this proves to me again how fucking retarded you are, dragging something meaningless comment after comment because you don't even fucking know what planet we are on and what to say to me. Yes i insult a lot but i am able to conversate normally, but you? Shiiiit, your dad must have beaten you really hard for you to be so..... dumb.
cupidangelica 55 points
Keep stuttering on text, you still speak shit English and you saying I dragged the comment but look at you now you did the same thing LMAO
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
I am on another level of intelligence, @BaconKing_104, but that's not the point. Intelligence is only your cognitive ability to reason on certain domains. Intelligence has vast applications, indeed, but intelligence is not everything. I belong to an organisation composed of the 2% people with the highest IQs in the world. I saw a lot of things there and, if before being accepted in that organisation, I believed intelligence is everything, now I don't think the same way. First of all I saw colleagues of mine writing extremely poorly. Being intelligent and knowing grammar (in your native language, not in another) are not connected. Being intelligent and being smart are not connected either. But, most of all, being intelligent and being wise have nothing in common (and that applies to me too, for I'm not wise). Only extremely intelligent : ) And I also saw that intelligent people tend to be malicious, poisonous and spiteful. But at least I know they're spiteful because of their overinflated egos. You're spiteful because you're lonely. And you're lonely because you're hateful and you think degrading others helps you. It doesn't : ) The only thing it will bring you is suffering and misery (as I was saying in my first comment to you). Let people live their lives and you'll get to live your life too. Try bashing others and you'll get bashed in the end. Being in a constant fight with others can't possibly alleviate your suffering. I'm saying these things not as a "smart" person, but, more likely, as a psychologist (even if I don't profess as one for over 13 years now). That doesn't mean my ability to read and understand humans became crippled in the meantime. You can tell me whatever you'd like, but the truth of the matter remains the same. I'll wish you a good night (at least for me it's close to midnight) and, despite the fact we were on opposing positions today, I'm not your enemy (nor am I your friend). I'm just a person who thinks people should be better, but I'm not expecting people to get better on their own. I think they need to be helped. Sometimes you have to scream at them, sometimes you have to be authoritarian, but you have to understand when it's ok to talk to them as human beings. Healing is a very delicate process and it takes time, so you're confident they won't be opened from the beginning. There's no problem. I'm sure we'll see each other in another comment section in the nearby future : )
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@cupidangelica of course i..... i had to answer to you...?!?!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl i really, REALLY would love to know who you think you are. I can gladly whipe my ass with your supposed "intelligence" (you being able to make some meaningful points, thing that anyone can do just by focusing for a brief moment, doesn't mean you are more intelligent) Yes, you know what? Alright, you're right, i am lonely, i fucking am. Besides my family, and 3 good friends, i got no one. And you're right, it's all my fault if i am lonely, because i hate almost everyone, literally, so of course, not only i get nothing in return, i get what i gave first. You think you can give me a lecture? make me aware? you're not making me aware of anything, i've dealt with shrinks like you before, i know everything about myself, i don't need anyone qualified, and GOD damn, so intelligent to tell ME about MYSELF. I know that hating others doesn't help, and not only I know, but i am the only one to know how much it hurts to wake up every single day of my life and hating everyone. You and your so much great intelligence will probably think that i hate everyone because i am close minded, because i am ignorant, just some poor bastard who hates because has no values at all. Well i'm not like that, and not you, not anyone else besides god knows how much i wish i could live an easier life and not hating everyone i come across with in any situation. But now it's not the time to tell everyone about why and how i hate, since this is after all a public comment section, and even one filled with fucking retards, and i don't wanna let everyone know about my boring life full of nothing (not that i give a single fuck about the whole matter anymore aswell, i don't need to tell anyone anything about myself besides you, since you seem to be, yes, i'd admit, a little smarter than the average, and willing to make valid points) but, yes, you are right about everything you said regarding my hate and manners, but guess what? I don't care. It's not that i don't care about what you said, but i don't care about me being like this, i don't care about it bringing suffering to me. I just want to keep doing it, because i have nothing left in my life, i have absolutely nothing at all left. I want to hate as much as possible, i want to do as much harm as possible, and i will, i will do everything in my power in order to grow up as a monster, to degrade myself and become always more evil, always more full of hate, and i want to ruin as many lives as possible, i wish nothing more from my life, i want to inflict pain, i hate, i fucking hate, seeing others happy while i am not, i fucking hate it, and i will do everything humanly possible to drag as many people as possible into this rabbit hole with me. That's so fucking cowardly, isn't it? Only a coward would do something