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A little rude, maybe. I will delete this comment if you find it rude Are you a Neo-Nazi?
Hey ExodusK.    
What do you think nazis?
We must realize that our most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, and that's right dark races is the lowest races of human
national homeland Jewish ancient captivity Babylonian at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar , as well as the belief of Jews that the "promised land" (Jewish name for the land of Palestine) "God had bestowed upon the children of Israel." children of Israel , this gift is eternal and unchangeable" unless they do not. They were enthusiastic about Zionism, remembering that the Promised Land and the State of Israel were not to be founded by humans as they were, but had to be built by Messiah the long-awaited

In the mid-nineteenth century two rabbis emerged, calling on the Jews to pave the way for the Messiah to establish a national homeland. The German-Jewish philosopher Moses Hess appears in his book Rome and Jerusalem and says that the Jewish problem lies in the absence of a national home for the Jewish people.

jewish is dangerous for our future, The Jewish population in Israel is about 75%
14,511,000 in April 2018, an increase from 14.41 million in 2016 imagine to gas them all just like what the Führer do. kill all jewish before it's late!
hey you! yes you we need you!

The Jews promote degeneracy to harm the European Race from the inside because it causes societal breakdown. When a society breaks down, freedom is lost because the foundations of freedom are destroyed. For instance, the law is a foundation of freedom because it is meant to protect freedom by stopping others from curtailing one's own freedom. When degeneracy sets into society, laws made to stop degeneracy are abandoned, the effect of this is to harm freedom.The Jews attempt to steer the European Race into degeneracy for this very effect, to breakdown the European Race by breaking down the Law to cause a condition of societal chaos, just as the Jews did to Russia to set up Russia for the Communist Revolution in 1917 which the Jews ran, and in Germany in 1930. The Jews plan is to incrementally assassinate the European Race so the Jews can take over the world and kill billions of people and enslave everyone else. Thus, exactly like the Jews did to Russia in 1917, but on a larger scale. In 1917, Jews from the Manhattan banking district went over to Russia to murder the Czar and his family and start the Communist Revolution where the Jews killed 100 million of the European Race, and then to hide it, the Jews fabricated the story of "6 million Jews being killed". The Jews fabricated the "6 million Jews being killed" lie way before WW2 even started, this is a documented fact with many old newspaper articles indisputably proving it.