like this, an utterly pathetic loser, a lonely bastard which got nothing from his life so he now feels like he has the right to ruin everyone's life, a bastard like this should be killed and left to rot by himself and his psychological madness in hell forever, right? There, i said it for you, i said it for everyone i have hurt already and for the tens of dozens of people i will hurt even worse in the future. Now what? What are you going to do to me? What are you going to tell me? What kind of attack are you going to do towards me? You can't do anything, because i admitted my previously denied flaws which you have been pointing out since the beginning of this conversation. You were a shrink, right? Then you know that for scum like me there's not much to do if not trying to hurt our ego like you knowingly did with your previous answers. What will you do now? You can choose to keep trying to degrade me and highlight more and more about how much of a fucking spineless coward i am, but it will change nothing, because in the end, i will never EVER change, and fact is, a lot, a shit ton of people will unfairly suffer because of me, and that's all that matters. That's the whole, only reason as to why i am hated, as to why we began to discuss. I am hated because i hate first, and i harm, i harm a lot, we discussed because you were trying to point that out. But in the end, there is absolutely nothing in the whole world you, or anyone else can do to stop someone like me from doing harm.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
He is just a poor baby after all (no offense)
cupidangelica 55 points
I’m not reading allat LMAO your buggin if you think I’m reading that shit
cupidangelica 55 points
Milky milky
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
But It's tender and sad
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
If you notice, i mentioned someone else, not you, not the fucking rabbit. Dumb as fuck like usual.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Oh sorry, my bad
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Honestly, @BaconKing_104, I wasn't expecting you to reply (most of all because I stated I was going to sleep - which I sort of did, but I wasn't asleep when my phone buzzed with the email notifying me of your reply). Well... I have to say that I think you had to muster some courage to write what you wrote - and I appreciate and congratulate you for that. Moreover because you did it in public, not somewhere where nobody else besides me could have seen you. I have no intention of "degrading" you for what you admitted, as, first of all, it would be extremely rude of me to do so, second of all it would be counterproductive - as you getting open is EXACTLY what I'm pursuing and me, being cynical would do nothing else than closing you up, and third of all because it would really be hypocritical (this would be hypocritical, not what you held against me before, when you called me a hypocrite) of me to tell you to try understanding people and then not understanding you myself : ) Accepting you're having a problem is the first and the most important step you can take when being faced with said problem. I am not a shrink. I am a psychologist. When a person has mental issues, they either arise from an erroneous judgement (like when someone is being jealous because (s)he tends to believe certain things) - this is a problem a psychologist deals with (meaning when the issue is rooted in the cognitive perception) - or from a chemical imbalance in the brain - this is a problem a shrink (psychiatrist) deals with. If your problem is of chemical nature, it's meaningless for a psychologist to talk to you, because that/those substance(s) imbalance(s) render(s) you unable to have control over yourself. If that's the case, the shrink prescribes you the necessary medicine to correct that imbalance. You might get better (if that was your only problem), you might not. If you're still not better after the treatment, than the shrink appoints you to the psychologist. And now, that you dealt with your chemical problems, the psychologist can start his/her process regarding your cognition and the way you're seeing things. Now: I have no idea if you're chemically imbalanced or not. From my understanding of your situation, it seems to me like you're not. I'm not quite sure what happened to you, but it seems to me you were abandoned (perhaps) or simply not accepted. Or both. If you got dumped, you'll have to think about YOUR fault in that regard. I'm not saying it's ONLY YOUR fault. When a break-up happens, each one of the partners, usually, has a fault of his/her own. Sometimes that's not the case - like when someone does all (s)he can to keep the relationship alive, but the other person doesn't give a damn and puts him/herself first always. If that's the case, well... you'd better have learned by now that one of the things you crave for is a partner and that when you're putting "yourself" first, you're, really, sabotaging yourself, because you're forgetting to care about your relationship - which is detrimental for you. If that's not the case and it was a common fault, you'd better focus on what were YOUR faults - before starting thinking it was PURELY HER fault. 'cause her fault, really, ain't important to you anymore. It's what you're doing wrong that you should address. Now, even if, let's say (but I'm pretty sure this ain't the case either) it was SOLELY HER fault, you being dumped by "a bitch" doesn't make all women bitches : ) I was dumped too in my youth, but I didn't start believing all men are assholes (and, no, before you start questioning me about that, that's not the reason I got into girls as well. I always liked "humans", like I told you). My mentality was "I am the best and, if he chose to leave me, that's going to be his lose". And it was. At least in my mind. I kept steady and went on to the next person I met. Casually, organically. Not rushed, not dating out of frustration or revenge. So there's no way you can't identify elements other people (women, mostly) are not ok with in you. You can't simply manifest without any regard for the person next to you and expect (s)he's going to be ok with that. Let's say you like watching people suffering. Maybe you'll tell her again and again about that. Maybe she doesn't want to hear about that. Maybe you'll be like "Okay, but I'm not harming you and I wouldn't like to see you harmed. So why are you denying me the pleasure of telling you what I'd like to see others going through?". But you, in fact, ARE harming her simply by dragging her in a subject she's not comfortable with : ) I only gave you a random example. I don't know if you do that or not - nor do I care. What is important is that you must make concessions in a relationship. That's, of course, if you really care about that relationship. Perhaps you don't care about it that much when you have it, but, as you can see, you're longing for it when you don't have it anymore. "It hurts waking up every morning and not having anyone". So, maybe, try doing something to have someone. I'm adamant that you can't find yourself at a point in time where (and when) you crossed a capital boundary and you're beyond redemption. Regarding what you wrote about wanting to cause as much suffering to others... I will plainly disregard that, as I'm seeing it as a cry for help and it really didn't strike me as you wanting to do those things : ) I'm pretty sure you'd rather have a happy life and forgetting about this vindicative path than following it and gaining nothing. Otherwise you'd have already grab a gun, started a mass shooting and killed yourself. But there's no point in that, is it? : ) I don't think you're stupid and I don't think you're evil. I think you're a sad human being who got deceptioned (more or less through his own faults) and now chooses to hide beside this facade of harmful "monster" : ) But being a monster ain't a shield - especially when no one's really attacking you.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
Not trying to be the stalker here but.. @BaconKing_104 hug me you broken bastard I hate that you feel like I do
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Damn! I purposely left you out, Ghost & König's Slut, by not highlighting you earlier, when I mentioned your wall, but... life is life. You found your way in here somehow ^_^

L.E.: Disregard that. Apparently I don't know how to highlight you anyway : ))
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl Well thanks for the free therapy session which i didn't need. I wouldn't want to continue this because we already reached a point where the discussion can be considered over, at least if we only consider the initial topic. So i will limit myself to saying that you're wrong about me in your comment. Not that you care, i know you don't, i didn't expect you to, but most importantly, as i stated twice, i don't need you to. No i don't consider all women bitches, i said this before aswell, i am not some touch starved incel, because if i wanted, i could get the love i want (absolutely not boasting, just stating once again that as of right now and only right now, it's all in my hands, and it's my fault if i am alone). Second thing, no, that is not a cry for help, as i really don't care anymore. Yes i do kind of care because like you stated, if i 100% didn't, i would have done something already, but i am still waiting. The point is, waiting for what? Well i am certainly not waiting for love anymore. As i said, i wanna become as worse as i can. And that happens to overlap with some thing i would have always wanted to achieve in life nonetheless, desire to hate or not. I am still waiting because i know i have tons of potential which i can use in many (mostly harmful) ways, and i don't wanna waste them by doing something radical right now. As much as you seeing that as a "cry for help" no you're wrong there aswell. As i already said before, i know that ultimately, in the end, it is all up to me. It's something only i can work on and in the end change. The cry for help thing would make sense if anyone could have even the slightest possibility to do something in my place. But in this case? No. Maybe internally, something inside of me craved words of comfort and hope that perhaps there is more than darkness to my pitiful life which i chose to follow, going against everything which i originally was and believed in. But it still remains something very internal and deep, which i will never allow to come out ever again. It's not a risk i am willing to take again, and in complete honesty, not something i am interested in pursuing anymore. But not only pursuing, because even if a perfect soulmate came to my door tomorrow, i would still reject it and choose to torture myself for the time i have left. There's more things i could say, very important things, to back up the fact that this is not a cry for help and i wanna keep distancing myself from what i know i need, but i am not willing to say a single more word about it, as you shrinks know how we work, are sneaky bastards, and therefore you could picture a lot about me without me even realizing. (anyways, sorry but i will keep calling you shrink even if that is apparently meant for psychiatrists and not psychologists, i don't really care about it, there's not too much difference) Last point- since when being a monster is required only when being attacked?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@GhosteKonigslut well it doesn't bother me haha. You're always by my side... it is so good having someone who feels like me. So damn good.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl P.S. forgive me for repeating myself but its 1 am here basically, my brain became much slower.
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Clearly you put a lot of spirit in denying that "cry for help", @BeaconKing_104 : P It's ok, you can call me a shrink, that doesn't matter. I just wanted to let you know there's a difference. As long as you got it, my job was done successfully, so calling me that makes no difference to me whatsoever. Indeed, you don't have to be a monster only in a defensive sense, but "monsterhood" usually arises from being hurt in some way or another and making some tenebrous amendments with yourself from that point on. However, you're wrong when thinking monsters and darkness share some commonality. Monsters who shroud themselves in darkness, where everybody knows they live, aren't so dangerous. The most intelligent and perilous monsters live within the light : )
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
@BaconKing_104 of course, love. And go to sleep! Get your rest for another shitty day of life, an stay safe for me kay. Prayin' for ya :3
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cutebunny that conversation was for that other girl, I'm cool with you since you like anime too.
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
What do you mean, @Sakuna ? You mean you DON'T like ME? : D I like anime too, just so you know. It's just that I like more mainstream anime: Naruto, Death Note, Rurouni Kenshin.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cute bunny yes I remember the mom had to choose which one of her kids goes with Bonaparte. Is such a fucked up situation in my opinion.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
I was talking with Cute bunny, but she didn't respond, me too, I like anime and watch a lot of anime too. Naruto and death note I did watch. My favourite anime is bleach.
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Never watched Bleach - even if I heard of it lots of times and it was recommended to me often. My favorite is Rurouni Kenshin.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
Never heard of that anime, but it sounds interesting, right now I'm watching guren lagen with my sibling.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Yeah, johan was just a victim...and part of a horrible experiment
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
I'll talk later coming back
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Okok ^^
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
@DarkCrystalGirl I love that anime too! I'd totally get fckd by Makoto Shishio and Kenshin Himura Have ya ever seen Inuyasha?? Watch it! It's my #1 fav anime
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
i ain’t reading all that shii.
cupidangelica 55 points
Wait, u said u were Russian right??
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
Go work out instead, Tachanka, get fuckin' ripped :3
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
Yeah, he's a Russian boy
cupidangelica 55 points
I was Finns start singing sigma sigma boy sigma boy sigma boy since it was made in russia but he ain’t here
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
Solo Leveling is a good anime too I'm reading the manga now ^^
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Well, something we can bond over, Ghost & König's Slut : ) If you like Makoto Shishio, you're most likely Komagata Yumi type. I mean I like his mentality too (regarding the "If you let your guard down, you'll, most likely, be betrayed"), but I don't like his persona. And I certainly don't like his "If you're strong, you live - if you're weak, you die" school of though. I'm mostly aligned with Hajime Saito's ideology: "Aku Soku Zan" - "To slain evil immediately". Other than that... I'd totally get fucked by Kenshin and Soujiro (when he's getting older). And I also like Megumi's cunningness : P
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
Каждая девчонка хочет танцевать с тобой
cupidangelica 55 points
Sigma sigma boy sigma boy sigma boy
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
@DarkCrystalGirl I believe in Hajime's ideology as well with a mixture of Shisho's teachings. But anyway, have you ever seen Inuyasha? I think you will enjoy. It's one of the first anime's I've seen and ultimately became my favorite. But that's not saying much since I've only seen maybe 5 animes in my life. I don't really consider myself a fan or totally into it. I'm extremely picky on what I watch, most lose my interest. But give it a chance, you may fall in love with the main character especially because he somewhat almost resembles Kenshin
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
I might be mistaking, but I think Inuyasha was the anime with that demon... fox (?), dog (?) dressed in orange, if my memory serves me well. I didn't watch it, but I have a faint idea about it. Perhaps I'll give it a chance.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
I think you're talking about Shippo, but yeah he's part of it. Cool, let me know how it goes^^
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
cutebunny poor Johan, he's been through a lot of tough shit when he was a kid, it makes sense why he does what he does and acts so emotionless. My favorite quote of him is "the only time we are all equal is when we die" I have to agree with that, we truly are not equal, not everyone is the same.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
@cutebunny I love hearing solo leveling op 1, I always play it when I run at the gym.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl yes i did put a lot of effort if that's how you wanna call it because i don't want to be mistaken for something i am not, i really care about my image.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger well no one is expecting you to read it anyways. If anyone wanted your stinky comrade ass, we would have mentioned you, but as you can see, no one thought about you, not even for a second. No need to stress it out, компания! you can go back stroking it in front of putin and some perfectly white, not shitskin, pagan god
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
Monsters don't care about their images, @BaconKing_104 : ) At least those who already declared themselves as monsters and need no further disguises. Nothing matters to them any longer. They're ready to kill, to burn, to do whatever and they're just as ok with others portraying them in the worst possible ways. Cowards, malevolent, hideous, "in desperate need for help, up to the moment they're crying for it". It doesn't matter : ) Your words aspire to and embrace the statute of monster, yet your actions and your way of thinking don't align with the same goal. Good morning (which is already full-blown noon), by the way, and what a lovely morning it is! ^_^ I'm just in the mood to see someone getting drunk and throwing him/herself out of a window. Or "defenestrating" ( yeah, if you didn't know, english has a verb for "throwing someone out of a window" - "to defenestrate" : )) ) him/herself.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl more than not knowing it, i didn't know it existed in english, because we use that term in italian too, last time i heard it was like in middle school lol... anyways well you can think whatever you want about me, i'm not going around and telling everyone i am a monster, i don't pretend or want people to see me like that. You can see my words as me aspiring to be something but after all i don't really care about the labels i will get after doing what i will do only because i will feel like doing it. Also, how can you even know about my actions and what i did? Just curious, lol. But it doesn't matter too much. If i will be called a monster good, if not then good anyways. It's not a big deal. It actually makes me happy to know someone might think i am not a bad person, just as much as it gives me satisfaction being called like that after succeeding in making someone i despise suffer, so i gain something either way It's always like that, people thinking there needs to be more, there necessarily needs to be some sort of goal.
DarkCrystalGirl 14 points
But do you really have SOMEONE you're ACTUALLY despising, @BaconKing_104 ? Or is it that your disdain targets people in their entirety? If you had a gun in your hand, right now, would you know, precisely, what address to go and what door to knock at before pulling the trigger? Or would you simply get out and start shooting?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
@DarkCrystalGirl My hate isn't chaotic. Close to it the more the days pass, but still not like it. If i truly hated everyone then i wouldn't feel the need to unleash on specific groups of people, right? But if you are talking about specific individuals, a specific address to go to, yes, i do have a bunch of people, not more than 5, that i would absolutely and utterly destroy in every possible way.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
A new episode of Solo Leveling will be released next weekend, an episode that will last almost 1 hour.
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
johan is a tragic antagonist unu
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
It is tragic
Ofcnumber2 0 points
You shouldn’t be worried about eyes but about looks, y’all all look the fucking same blue eyes and white ass hair that makes you look like a alien, plus y’all facial features are the same every single one of y’all look the same, you can’t say every white person has hazel eye when your stuck in one country and thats Russia,
Ofcnumber2 0 points
Ain’t nobody gaf if that’s not me in my pfp even if it wasn't me I still won’t gaf, your a uncultured bitch that can’t do shit in their life and are you fucking dumb, Iraqis and Afghanistan are fucking Arabs your so autistic,I bet you got black ass eyes like the color of your shit plus go worry about your country that’s in war run instead of worrying about me
Ofcnumber2 0 points
But due to your emo head ass, dumb shit looking ass you don’t even know what diversity is, I know your a ugly fatass guy that’s in his house shitting on his bed
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Whoever the fuck you are, are you done crying like a little bitch? You sound so desperate and pathetic, you just created this account to say this delusional bullshit no one cares about
cupidangelica 55 points
That’s not me are u fucking okay I said those messages mad fucking long ago why the fuck would I keep on dragging it
cupidangelica 55 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Just shut the fuck up angelica that asshole of BrownShitSkinNigger made devastating points which you obviously can't even counterattack because he is right and you know it. Shut the fuck up, if you don't know what you're saying, just shut the fuck up.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 841 points
I’m fucking dead.
cupidangelica 55 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
LMAOOOO don't panic bitch
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
Awww, there little slut, don't cry, it's okay
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
"slut is crazy coming from a whore" lamest comeback in history
cupidangelica 55 points
Guess what, I don’t care
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
El tío loco Beginner 161 points
@cupidangelicaThe face only reflects imperfections if you didn't know, you stupid girl who only looks at superficial things
cupidangelica 55 points
El tío loco Beginner 161 points
I'm just answering all your nonsense that you told me
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,520 points
lmaooo she is flabbergasted by her own bullshit
kingpin Overlord 4,908 points
couple goal
+3 votes
2 days ago
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points
Saysumptin The Boss 32,227 points
Posted this because he wants this for his sextivities he can only dream about
0 votes
2 days ago
cutebunny Experienced 312 points
He is sexually repressed, he surely has a micropenis ajsjjasj
Ihatesandniggers Intermediate 1,299 points
Can you smell it?
0 votes
2 days ago
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
Your balls will be bitten hard if ya try that shit with me
+2 votes
2 days ago
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points
Hahahahaha i'll take the risk.
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
I feel like you would ripped them off out of a Man's body. Lmao
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,531 points
@Sukuna lool nahh my man's balls are still valuable to me. If I rip 'em off what else can I suck on? Excluding the steel rod of course
Sukuna Overlord 4,676 points
You're right, his cock and his balls are a woman's favorite toy, they would definitely treat it with care.
Gonzaga Famous 4,028 points